Jesus returned to Magadan,
where he met with Abner and his disciples, the women's corps, the evangelistic
corps, and about one hundred and fifty other disciples from various
parts of Palestine. The entire group began a course of intensive training.
Jesus talked to the believers each morning. Peter taught methods of
public preaching, Nathaniel taught about the art of teaching, and Thomas
explained how to answer questions.
The selection of the seventy was decided
by a committee of Andrew, Abner, and the acting head of the evangelistic
corps. When these three judges were not unanimous in their opinion,
they brought the candidate to Jesus.
One disciple brought before Jesus asked
that he be allowed first to return home to await the imminent death
and burial of his father. Jesus said the man could remain a faithful
disciple while ministering to loved ones, but if he wanted to be ordained,
he must let others bury the dead. Another wanted to go home to comfort
his family. He was told that he must choose one or the other.
A rich man, Matadormus, a former member
of the Sanhedrin, pleaded with Jesus to allow him to become one of the
newly ordained messengers. Jesus said he would accept Matadormus if
he was willing to pay the price. Matadormus replied. "Master, I will
do anything if I may be allowed to follow you." Jesus told him to go
and sell all that he owned, and bestow the proceeds to the poor.
Matadormus had been raised to believe
that wealth was a sign of the favor of God. Jesus knew that he couldn't
be an ordained teacher until he was free of his love of wealth. Jesus
also saw that Matadormus could have become the leader of the group,
but unless Matadormus gave up his wealth he would not be accepted by
others who had truly given up everything.
Matadormus couldn't do it. Jesus was sad
that Matadormus did not choose ordination, for he greatly loved him.
Sometime later, Matadormus did obey Jesus' request and became treasurer
of the church in Jerusalem. But his delay deprived him of the chance
for personal association with the Master during his last few months
on earth.
Later Peter asked, "Shall we require those
who follow you to give up all their worldly goods?" Jesus replied that
this was necessary only for those who would become apostles. "Whatever
thing or person comes between you and the love of the truths of the
kingdom, must be surrendered. If one's wealth does not invade the precincts
of the soul, it is of no consequence in the spiritual life of those
who would enter the kingdom."
At the end of this two‑week training
period Jesus ordained seventy new teachers of the gospel.
During the ordination ceremony, Jesus
instructed them to:
Give the gospel to all, gentile and Jew
Refrain from the expectation of miracles.
Proclaim a spiritual brotherhood rather
than a worldly kingdom.
Stay in the first worthy house offered
in each city.
Tell believers that the time for an open
break with the Jerusalem Jewish leaders had come.
Reveal that man's only duties are to love
God completely, and his neighbor as himself.
Peter also spoke to the new teachers,
asking them to:
Pray for more laborers for the kingdom.
Expect hostility and persecution.
Trust the Father to provide food and shelter.
Attend to their business with enthusiasm
and without distraction.
Show kindness and courtesy toward all.
Minister to those sick in mind and body.
When the ordination sermon was over, Abner
assigned them to preach for six weeks in Galilee, Samaria, and Judea.
The seventy set out in pairs on their mission. Jesus and the apostles
broke camp early in December and set off to establish headquarters in
After they left, David Zebedee curtailed
his messenger service. He organized a camp near the vacated Magadan
site for housing pilgrims who arrived daily from throughout the Roman
empire. Within a week, David's camp was prepared to accommodate fifteen
hundred visitors.
On December 30, the seventy messengers
assembled at the Perea headquarters to exchange their stories of the
completed six‑week tour. Jesus rejoiced to see men continue the
proclamation of the gospel without his immediate presence. The Master
addressed them, saying,
"To you and to all who shall follow in
your steps down through the ages, let me say: I always stand near, and
my invitation‑call is, and ever shall be, Come to me all you who
labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon
you and learn of me, for I am true and loyal, and you shall find spiritual
rest for your souls."
Preparation for the three‑month
Perean mission, the Master's last mission, began. Jesus no longer needed
to travel to teach people; increasingly, people came to him. He and
the apostles spent much of the time during the Perean tour in camp teaching
the multitudes, while the seventy and the women's corps went out two
by two into the cities.