On March 12, 30 AD, Jesus
announced that he and the apostles would travel to Jerusalem for the
Passover. His followers, in spite of all that Jesus taught about his
kingdom not being of this world, assumed that he was going there to
establish the temporal kingdom of Jewish supremacy.
Salome, mother of the Zebedee brothers,
came to Jesus with James and John and asked him to promise that her
sons would to sit at his right and left side in the kingdom. Jesus grieved
that his beloved apostles still did not understand the nature of his
kingdom. He assured them that they would indeed drink of his cup of
bitterness and share in his humiliation, but it was not his place to
give what Salome asked. Later, when Salome witnessed the Master crucified
between two criminals, she remembered her ill-conceived request.
The other apostles were upset to learn
that James and John had gone secretly to Jesus seeking preference. They
began again to argue among themselves. Jesus spoke to them, saying,
"Whosoever would be great among you, let him first become your servant.
I declare to you that the Son of Man came not to be ministered to but
to minister; and I now go up to Jerusalem to lay down my life in the
doing of the Father's will and in the service of my brethren."
One thousand people traveled with Jesus
as he made his final journey to Jerusalem. At a ford in the Jordan river,
the Master discoursed on the cost of being his disciple. Jesus warned
his followers that they would face bitter persecutions and crushing
disappointment; they must be willing to renounce all that they were
and to dedicate all that they had. He frequently repeated that his kingdom
was not of this world. His apostles considered what Jesus said but
clung to the belief that after a period of adversity, the kingdom would
be established just as they desired.
As the group traveled the number of followers
shrunk to less than two hundred. On March 29, they camped at Livias.
Here Simon Zelotes and Simon Peter obtained over one hundred swords
that they distributed and wore concealed beneath their cloaks.
Jesus warned his men not to put their
trust in the uncertainties of the flesh. He told them plainly that he
would be delivered to the priests and put to death in Jerusalem. The
Master asked them not to be dismayed and to remember that he would rise
again on the third day. The stunned apostles would not accept what he
was telling them. They were so attached to their old beliefs that they
could not believe that Jesus really meant he would be killed by his
enemies in Jerusalem.
In Jericho, a tax collector named Zaccheus
wanted to see Jesus so much that he had climbed a sycamore tree to get
a good view. As Jesus passed by, he looked up at Zaccheus and said,
"Make haste, Zaccheus, and come down, for tonight I must abide at your
house." The people who witnessed this were surprised that Jesus wished
to stay with this publican, and one of the Pharisees commented on Jesus'
willingness to lodge with a sinner who robbed his own people.
When Zaccheus heard this, he responded,
"Men of Jericho, hear me! I may be a publican and a sinner, but the
great Teacher has come to abide in my house; and before he goes in,
I tell you that I am going to bestow one half of all my goods upon the
poor... I am going to seek salvation with all my heart and learn to
do righteousness in the sight of God." And when Zaccheus finished, Jesus
said, "Today has salvation come to this home, and you have become indeed
a son of Abraham. And marvel not at what I say nor take offense at what
we do, for I have all along declared that the Son of Man has come to
seek and to save that which is lost."
The next day, when the apostles stopped
for lunch, Jesus told a parable. A nobleman entrusted each of his stewards
with one pound to invest during the nobleman's absence. When an accounting
was later required, the first steward had increased his pound tenfold.
He was given authority over ten cities. The second servant had earned
five pounds, and was made ruler of five cities. The last steward had
wrapped his pound in a napkin to keep it safe. His master took it from
him and gave it to the servant who had ten cities, saying, "To every
one who has shall be given more, but from him who has not, even that
which he has shall be taken from him."