Contents of The Urantia Book By Individual Sections
Papers 16-31
Fwd-15 32-42 43-56 57-65 66-77 78-92
93-103 104-119 120-134 135-158 159-188 189-196

- PAPER 16: The Seven Master Spirits
- PAPER 17: The Seven Supreme Spirit Groups
- PAPER 18: The Supreme Trinity Personalities
- PAPER 19: The Co-ordinate Trinity-Origin Beings
- PAPER 20: The Paradise Sons of God
- PAPER 21: The Paradise Creator Sons
- PAPER 22: The Trinitized Sons of God
- PAPER 23: The Solitary Messengers
- PAPER 24: Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit
- PAPER 25: The Messenger Hosts of Space
- PAPER 26: Ministering Spirits of the Central Universe
- PAPER 27: Ministry of the Primary Supernaphim
- PAPER 28: Ministering Spirits of the Superuniverses
- PAPER 29: The Universe Power Directors
- PAPER 30: Personalities of the Grand Universe
- PAPER 31: The Corps of the Finality