A Synopsis of Paper 186: Just Before the Crucifixion
The executive business of the universe nearly came to a complete halt as Gabriel and the celestial hosts observed what they termed "Pilate on trial before Jesus." When Jesus was arrested, he knew that his work in the flesh was finished. He understood the way he would die, and the details of his trial were of little concern to him. Jesus pitied Pilate and sincerely tried to enlighten him as the entire universe looked on.
Jesus was convinced that it was the will of God that the course of human events should unfold without celestial or divine interference. Jesus' love for mortals was evident in his patience in the face of the jeers and beatings of the soldiers and servants. Jesus' life was revelation of God to man, and in the final episodes of his earthly career, he made a new and touching revelation of man to God.
At about half past eight that Friday morning, Jesus was turned over to the soldiers who would crucify him.
Judas went to Caiaphas to claim his reward. Before he could enter the Sanhedrin's chamber, a servant took him aside and handed him thirty pieces of silver. Judas was stunned at this aloof treatment. He tried to go inside to speak to Caiaphas but he was refused admittance. Judas felt humiliated. Judas later saw Jesus' cross being lifted onto Golgotha from afar and was so overwhelmed that he ran back to Caiaphas' chamber. He stammered that he had sinned and had been insulted and he repented in what he had done. He threw the silver onto the floor and left. In his despair, Judas went outside the city gates and killed himself.
A detachment of temple guards went to Gethsemane to arrest the Master's followers, but they had scattered. Upon hearing that Gethsemane was empty, the Sanhedrin were satisfied that there was no further danger of an uprising. They adjourned their meeting to prepare for the Passover.
David Zebedee was the only disciple who took Jesus literally when he said he would rise again on the third day. He dismissed his messengers for the Passover, instructing them to report to him again first thing Sunday morning.
Humans, not God, planned the death of Jesus. The truth that men, by faith, can become spirit-conscious children of God does not depend on the death of Jesus. Mortals are the children of God, and the only thing required to actualize this truth is spirit-born faith. The love of God for his creatures is an inherent universe fact that is independent of the bestowal missions of the Creator Sons. The Father loved man just as much before Jesus lived on earth as he did afterward.
This Synopsis is from "The Story of Everything" by Michelle Klimesh
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