The foundation of the universe is material,
but the essence of life is spirit. All energy is under God's control.
Energy and matter are manifestations of the same cosmic reality, a phenomenon
inherent in the Universal Father. The first measurable form of energy,
the ultimaton, has Paradise as its nucleus.
The river of energy and life pours out
from the Deities, pervading all creation. The force organizers modify
space‑force into energy, the power directors transmute energy
into matter, and the material worlds are born. Energy is indestructible.
It may be subject to endless transformation, but having originated in
Paradise, energy will ultimately return there.
Energy denotes motion, action, and potential.
Force is pre‑gravity; power is post‑gravity.
Space potency refers to a pre‑reality
known as absoluta on Uversa. Primordial force is pure energy. It is
the first basic change from space potency and is known as segregata.
Emergent energies are two forms of primordial force known on Uversa
as ultimata. Havona energy, triata, is characteristic of the triune
energy systems of the central universe. Transcendental energy operates
only with absonite beings, and is known as transota. Monota is the living
non‑spirit energy of Paradise.
There are ten divisions of matter: ultimatonic,
subelectronic, electronic, subatomic, shattered, ionized, atomic, molecular,
radioactive, and collapsed. Matter is identical in every universe except
Havona. Power centers manipulate the basic units of materialized energy-ultimatons-into
electrons. The metamorphosis of energy and matter is influenced by gravity,
temperature, velocity, revolution, energy currents, distance, and the
presence of force organizers and power directors.
In Orvonton one hundred octaves of energy
behave with wavelike tendencies. Sixty-four of these octaves are recognized
on Urantia, including electronic energy, gamma rays, X‑rays, ultraviolet,
visible light, infrared rays, and radio waves. The human eye reacts
to just one octave, the visible white light of sunlight.
The formation of matter resembles the
solar system: a relatively stable energy nucleus surrounded by whirling
energy units. There are one hundred atomic stabilized atomic elements
in Nebadon.
Material mind systems are non‑spiritual
energy systems. These include the mechanical mind, adjutant‑spirit
minds, evolving morontia minds, and the cosmic mind-the mind of time
and space as ministered by the Master Spirits. Mind always connotes
the presence of living ministry plus various energy systems. The universe
is neither mechanical nor magical; it is planned and administered by
the spirit‑mind of the Creator.
Nearly every being in the superuniverses
has a form. Humans think of a body as having a spirit, but spiritual
beings regard spirit as having a body. The spirit is the architect,
the mind is the builder, and the body is the material building.