The Urantia Book
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Story of Everything
abridged edition of The Urantia Book
145: Four Eventful Days at Capernaum
Jesus and the apostles returned to the Zebedee's home in Capernaum
in preparation for their first public tour in Galilee. At the synagogue
that week, Jesus preached about religion as a personal experience.
He said that the approach to God should be attempted as a child of
God, rather than as a child of Israel. The people of Capernaum were
astonished at how Jesus taught as one with authority rather than as
a scribe.
At the end of this particular sermon, a man suffered an epileptic
attack. Jesus took the man's hand just as he began to recover. The
inaccurate report spread that Jesus had cast a demon out of the man,
healing him. That same afternoon, Jesus visited Peter's mother-in-law,
who was sick with a fever and chills. It happened that her fever broke
just at the time when Jesus was with her. The apostles saw this coincidence
as another miracle, and spread the news to the people of the city.
By the time Jesus sat down to dinner, all of Capernaum was stirring.
Scores of afflicted people made their way to the Zebedee home in Bethsaida.
Peter's wife heard voices in the front yard, and saw the large company
assembling. A voice from the crowd called, "Master, speak the word,
restore our health, heal our diseases, and save our souls." Peter
asked Jesus to heed their cry, and Jesus replied that if it were the
will of his Father in heaven, he would desire to see the afflicted
made whole. In that instant, all six hundred and eighty-three people
were healed.
Of all who witnessed this healing, Jesus was the most surprised. The
apostles were overjoyed; to them this was possibly the greatest day
in their time spent with the Master. Jesus was disturbed by what had
happened and refused to be congratulated. The majority of those who
were healed that evening were not permanently uplifted spiritually
by this display of mercy. Miracles were not part of Jesus' plan. They
were incidental occurrences that happened because a divine being with
almost unlimited creative powers lived in the flesh.
Jesus was so distressed that he couldn't sleep. He didn't wish to
avoid physical healing altogether, but he knew that teaching and religious
training were more important. The Master rose early the next morning
and went into the hills to pray for wisdom and judgment.
Peter, James, and John went searching for Jesus. When they found him,
they asked him to tell them why he was troubled. The Master spent
more than four hours explaining the reasons why the kingdom of God
could not be based on wonder-working and physical healing, but the
apostles could not understand him.
Meanwhile, crowds of afflicted people and curiosity-seekers had gathered
at the Zebedee home, clamoring to see Jesus. Andrew went in search
of Jesus to ask him to work with the new crowd, but Jesus refused
to return to the house. The crowd was dismissed and the apostles prepared
for travel.
The apostles were saddened to leave the interested multitudes in Capernaum.
Peter believed that one thousand believers were ready to be baptized,
but Thomas said, "The Master has spoken. No matter if we cannot fully
comprehend the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, of one thing we
are certain: We follow a teacher who seeks no glory for himself."
Read the complete
unabridged version of Paper 145