The Adamic caravan fled eastward
to avoid the advancing hostile Nodites. Laden with seeds, cereals, bulbs,
and herds, they set out on their journey. After a year the caravan reached
one of the three sites originally proposed for the first Garden by Van
and Amadon, a pleasant region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
During the journey Laotta died during childbirth; Eve delivered Cain,
the offspring of her union with Cano.
In their new location Adam
and his helpers built houses and established a new center of culture
and religion. It was a difficult struggle, as the land had not been
prepared for sowing. Adam, busy with building, defense, and agriculture,
entrusted the organization of worship and education to the Nodite priests.
In a short time the religious practices of the second Garden reverted
to the standards and rulings of pre-Adamic times.
The first child of Adam and
Eve to be born in the second Garden was Abel, who arrived two years
after Cain. Cain chose agriculture as his vocation and Abel devoted
himself to herding. The brothers often argued about whose occupation
had more value, and when Abel was eighteen his repeated taunts infuriated
Cain so much that Cain killed Abel.
Fear and remorse prompted Cain
to seek help from Eve. In response to his honest appeal for divine
guidance, Cain received a Thought Adjuster. Soon thereafter he departed
for the land of Nod, where he married his distant cousin Remona. Cain
matured to become a leader of his people, promoting peace between the
Adamites and Nodites.
The violet race had blue eyes,
fair complexions, and blonde, red, or brown hair. They did not suffer
during childbirth until they became mixed with other races. The original
Adamites' superior physical and spiritual senses enabled them to see
midwayers, angels, and Melchizedeks. The Adamic children were usually
Adjuster-indwelt. Their body cells, not being akin to the microscopic
disease-producing organisms of the realm, were far more disease resistant
than those of the indigenous peoples.
Adam spent most of his time
teaching civil administration, educational methods, and religious devotions.
The Garden dwellers developed an alphabet and maintained the arts of
writing, metalworking, pottery making, weaving and architecture. Children
were educated in agriculture, craftsmanship, and animal husbandry.
The line of civil rulers was
drawn from Adam and Eve's sons. One son founded a secondary center of
the violet race to the north, another became a great leader and administrator,
and a third took over after Adam's death as head of the Adamic tribes.
The religious rulers sprang from their son Seth and his descendants,
who worked to improve the spiritual status of the Adamites and the surrounding
tribes. Each Sethite was a physician and teacher as well as a priest.
After becoming established
in Mesopotamia, Adam chose to leave behind as many children as possible
to uplift the world's genetic stock. Eve selected nearly seventeen hundred
women from the neighboring tribes to be impregnated. The resultant children,
representing most of the races on earth, were born and raised in the
tribes of their mothers.
Adam and Eve's mistake was
an error in judgment, but it was not deliberate rebellion. Their
human status coupled with sincere repentance enabled them to become
Adjuster-indwelt, and this greatly comforted them. Eve died when she
was five hundred and eighteen years old; Adam died twelve years later.
After their deaths, Adam and Eve were repersonalized on the mansion
worlds and quickly passed through the ascension worlds, attaining citizenship
once again on Jerusem. They left their home in Jerusem as sons of God
and returned as sons of man.