Contents of The Urantia Book By Individual Sections
Papers 32-42
Fwd-15 16-31 43-56 57-65 66-77 78-92
93-103 104-119 120-134 135-158 159-188 189-196

- PAPER 32: The Evolution of Local Universes
- PAPER 33: Administration of the Local Universe
- PAPER 34: The Local Universe Mother Spirit
- PAPER 35: The Local Universe Sons of God
- PAPER 36: The Life Carriers
- PAPER 37: Personalities of the Local Universe
- PAPER 38: Ministering Spirits of the Local Universe
- PAPER 39: The Seraphic Hosts
- PAPER 40: The Ascending Sons of God
- PAPER 41: Physical Aspects of the Local Universe
- PAPER 42: Energy—Mind and Matter