Paper 159: The Decapolis Tour
When Jesus and the apostles reached Magadan Park, they were greeted by a group of one hundred evangelists who were ready to start the planned four-week tour of the Decapolis. Each apostle worked with a small group of evangelists in the towns and villages, while Jesus and the women's corps rotated between the various groups. Hundreds of believers were won for the kingdom during this tour, and the apostles gained valuable experience working without daily contact with Jesus.
On this tour Jesus declared that there is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety and nine righteous persons who need no repentance. He instructed his disciples to forgive their brethren not just seven times, as was taught in the scriptures, but seventy times seven. The Master advised his followers that all who believe the gospel would not be subject to their direction, saying, "Rejoice that already our teaching has begun to manifest itself beyond the bounds of our personal influence." He also clearly stated that the Father does not limit the revelation of truth to any one generation or to any one people.
Jesus took the best of the known scriptures and wove them into the teachings of his new gospel. His religion put the spirit of positive action into play. Jesus taught that one should not just believe what the gospel says, but should also actively do those things that the gospel requires.
The Master's teaching about turning the other cheek was not that people should passively submit to indignities but that they should actively be alert for opportunities to overcome evil with good. He emphasized that goodness is always more powerful than evil. Jesus described three possible ways of dealing with evil:
1. To return evil for evil: the unrighteously positive method
2. To suffer evil without complaint: the negative method
3. To return good for evil: the righteously positive method
Jesus said, "Believing the gospel will not prevent getting into trouble, but it will insure that you shall be unafraid when trouble does overtake you. If you dare to believe in me and wholeheartedly proceed to follow after me, you shall most certainly by so doing enter upon the sure pathway to trouble. I do not promise to deliver you from the waters of adversity, but I do promise to go with you through all of them."