Living in the Presence
Pre-conference Spiritual Retreat at IC99
If you have longed for fellowship with spirit focused Urantia Book readers, then come and share more than two days of a spiritual communion with us. Come to "Living in the Presence," a new pre-conference retreat from Adventures in Spiritual Living.
Our new program not only builds on the strength of what we have done before but also adds fresh experiences with centering prayer, thanksgiving, and dialogue prayer. Many old favorites such as Prayer in the Moment, Seeing With Gods Eyes and other familiar techniques will take on new depth of meaning as they are woven into the special spiritual sharing. We will review a number of excellent spiritual techniques and follow a particularly effective pattern of spending an hour in silent time with God after each major presentation and before sharing with one another. There is an undeniable enhancement of spiritual experience when enjoyed in community with spiritual brothers and sisters. We will get to know each other better in terms of our spiritual talents, insights and understandings. And we will "step aside from the rush of life escape the harassments of material existence refresh the soul, inspire the mind, and renew the spirit by worshipful communion." (1739) Love the presence of God is truly contagious.
Presenters: The Adventures in Spiritual Living team has worked together for over 11 years and put on pre-conference retreats at the Snowmass and Montreal International Conferences as well as regional gatherings. The ASL team is Bill and Kaye Cooper, Skip and Carol Weatherford, Ted and Sharon Lanier, with special guest presenter: Gard Jameson.
When: We will meet beginning at 6 p.m., Wednesday evening, August 4, and conclude at 9 p.m., Friday, August 6. IC99 conference registration begins Saturday, August 7.
Where: VST Epiphany Chapel and Auditorium located one short block from the conference housing.
Housing and Meals: Remember to reserve housing for these dates. Meals will be on your own. There are many eateries on and off campus.
To Register: Fill out form below and mail it with U.S. $40 per person to:
Carol Weatherford, 215 Woodway Ct., Spring, TX 77386. For more information call Carol Weatherford evenings at (218) 363-1652.
Checks should be on U.S. banks only. Please send postal money order in U.S. funds if you are coming from another country so our small organization can cope with the monetary intricacies! Make check or money order payable to ASL. The $40 fee is to enable us to rent the facility and provide refreshments and materials.
Living in the Presence
To register: Fill out form below and mail it with U.S. $40 per person to:
Carol Weatherford, 215 Woodway Ct., Spring, TX 77386. For more information call Carol Weatherford evenings (281) 363-1652.
Make checks or money orders payable to ASL.
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