Contents of The Urantia Book By Individual Sections
Papers 66-77
Fwd-15 16-31 32-42 43-56 57-65 78-92
93-103 104-119 120-134 135-158 159-188 189-196

- PAPER 66: The Planetary Prince of Urantia
- PAPER 67: The Planetary Rebellion
- PAPER 68: The Dawn of Civilization
- PAPER 69: Primitive Human Institutions
- PAPER 70: The Evolution of Human Government
- PAPER 71: Development of the State
- PAPER 72: Government on a Neighboring Planet
- PAPER 73: The Garden of Eden
- PAPER 74: Adam and Eve
- PAPER 75: The Default of Adam and Eve
- PAPER 76: The Second Garden
- PAPER 77: The Midway Creatures