Contents of The Urantia Book By Individual Sections
Papers 120-134
Fwd-15 16-31 32-42 43-56 57-65 66-77 78-92
93-103 104-119 135-158 159-188 189-196

- PAPER 120: The Bestowal of Michael on Urantia
- PAPER 121: The Times of Michael's Bestowal
- PAPER 122: Birth and Infancy of Jesus
- PAPER 123: The Early Childhood of Jesus
- PAPER 124: The Later Childhood of Jesus
- PAPER 125: Jesus at Jerusalem
- PAPER 126: The Two Crucial Years
- PAPER 127: The Adolescent Years
- PAPER 128: Jesus' Early Manhood
- PAPER 129: The Later Adult Life of Jesus
- PAPER 130: On the Way to Rome
- PAPER 131: The World's Religions
- PAPER 132: The Sojourn at Rome
- PAPER 133: The Return From Rome
- PAPER 134: The Transition Years