A Synopsis of Paper 80: Andite Expansion in the Occident
Thirty-five thousand years ago, the blue people of Europe were a highly blended race carrying strains of both yellow and red. The Adamites used a route around the Caspian Sea to enter Europe, where they united with the higher members of the blue race. The resultant mixture produced a dozen groups of superior blue men, including those whom we know today as Cro-Magnons.
The blue men were vigorous, honest, courageous, and monogamous. They were hunters, fishers, food gatherers, and boat builders; they made stone axes and cut trees to build log huts. The women were well versed in domestic arts and agriculture. Children were trained in the care of caves, art, and flint-making. The blue race had strong artistic tendencies, and the addition of Adamic blood accelerated their creativity.
Climatic changes fifteen thousand years ago altered the European landscape, turning the open grazing lands into Alpine forest. Hunters became herders, fishers, and farmers. By this time the pure Adamites worldwide had become thoroughly blended with the other races, particularly the Nodites, to produce the Andites.
The next twelve thousand years saw seven major Andite invasions into Europe from Mesopotamia and Turkestan. The Andites were aggressive militarists. The use of horses during the final three invasions increased Andite mobility enough to allow them to maintain coherent groups as they entered Europe, where they absorbed the best of the blue people and exterminated the worst of them. The racial mixing that resulted from these invasions produced the ancestors of the Nordic races: Scandinavians, Germans, and Anglo-Saxons.
For three thousand years, successive military campaigns were launched from Andite headquarters established in Denmark. The resultant early white men moved continuously southward, finally wiping out the last remnants of the Cro-Magnoid race in southern France. By 5000 BC, the evolving white race dominated northern Europe.
When the last exodus from the Euphrates occurred, many skilled Andite artisans moved to Egypt, which had received a steady stream of Mesopotamians for thousands of years. The Nodites introduced pottery, agriculture, metalwork, and domesticated animals to the Nile region. By 5000 BC, the cultural center of the world had shifted from Mesopotamia to the valley of the Nile. The Andites built the first stone structures and pyramids in Egypt. They developed an extensive theology and a burdensome priesthood.
About 12,000 BC, a brilliant tribe of Andites migrated to Crete. They were highly skilled in textiles, metals, pottery, plumbing, building with stone, writing, herding, and agriculture. Two thousand years later a group of tall, beautiful, intelligent descendants of Adamson journeyed from their highland home over the northern Aegean islands into Greece. A high civilization evolved. Presently Greece and the Aegean succeeded Egypt as the center of world culture. The Greeks were great teachers, artists, traders, and colonizers. Advances earned by Greek civilization persisted in southern Europe even after the Greek culture itself declined under the weight of the rapidly multiplying descendants of imported slaves.
The Andonites had always inhabited the mountainous regions of central Europe and the Danube valley where they farmed and herded, made pottery, and tilled the land. They were often reinforced by Andonites from Asia Minor. By 3000 BC, the Asian Andonites, who had been pushed farther and farther to the north and into central Asia, were being driven by drought conditions back into Turkestan. Here they split and penetrated Europe through both the Balkans and the Ukraine, carrying with them the remaining Andites from Iran and Turkestan. By 2500 BC the Asian Andonites had overrun Mesopotamia, Asia Minor and the Danube basin, where they united with the older Andonites. It was during these great nomadic invasions that a great expansion of sea traffic and trade permeated the Mediterranean coast lands.
Three white races were in Europe at the close of the Andite migrations. The northern or Nordic race consisted of the blue and Andite races, with small amounts of red and yellow Sangik. The early Nordic people were tall, long-headed, and blond. The central group was predominantly Andonite with strains of blue, yellow, and Andite. Their descendants were broad-headed, swarthy, and stocky. The southern white race was largely Andite and blue with a considerable Saharan strain. It has been impossible to identify these distinctions for several thousand years.
This Synopsis is from "The Story of Everything" by Michelle Klimesh
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