P1786:4, 161:2.9
8. He constantly talks about God as an ever-present associate in all that he
does. He goes about doing good, for God seems to be in him. He makes the most
astounding assertions about himself and his mission on earth, statements which
would be absurd if he were not divine. He once declared, "Before Abraham was,
I am." He has definitely claimed divinity; he professes to be in partnership
with God. He well-nigh exhausts the possibilities of language in the reiteration
of his claims of intimate association with the heavenly Father. He even dares
to assert that he and the Father are one. He says that any
one who has seen him has seen the Father. And he says and does all these
tremendous things with such childlike naturalness. He alludes to his association
with the Father in the same manner that he refers to his association with us.
He seems to be so sure about God and speaks of these relations in such a matter-of-fact