A Synopsis of Paper 66: The Planetary Prince of Urantia
Most worlds receive a Planetary Prince when primitive man is able to choose eternal survival, which usually does not happen until the colored race emerges. The task of a Planetary Prince is to begin to transform primitive man from hunter to herder to farmer.
Urantia's Planetary Prince, Caligastia, was a Lanonandek Son of the secondary order. He had acceptably managed five successive assignments prior to his arrival on earth. Caligastia. He arrived nearly five hundred thousand years after the arrival of the first will creatures, concurrent with the appearance of the six Sangik races.
Caligastia was invisible to the mortals of the realm. He was assisted by Daligastia, a fellow secondary Lanonandek Son. The two were accompanied by a group of one hundred ascendant Jerusem citizens. To rematerialize these volunteers into human form, the Life Carriers transferred life plasm from one hundred Andonites into bodies created for the Jerusem citizens. The contributing Andonites were given access to the system circuits, which enabled them to live for centuries alongside the Prince's staff.
Caligastia's headquarters, Dalamatia, was established near what is now the Persian Gulf. Dalamatia was a simple, beautiful city surrounded by a forty-foot wall. The modest buildings were neat and clean. Agricultural land within the city walls was sufficient for the support of twenty thousand people. A temple to the unseen Father was built at the center of the city.
The Prince's staff gathered superior individuals from the surrounding tribes, trained them in Dalamatia, and then returned them to their tribes as teachers and leaders. The staff was divided into ten councils.
1. The council on food and material welfare was led by Ang. This corps taught well digging and irrigation. They introduced weaving, improved methods of creating clothing from animal skins, and advanced cooking and food storage.
2. The board of animal domestication and utilization was directed by Bon. This council helped select and breed animals for transport, food, and soil. They trained carrier pigeons to send messages and fandors as passenger birds. This corps introduced the wheel to the human races.
3. The advisers regarding the conquest of predatory animals taught protection from wild animals and hostile humans. Captained by Dan, this group built the wall around Dalamatia to prevent surprise attacks. They trained people outside the walls to improve their dwellings and to make better animal traps.
4. The faculty on dissemination and conservation of knowledge formulated the first alphabet. They introduced a system of writing using tree barks, clay tablets, stone slabs, and parchment. The Dalamatia library was named the House of Fad in honor of the leader of this group.
5. The commission on industry and trade was led by Nod. This council provided many new commodities and expanded trade. They introduced commercial credit, using tokens from a central exchange to substitute for objects of barter.
6. The college of revealed religion attempted to substitute Creator fear for ghost worship. Led by Hap, they established a form of religious service, providing the Dalamatians with seven chants of worship and a daily praise-phrase.
7. The guardians of health and life were organized by Lut. This council introduced sanitation and promoted hygiene. They taught cooking as a means of avoiding sickness, persuaded people to bathe, and encouraged them to substitute handshaking for saliva exchange and blood drinking.
8. The planetary council on art and science elevated ideas of beauty and gave men instruction in rudimentary physics and chemistry. Under Mek's guidance this corps advanced pottery and metal work. Decorative and home arts were improved; the ideals of human beauty were enhanced.
9. The governors of advanced tribal relations was commissioned to bring human society up to the level of statehood. Tut was the chief of this group, which promoted intertribal marriage, social dances, and competitive games. They attempted to regulate warfare and worked to improve tribal governments.
10. The supreme court of tribal co-ordination and racial co-operation was directed by Van. This council served as the court of appeals for the other nine councils, and was entrusted with all matters that were not specifically assigned to the other groups.
The inhabitants of Dalamatia lived in family units. The staff served as parents to adopted children from the superior families of the surrounding tribes. Industrial schools were set up in which students learned by doing useful manual tasks.
The Dalamatia teachers wisely refrained from attempts to radically modify the human way of life. The backward races had spent ages acquiring their religion and morals, and these superhuman teachers knew that only confusion would result by teaching their students more than they could understand. The Prince's staff desired progression by evolution rather than by revolution or revelation.