Late Thursday night Jesus led
the eleven apostles back to camp where he asked them to kneel in a circle
as he prayed. He asked God to help them and to keep them faithful until
the Spirit of Truth arrived. "You gave me twelve men, and I have kept
them all save one, the son of revenge, who would not have further fellowship
with us. These men are weak and frail, but I know we can trust them;
I have proved them; they love me, even as they reverence you." Jesus
prayed for their strength and courage, and finished by saying, "This
world knows very little of you, righteous Father, but I know you, and
I have made you known to these believers, and they will make known your
name to other generations. And now I promise them that you will be with
them in the world even as you have been with me - even so."
Jesus revealed God's name to the world
as never before. In revealing himself to Moses, all the Father could
communicate was "I AM that I AM." Jesus' life enlarged the revelation
of the name of God to all generations:
I am the bread of life.
I am the living water.
I am the light of the world.
I am the desire of all ages.
I am the open door to eternal salvation.
I am the reality of endless life.
I am the good shepherd.
I am the pathway of infinite perfection.
I am the resurrection and the life.
I am the secret of eternal survival.
I am the way, the truth, and the life.
I am the infinite Father of my finite
I am the true vine; you are the branches.
I am the hope of all who know the living
I am the living bridge from one world
to another.
I am the living link between time and
As the apostles made their way back to
camp they had a discussion about Judas. John Mark and David Zebedee
told Jesus privately that they knew Judas intended to betray him to
his enemies. Jesus asked them not to be troubled by it.
Before they retired, Simon Zelotes offered
the apostles weapons. Each man took a sword except for Nathaniel, who
pleaded with the others to remember that Jesus didn't want them to use
force to establish the kingdom of heaven. Nathaniel said he would pray
but he would not arm himself. When Andrew heard Nathaniel's speech he
turned his sword back in. Nine men remained armed.
After the men went to their tents, Jesus
requested a messenger from David. Jesus sent the messenger to Philadelphia
to warn Abner of what was to come and to promise that Abner would see
Jesus again shortly. Jesus also asked the chief of the visiting Greeks
not to be disturbed about what was to take place.
None of the apostles expected anything
to happen that evening; only David and John Mark realized that their
Master's enemies would come that very night. David bade farewell to
Jesus, saying, "Master, I have had great joy in my service with you.
My brothers are your apostles, but I have delighted to do the lesser
things as they should be done, and I shall miss you with all my heart
when you are gone." Jesus replied, "David, my son, others have done
that which they were directed to do, but this service have you done
of your own heart and I have not been unmindful of your devotion."
Jesus withdrew with Peter, James, and
John to a nearby ravine. His heart was heavy with sorrow. The trial
Jesus faced appeared more appalling to him as the evening wore on. He
was weary, and anxious for the safety of the apostles. Parting with
his men was a great strain. The divine Jesus knew that he had done his
best, but the human Jesus wished he could have done more.
Jesus desired that the three apostles
keep him company as he prayed, but they kept falling asleep. Three times
Jesus went aside to pray for assurance from his Father, and three times
he returned to find his friends sleeping. During his prayers an angel
came to strengthen him. Jesus was convinced that his Father was going
to let events take their natural course.