The Urantia Book
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Story of Everything
abridged edition of The Urantia Book
94: The Melchizedek Teachings in the Orient
The strength
of the Brahman priests and their rituals prevented the people of ancient
India from accepting the Melchizedek idea of salvation through faith
alone. The Brahman priests had invested so much in being at the top
of the caste system that they could not allow people to believe that
faith was the only requirement for a relationship with God. The Rig‑Veda,
one of the oldest sacred books on earth, was written by the Brahmans
in an attempt to combat the teachings of the Salem missionaries.
The rejection
of the Melchizedek gospel was a major turning point in the civilization
of India. As people rejected mortal ambitions and embraced reincarnation,
they fell into a sense of spiritual hopelessness. Nevertheless, Brahmanism
was a noble human effort into philosophy and metaphysics. It came
close to the concept of an all‑pervading Absolute, the IT IS
rather than the I AM. Brahman teachings about universal overcontrol
were very close to the truth about the Supreme Being.
The idea of karma bears some similarity to truth about inevitable
repercussions of one's actions. The teaching of the soul being the
indwelling of the Brahman approaches the concept of the Thought Adjuster,
even including the point that the soul returns to Brahman as the Adjuster
returns to the Father. The Hindu religion today is a composite of
the Brahman teachings, ancient Vedic rituals, Buddhism, and Jainism.
Hinduism is the most tolerant religion on earth and has survived as
part of the social fabric of India.
In China, the
Salem teachings led to an early form of Taoism, a very different religion
than that which exists today. Early Taoism encompassed the monotheistic
teachings of Singlangton, a version of the Melchizedek teachings,
and the Brahman concepts. In Japan, this version of Taoism was known
as Shinto. In both Japan and China, Taoism eventually became mixed
with ancestor worship.
In the sixth
century before Jesus' bestowal, an unusual coordination of spiritual
agencies influenced a great number of religious teachers throughout
the world. Lao‑tse taught about One First Cause, the Tao, man's
destiny of being united with Tao, the Trinity as the source of all
reality, and returning good for evil. Lao-tse's teachings about nonresistance
later became perverted into the erroneous belief of seeing, doing,
and thinking nothing. Today's Taoism has little in common with the
teachings of Lao‑tse.
Confucius' chief
work was a compilation of the wise sayings of ancient philosophers.
His writings were not widely known or accepted during his lifetime,
but became a great influence ever afterward in both China and Japan.
Confucius put morality in the place of magic, and taught about the
Way of Heaven, the patterns of the cosmos.
In India, Guatama
Siddhartha formed the beginnings of Buddhism. He fought against the
growing caste system by teaching a gospel of universal salvation,
and freedom from sacrifice, rituals, torture, and priests. He taught
that divine nature resided in all men, and that we could attain the
realization of this divinity. His ideas were surprisingly similar
to the Salem gospel.
Modern Buddhism
is no more the teachings of Siddhartha than modern Christianity is
the teachings of Jesus. The farther Buddhism spread from India, the
more it was mixed with other religions; it was affected by Taoism,
Shinto, and Christianity. Buddhism today is a growing religion because
it conserves high moral values, promotes calmness and self‑control,
and augments serenity and happiness.
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