"But some time previously" changed to "But sometime previously"
Original Paragraph:
P691:1, 60:3.2060,000,000 years ago, though the land reptiles were on the decline, the
dinosaurs continued as monarchs of the land, the lead now being taken by the
more agile and active types of the smaller leaping kangaroo varieties of the
carnivorous dinosaurs. But some time previously
there had appeared new types of the herbivorous dinosaurs, whose rapid increase
was due to the appearance of the grass family of land plants. One of these new
grass-eating dinosaurs was a true quadruped having two horns and a capelike
shoulder flange. The land type of turtle, twenty feet across, appeared as did
also the modern crocodile and true snakes of the modern type. Great changes
were also occurring among the fishes and other forms of marine life.