The Urantia Book Fellowship

A Synopsis of Paper 79: Andite Expansion in the Orient

Until 2000 BC, central Eurasia was predominantly Andite. The Andite centers of culture were located in the then-fertile Tarim River valleys and in the highlands of Tibet. Traders began to appear about 15,000 BC. Urban life, together with commerce in stone, metal, wood, and pottery, began to flourish. Adonia, located near the present-day city of Ashkhabad, became the Asian center of commerce.

Andites had been slowly filtering northward into Europe for many centuries, but by 8000 BC the aridity of the highlands began to drive them southward to the shores of the Nile, Euphrates, Indus, and Yellow rivers. Extensive migrations beginning in 15,000 BC brought Andites into India where all of the Urantia races, mainly the secondary Sangiks, had blended. An infusion of Andite blood resulted in a mixed people called the Dravidians, the most versatile civilization of their time. The Dravidians were among the earliest people to build cities. They engaged in extensive trade by land and sea, and Dravidian commercial relationships greatly contributed to the further diversification of their culture. Much of their religious life stemmed from the teachings of Sethite priests who had entered India with the early Andite and later Aryan invasions.

Diminishing rainfall to the north drove the Andonites southward and forced the terminal exodus of Andites from their Turkestan homelands into the Eastern hemisphere. The final exodus of the Andites from Turkestan to India occurred around 2500 BC. These Aryan Andites greatly influenced culture and religion throughout India, but made little racial impression in India except in the north. The most characteristic feature of their society was an elaborate caste system, formed to preserve their racial identity. Brahmans of today are the cultural descendants of the Sethite teacher-priests.

China's story is primarily of two Sangik races, the red and the yellow, both of which largely avoided the Neanderthal race that had retarded the blue race of Europe. The red man moved around the highlands of India into eastern Asia and ruled there for almost one hundred thousand years.

About three hundred thousand years ago, the yellow race entered China from the south and invaded the hunting grounds of the red men. For over two hundred thousand years these two races waged war. The yellow race assimilated much of the red stock, and eventually the united strength of the yellow race drove the red race-greatly weakened by a tendency to fight among themselves-out of China into North America across the Bering land bridge. The North American red men thereafter remained relatively isolated from the rest of the world.

In China, the expanding yellow race drove out the remaining Andonites. The strength of the yellow race was due to four factors: they had largely escaped mixture with inferior stocks; they valued peace among themselves; they had inherent spiritual tendencies; and they were protected geographically by mountains to the west and an ocean to the east.

Fifteen thousand years ago, the migrating Andites had begun to spread over the upper valleys of the Yellow River. The northern Chinese received enough of the Adamic strain to stimulate their minds, but not enough to cause the restless curiosity so characteristic of the white races. By 10,000 BC, the Chinese were beginning to build cities and engage in manufacture. Similarities between Chinese and Mesopotamian methods of time-reckoning, astronomy, and government administration sprang from their commercial relationships. The yellow race progressed in agriculture and horticulture, but the cumbersome nature of their writing system limited the numbers of their educated classes.

As time passed, the Chinese search for new truth became overshadowed by tendency to venerate established ideas. The stability of Chinese family groups helped conserve wealth, property and experience, and promoted morality, ethics, and the efficient education of children.

This Synopsis is from "The Story of Everything" by Michelle Klimesh

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