Available Outreach Materials
Here is a list of outreach material that you may print and use to distribute as you disseminate the teachings in The Urantia Book.
- Cards and Posters to Give Out
- Ways to explain the Urantia Book
- Virtual/Telephone Study Groups
- Campus outreach info
- The Big Question Workshop
- Articles to put in local papers about the Urantia Book
- Outreach using Craigslist or Facebook
- Spiritual Vitamins
- Resources for finding a study group
- Put up Flyers in Your Area
- Planning and Executing an Expo in your area
- Cosmic Cafe or Community Discussion Group
- Interfacing with LDS Members
- Interfacing with Emergent Christians
- Speak to Groups About The Urantia Book
- Other Brochures to download for use in Outreach
- Big Blue App for iPhone - FREE DOWNLOAD!
Cards that can be downloaded and sent to the printer:
These are just thumbnails.
To have the actual printable version sent to you contact Thomas Orjala about any of these designs and let him know which one you are interested in.
![]() Let the Light In |
![]() An Endless Voyage of Discovery |
![]() Spiritual Perspective Banner |
![]() Not all planets - card ![]() Revelation Now Card |
If you are interested in any of the above banners or cards...
- Contact Thomas Orjala
Thomas can modify these for you and send you the file or can send it to the printer of your choice. He also has banners on hand that can be used for display during an expo. - Downloadable posters - urantiabook.org/downloads.htm.
- There are also some materials for sharing at http://urantiabook.org/index_sharing.htm.
Ways to explain the Urantia Book
- Click for some ideas from other readers
- Please send suggestions to volunteer@urantiabook.org
Host a Virtual/Telephone Study Groups
or support an existing physical one
If you want to run virtual / telephone study groups, or support an existing physical one, I have the perfect free tool: http://www.freeconferencing.com/ I was amazed and thrilled after successfully testing this service with three phones and screen sharing. Also, people not on an unlimited calling plan can get in for free with Skype.
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This tool enables the group leader/facilitator to let everyone have an equal chance to talk and to hear what’s going in. It levels the playing field and encourages interaction:
- Telephone Access
- Skype Access
- Up to 1,000 callers
- Facilitator can mute individual callers
- Facilitator can share slides pictures, a computer screen
- The session can be recorded
- Session can be up to 6 hours
Here are the FAQs: https://www.freeconferencing.com/signup.html?r=1328877404093
This idea is courtesy of
Chris Lepine
To get the printable pdf version of this idea click here
Campus outreach info
The Big Questions Workshop
This is the opportunity to initiate an introductory class to be held at churches, community centers, clubhouses, etc. It is promoted by advertising in a free paper, on Craigslist or on Meetup.com.
Q - What qualifications would those volunteers have?
A - They need to have the ability to research their area for the availability of a location and resources to get a introductory class together. They need to be able to discuss the various concepts in the Urantia Book with some ease and present it in an organized way. We can help you with this! We are NOT trying to recruit anyone but rather develop relationships.
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As an example, the website meetup.com has been used to effectively advertise a Urantia Book introductory workshop. It's so simple to set up and maintain. Once you've done an introductory session, a Urantia Book study group can be easily formed or new readers can be added to an existing group.
One of the sheets is called "Workshop Process for Facilitators." This is not intended for distribution to the participants unless you're training others to conduct the workshop. Use it to familiarize yourself with the process. The instructions are only intended as guidelines, so feel free to adapt the workshop to suit yourself.
The two sheets, "Dialogue and Debate" and "The Use of Language" are used for preliminary instruction in how to conduct a dialogue among people from different religious backgrounds, which will hopefully be the case with your participants. Use these when there's time for such an orientation before launching into the topics. Notice that the workshop is designed as an interfaith dialogue, using materials from The Urantia Book as a starting point for discussion. This allows participants to be actively involved and express their own understanding of the topics while being exposed to these basic concepts from the book. People who have taken the workshop have been grateful for that approach.
The sheets are coded alphabetically since the order of topics is intentional. Of course you can change the order, but try to see why I set it up that way.
Articles to put in local papers about the Urantia Book
- Article used in a local health newspaper
- Another article that can be used in a local paper or magazine
Modify any of these as you wish.
Outreach using Craigslist or Facebook
In seeking interesting, non-threatening ways to introduce The Urantia Book to thousands of hungry truth-seekers who are yearning for such a beautiful revelation, I have come up with an idea that we can all participate in.
It's an idea that started 25 years ago when I had an extra phone line put in my house and bought an answering machine so that people could call in and hear a recorded 2-minute message about The Urantia Book. Over the years hundreds, if not thousands, of people listened to that message because of a simple ad I would run every week in a local newspaper. I would have little ads that said things like:
- Atheists! Challenge your beliefs!
- A truth-seekers papadise!
- Religion, Science, and Philosophy can be harmonized!
- Free yourself from fear!
- You can survive death!
- Are you spiritually hungry and still searching?
- Jesus, a fresh new look 2,000 years later.
All followed by "For a free taped message on The Urantia Book call ***-****
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Mo Siegel and Paula Thompson picked this up and ran with it creating a campaign in the Denver/Boulder area that was seen by thousands.
Today we have so many new tools at our fingertips and it occurred to me that this method could be morphed into something different but powerful.
So, what I have done is listed an ad on Craigslist in the 'general' section which is under 'Community'. It's very, very simple to place an ad on Craigslist.org. If you would like to try this in your area, and need any help, please contact me. In the subject line of the ad I simply say "You can survive death!"
Then I put in the Body of the ad the following:
For a free taped message about The Urantia Book call 800-288-3772 or read it here:
The Urantia Book's contents are staggering in their scope and diversity. The Urantia Book has thousands of readers the world over. If you haven't heard of it it's probably because it hasn't been publicized or commercialized. It's not a cult with any strange rules or practices. There are no dues to pay and no human being to exalt in connection with the book.
The Urantia Book is to be used, as a springboard for developing a personal relationship with God. Jesus said, "In preaching the gospel of the kingdom, you are simply teaching friendship with God." Nothing is more important than a firsthand experience of God, and realizing that we can have a loving relationship with God, for ourselves and in our own lives. The Urantia Book fosters tolerance for all sincere efforts to find God, and is true to the teaching of acceptance, forgiveness and love which Jesus so graciously lived 2000 years ago.
The book offers a very straightforward, commonsense approach to God, the universe, our planet and mankind. It plausibly answers the seemingly unanswerable questions like; What happens when we die? How will we ever all learn to get along? Are we the only intelligent beings in the universe? Can religion, science, and philosophy be unified and harmonized? Who are we and where are we going? What is the purpose of life? Why do bad things happen to good people? You will find The Urantia Book's answers to be a revelation beyond imagination. The answers are logical and unequivocal.
The Urantia Book doesn't dull life, it sharpens it. It doesn't attempt to set you apart as a saint in an Godless world. No matter what religion you are, or even if you have no religion, The Urantia Book will intrigue and inspire you.
Go ahead, be skeptical! Get the book for yourself and read it. If it brings an unexplained smile to your face and rings the chord of truth in your heart, you may decide, as so many have, that it's true. The Urantia Book removes fear and doubt and restores faith. It opens hearts to the reality of God's love and to the fact that we live in friendly and well-ordered universe. It offers humanity a wonderful new perspective on our world. That's why we want to share it.
You can find the book in libraries and bookstores and read and listen to it free online, just search U-R-A-N-T-I-A Book. There are also study groups in most US cities. If you would like more information about the book or a list of study groups you can go to our website at www.urantiabook.org or leave your email address and we'll send you a list of ways to access the book for free online.
This script is very similar to the original but Paula made a few changes that, I think, make it really good. I am also including a picture of the book cover. I'm using the new cover because I like it better than the one we have now.
When you call in you'll hear Paula speak it which is really nice to hear. She's got one of those warm, sincere, and persuasive voices that is easy to listen to.
We just happen to obtain an extra 1-800 number and this was the perfect opportunity to implement this program again.
Please consider doing this in your area.
go on to www.craigslist.org
go to 'Community" => "General" then in the top right corner you see "Post". Just click that and then fill in the subject line (as I've suggested here or come up with your own one-liner), then fill in the body of the thing just like an email using the above 800 number and text. You can start an account and there is no charge or big forms to fill out. Keep your ad updated monthly.
- How to Be Happy
- Synthesizing Science and Religion
- Effective Prayer
- Angels: Their Purpose and Function
- Primary Priorities in Life: The Art of Living
- Relationships are Eternal Things: Ends in and of Themselves
- The Phenomenon of Mind and it’s Relationship to Spirituality
- Marriage and Family: Partnering with The Opposite Sex and Partner Choosing
- Education: What Should Our Priorities Be in the Twenty-first Century and Beyond
- The Life and Teachings of Jesus: What is his REAL GOSPEL?
- The Future: What to Expect
Good luck and contact me if you need any help.
Andrea Barnes
Information on how to help with or acquire spiritual vitamins
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Resources for finding a study group | |
Put up Flyers in Your AreaWherever you go take flyers with you. Print up some of the brochures that you see listed below and keep them with you. Post them on billboards, leave them in restrooms, gas stations, in bookstores, etc. | ![]() |
![]() |
Planning and Executing an Expo in your areaHaving an expo in your area with a booth set up for the Urantia Book is easy and fun. The Outreach Committee of the Urantia Book Fellowship will help you every step of the way. All you need to do is find an expo that is close by going to these websites: (read more…) |
Then you find a few people 3-4 that want to help you run the booth, althought it is not advisable to have more than two or three readers in the booth at one time. Let us know your dates and we can ship the books and materials you'll need and, if possible, come and help you with the expo.
Cosmic Cafe
The intention of a 'Cosmic Café' is to provide regularly scheduled, focused discussions that enhance spiritual awareness such that all involved are uplifted and transformed by the experience. This leads to meeting your community and discussing topics where The Urantia Book can easily be brought up. (read more…)
This is not a direct way to introduce the book but rather a great way to meet new friends. Many times the opportunity arises for a discussion of the book as a natural course of meeting these new, like-minded friends. So the Cosmic Cafe is a weekly opportunity for spiritually minded individuals to connect in a friendly, supportive, and yet neutral environment to share ideas, insights and beliefs for the betterment of the whole (each individual).
- Cosmic Cafe New Host Packet
- Poster for announcing the Cosmic Cafe (blank)
- Let us know if you need a blank poster to fill in with your information.
Interfacing with LDS Members - by Len McKee
This information will help the Urantia Community consider of the importance of the Mormon-role in the opening up of this, the dispensation of the fulllness of times. The early Mormons took the blows of persecution, literally, that we do not have to endure today by espousing "another bible."
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In addition, we may stimulate the LDS (Mormon) community to 'consider' that the Urantia Papers could be the 'Record to Come' so heavily alluded to in LDS scripture. The materials here include an open discussion regarding the "greater portion" or "sealed portion" once prophesied to come that would contain:
- "the mysteries of the universe"
- "time and revolutions of time"
- "whether there be one God or many Gods"
- "all things from the beginning of time to the end thereof"
- "the greater things Jesus taught"
- and the "more full story of Adam and Eve."
Can we look forward to the day when the LDS leadership will announce to their membership that they are free to study the Urantia Papers without any retribution from church-leadership?
Here are some resources:
- Len McKee speaking about LDS and The Urantia Book
- Brigham Young - Adam and Eve - and The Urantia Book
- All gone astray except a few
- All is well in Zion
- Another will I plant in his stead
- Crown pride of Ephraim
- Hundredth part
- IMPORTANT_A challenge to the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
- Is the Urantia Book the Hidden Things
- Isaiah30_Prophesy smooth things to us
- Isaiah_Nephi regarding the Sealed Portion of the Gold Plates
- Juncture Gentiles get fullness and Reject it
- Line upon Line
- Melchizedek_Mormon and UB understandings
- Micah_the foolish prophet against wine and strong drink
- Ministering of Angels or all is in vain
- Mormon telling how to judge good from evil
- URGENT_D&C_Another will I plant in his stead
- Words of Isaiah are MOST important to last days
Are you interested in interfacting with Emergent Christians?
You may have heard about the Emergent Church phenomenon. There are emergent churches nationwide, many are involved with the Emergent Village. Their inquisitive and intuitive approach to re-imagine Jesus’ message began in the late 90's in cohorts, pubs, and conferences. Their love for the heart of Jesus’ teachings brings them together, and you can imagine the cacophony of perspectives that pepper the conversation! Most of these vibrant personalities are in their thirties and forties and are amazingly responsive to the Spirit of Truth, breaking through the rigid dogmatism of centuries. These people can be prime candidates to hear about The Urantia Book. Pamela Chaddock has fully immersed herself in this movement and attends many of their conferences across the US throughout the year. She is happy to coach anyone interested in this movement. For more details about this contact Pamela at godspies@jeffnet.org.
Click here for the full article from Pamela.
- Speech to give at church - Contact Andrea Barnes and she will send it to you.
- Here's what some people say when introducing the book
Other downloadable files for use in outreach
please note: we could use some help updating these brochures
- 1987 Brotherhood outreach guide
- Big List of Outreach Material
Brochures to use: - Dealing with Defeat and Failure
- Our Christian Heritage
- Is the Universe Inhabited?
- Marriage and Family Life
- The Origin of The Urantia Book
- Table of Contents
- The Parables of Jesus
- World Peace
- Have We Been Visited?
- Heaven—A Step on the Stairway to Paradise (2 pages front to back) or (pages 2 & 4 flipped)
- Inevitabilities
- "Lucy" Vs Adam and Eve
- Religion Of The Spirit A brief discussion of religion and its purpose in human development
- Roots: Race, Evolution and Genetics (2 pages front to back) or (pages 2 & 4 flipped)
- Science, Philosophy, Religion and The Urantia Book
- Stories of the Master: Authority Over Women? Exemplifying the equality of men and women
- Stories of the Master: The Young Man Who Was Afraid Adaptation of an incident from The Urantia Book
- Stories of the Master: Value Of the Family Discussion about character and heredity
- There is no God? Belief in God is not a religion
- The Urantia Book and Christianity An updated version of Dr. Meredith Sprunger's explanation of what The Urantia Book can mean to Christians
- Another brochure that is available can be seen below. Contact Andrea to get the full printable version.
Big Blue Book App
Did you know that the entire Urantia Book is available on your iPhone or other portable device? Just go to your app. area and type in Big Blue Book. You'll see it's available from Dandelion Applications. Todd, who created this says "Something like 1 out of every 5 people with a smartphone have an iPhone these days. Each of them has a simple-to-use, unabridged, complimentary copy of the book waiting for them, if only they knew. While a good number of people continue to find and download it every day, especially by UB distribution standards, there's plenty of more room for people to get their hands on a copy of the book through this route."