The Urantia Book Fellowship



Some Study Group Questions
Paper 5: God's Relation to the Individual

1. Earlier in this study we were introduced to the three Absolutes of potentiality. In 5:0.2 it is noted that "God has distributed the infinity of his eternal nature throughout the existential realities of his six absolute co-ordinates..." Can you speculate at this point in your study as to what six realities might comprise "his six absolute co-ordinates?"

2. What is the key to experiencing a consciousness of knowing God and experiencing assurance of survival beyond the mortal life? 5:1

3. Compare 5:1.7 "If such a human mind is sincerely and spiritually motivated, if such a human soul desires to know God and become like him..." with 5:1.10 "...choosing of their own perverse ways and by the indulgence of the self-assertiveness of their intolerant minds and unspiritual natures." What can we learn from such a comparison about attitudes of mind which might lead to enhanced spiritual growth?

4. When the revelators encourage us to develop our relationship with our Thought Adjuster, they use the term "communion." What is the difference between "communion" and "communication?" 5:2.3

5. One of the approaches taken by the revelators in their efforts to expand our cosmological horizons is the clarification of ideas which already appear in human religious literature and traditions. What insights can we gain into the nature of the soul by considering 5:2.5; 5:5.14 and 5:6.7 and 8?

6. After reading section 5:3, what are your thoughts regarding the difference between the personal activities of prayer and worship?

7. How many different definitions of religion can you develop from the material in 5:4?

8. In what way has the life of Jesus dramatically increased the potentials of evolutionary religion on our world? 5:4.9

9. 5:5.1 notes that "moral situations require the making of choices in the highest realms of reason..." Can you describe the nature of that process of your own thinking which you might consider to be "the highest realm of reason?" How do you select the meanings and values which will be brought into association with your ideas as you engage in such thinking? How is spiritual insight applied to solving material problems?

10. After reading 5:5 do you think it would be reasonable to postulate that virtually everyone has a religion? Why or why not?

11. In item 5 above, you should have considered some of the ways in which the revelators are beginning to expand our understanding of the nature of the soul. How does a reading of section 5:6 expand your understanding of the nature of personality?

12. If the universe is populated with a great variety of personal beings, and if we imagine that part of the evolutionary destiny of the universe is the development of an integrated civilization encompassing all these beings, what might we postulate about the nature of the culture which might encompass such a civilization as a result of reading 5:6.10 and 11?

13. The first five papers of The Urantia Book were presented by a Divine Counselor of Uversa. What can we infer from 5:6.13 about the nature of the task assigned to this Divine Counselor? In what ways have the teachings of this Divine Counselor enhanced your understanding of God?


A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship