To avoid co‑mingling
with the southern simian tribes, the early Andonites fled northward.
Cold weather and frequent hunger in the northern lands stimulated action,
resourcefulness, and invention.
One hundred thousand years
after the time of Andon and Fonta the arts of the Andonites and the
culture of Onagar were vanishing from the earth. Fewer and fewer of
the primitive settlements maintained the worship of the Breath Giver.
Culture, religion, and flint work were at a low point. The only groups
who retained some of these high traditions were the Foxhall people of
England and the Badonan tribes northwest of India.
The Foxhalls, being farthest
west, maintained their racial purity and kept their primitive religious
customs alive. They also succeeded in preserving knowledge of flint
work, which they eventually passed on to their descendants, the Eskimos.
Most of the settlements of these early people are now under water in
the English Channel and the North Sea.
In the foothills of the Indian
highlands among the tribes of Badonan, another struggling center of
culture persisted. Fear of floods in the lowlands kept these tribes
fairly isolated for many thousands of years. The mixed descendants of
Badonan stock became the Neanderthals.
Neanderthals were excellent
fighters, great hunters, and extensive travelers. They improved flint
work so much that it approached the level of Andon's age. Neanderthals
were superstitious-afraid of clouds, mists, darkness, and other natural
forces. They used human sacrifices to coax the moon into shining. During
the fourth and fifth glacial advances, the Neanderthal culture spread
and dominated the world.
Five hundred thousand years
ago, around the time of the Planetary Prince's arrival, the relatively
pure Badonan tribes became involved in a great racial struggle. After
more than one hundred years of warfare, only about one hundred families
of Andon and Fonta's descendants were left alive.
Among these Badonites a man
and woman began to produce a family of unusually intelligent children
whose skins turned various colors in the sunlight. There were five red
children, two each of orange, indigo, and green, and four each of yellow
and blue. This was the Sangik family, ancestors of the six colored races
on Urantia. For one hundred thousand years the Sangik peoples spread
out among the Indian foothills and generally mingled together. India
in that era became the most cosmopolitan place ever known on earth.
The red Sangiks were the first
to leave their homeland. When they had built up sufficient numbers,
they migrated northeast to occupy Asia. They were followed by the yellow
tribes, who drove the red people out of Asia across the Bering land
bridge into North America. The red man was accompanied to North America
by three tribes of mixed ancestry, the largest being a combination of
orange and blue. Leaving the purer reds behind in North America, these
peoples journeyed together into Mexico and Central America, where they
eventually were joined by a mixed group of reds and yellows. These travelers
intermarried and founded a new race that was less warlike than the pure
red race. Within five thousand years, these new people had divided themselves
into three groups and established civilizations in Mexico, Central America,
and South America.
Eighty-five thousand years
ago the Bering land bridge sank, isolating the red men on the American
continent. The red race was the first of the Sangik races to develop
tribal government, but infighting and tribal wars nearly caused their
extinction. Sixty-five thousand years ago, the leadership of Onamonalonton
brought the red tribes temporary peace by reviving the worship of the
Great Spirit. This great leader's teachings were eventually obscured
but his descendants, the Blackfoot Indians, live on today.
The yellow race was the first
to establish settled communities and base their home lives on agriculture.
They were intellectually inferior to the red race, but socially and
collectively they were superior to the other Sangik peoples. They lived
together in relative peace. Their spiritual leader was Singlangton,
who taught them to worship the One Truth.
In Asia, offspring of red and
yellow races migrated to the eastern peninsulas and the islands of the
sea; they are the present-day brown people.
The blue men traveled westward
into Europe along the trails of the Andon tribes. There they came across
Neanderthals, and the intermingling of these groups led to the immediate
improvement of the Neanderthals. The blue man had the intelligence of
the red race and the sentiment of the yellow race. He developed many
of the arts of modern civilization; the tools, bones and art of the
blue people are found throughout Europe by those who study the Old Stone
Age. Orlandof was their great teacher. Their descendants, mixed with
yellow, red, Nodite and Adamic stock, provide the biologic foundation
for today's white races. The blue people who remained on the Arabian
peninsula mated with other races, especially the yellow. This blend
was upstepped by the later-appearing violet race and exists today as
the modern Arabs.
The outstanding characteristic
of the orange race was their urge to build anything and everything,
even to the piling up of vast mounds of stone just to see who could
build the highest mound. They were the first of the Sangiks to travel
southward toward Africa. Before they were wiped out by the green race,
they were uplifted by the leadership of Porshunta of Armageddon. The
orange race was destroyed one hundred thousand years ago.
The green race was weakened
by extensive migrations. Those who went north were enslaved and absorbed
by the yellow and blue men; those who went east were absorbed mainly
into the Indian people but survive in greatest numbers in Burma and
Indo-China. Those who traveled south killed off and absorbed their orange
brothers, and the resultant mix was subsequently integrated into the
indigo people. While the darker races are generally shorter in stature,
unexpected strains of giantism appeared in both the orange and the green
The indigo race was the last
of the Sangiks to migrate from the Indian highlands. After incorporating
the orange and green remnants, they took over the African continent.
The purer indigo elements drifted southward. Alone in Africa, they made
little progress until they were spiritually awakened by their leader,
Orvonon, who believed in the God of Gods. They maintained a form of
worship of the Unknown up to a few thousand years ago.
Although there were intense
struggles between the various races, different races appear on evolutionary
worlds to provide an opportunity for natural selection, healthy competition,
the blending of superior characteristics, and the promotion of altruism.