Contents of The Urantia Book By Individual Sections
Papers 135-158
Fwd-15 16-31 32-42 43-56 57-65 66-77 78-92
93-103 104-119 120-134 159-188 189-196

- PAPER 135: John the Baptist
- PAPER 136: Baptism and the Forty Days
- PAPER 137: Tarrying Time in Galilee
- PAPER 138: Training the Kingdom's Messengers
- PAPER 139: The Twelve Apostles
- PAPER 140: The Ordination of the Twelve
- PAPER 141: Beginning the Public Work
- PAPER 142: The Passover at Jerusalem
- PAPER 143: Going Through Samaria
- PAPER 144: At Gilboa and in the Decapolis
- PAPER 145: Four Eventful Days at Capernaum
- PAPER 146: First Preaching Tour of Galilee
- PAPER 147: The Interlude Visit to Jerusalem
- PAPER 148: Training Evangelists at Bethsaida
- PAPER 149: The Second Preaching Tour
- PAPER 150: The Third Preaching Tour
- PAPER 151: Tarrying and Teaching by the Seaside
- PAPER 152: Events Leading up to the Capernaum Crisis
- PAPER 153: The Crisis at Capernaum
- PAPER 154: Last Days at Capernaum
- PAPER 155: Fleeing Through Northern Galilee
- PAPER 156: The Sojourn at Tyre and Sidon
- PAPER 157: At Caesarea Philippi
- PAPER 158: The Mount of Transfiguration