Original Paragraph:
P1790:4, 162:2.1
The first afternoon that Jesus taught in the temple, a considerable company
sat listening to his words depicting the liberty of the new gospel and the joy
of those who believe the good news, when a curious listener interrupted him
to ask: "Teacher, how is it you can quote the Scriptures and teach the people
so fluently when I am told that you are untaught in the learning of the rabbis?"
Jesus replied: "No man has taught me the truths which I declare to you. And
this teaching is not mine but His who sent me. If any man really desires to
do my Father's will, he shall certainly know about my teaching, whether it be
God's or whether I speak for myself. He who speaks for himself seeks his own
glory, but when I declare the words of the Father, I thereby seek the glory
of him who sent me. But before you try to enter
into the new light, should you not rather follow the light you already have?
Moses gave you the law, yet how many of you honestly seek to fulfill its demands?
Moses in this law enjoins you, saying, `You shall not kill'; notwithstanding
this command some of you seek to kill the Son of Man."