The second public teaching
tour of Galilee began early in October, 28 AD. Each apostle traveled
with about a dozen of the newly trained evangelists. James, John, and
Jesus traveled together, observing the work of the new people. It was
during this time that David Zebedee started the messenger service that
would faithfully serve Jesus and his disciples as long as Jesus lived.
Jesus' fame as a healer spread throughout
Syria and Palestine. An unexplained healing phenomenon continued throughout
the rest of Jesus' life. Scores of people were spontaneously healed
even though Jesus did not deliberately intend to heal them. Three factors
influenced these cases: strong, living faith in a person who sought
healing for spiritual benefits; the great compassion of Jesus, who possessed
nearly unlimited healing powers; and that Jesus was the personified
expression of God's will on this planet.
During this tour, Jesus taught that anger
is a failure of the spiritual nature to control the intellectual and
physical nature. He discussed the desirability of a well‑balanced
character. On the subject of happiness, Jesus said that some people
are naturally more happy than others, but much depends on our willingness
to be led by the Spirit. He advised his followers not to look for false
peace and fleeting joy, but for faith and the assurance of divine sonship
that brings supreme joy of the spirit.
One evening, Philip asked Jesus to explain
why the scriptures commanded men to fear the Lord, while Jesus taught
that men should love God fearlessly. Jesus answered, "I have come into
the world to put love in the place of fear, joy in the place of sorrow,
confidence in the place of dread, loving service and appreciative worship
in the place of slavish bondage and meaningless ceremonies. But it is
still true of those who sit in darkness that 'the fear of the Lord is
the beginning of wisdom.' But when the light has more fully come, the
sons of God are led to praise the Infinite for what he is rather than
to fear him for what he does."
The second preaching tour ended on December
30. The evangelists discussed their experiences with each other in Bethsaida
before taking a two-week break.