Paper 108


1. The mission of the Thought Adjusters to the human races is to represent, to be, the Universal Father to the mortal creatures of time and space; ...Their mission is also that of elevating the mortal minds and of translating the immortal souls of men up to the divine heights and spiritual levels of Paradise perfection.

2.  Nothing in the entire universe can substitute for the fact of experience on nonexistent­ial levels ...Therefore does the spirit of the Father descend from Paradise to participate with finite mortals in every bona fide experience of the ascending career; it is only by such a method that the existential God could become in truth and in fact man's experiential Father.

3.  The volunteering Adjuster is particularly interested in three qualifications of the human candidate:

     1. Intellectual capacity...2. Spiritual perception ...3. Combined intellectual and spiritual powers.

4.  Though the Adjusters volunteer for service as soon as the personality forecasts have been relayed to Divinington, they are not actually assigned until the human subjects make their first moral personality decision...Adjusters reach their human subjects on Urantia, on the average, just prior to the sixth birthday.

5.  If this spirit of the bestowal Sons is present, the Adjusters unfailingly come the instant the seventh adjutant mind‑spirit begins to function and signalizes to the Universe Mother Spirit that it has achieved in potential the co‑ordination of the associated six adjutants of prior ministry to such a mortal intellect. Therefore have the divine Adjusters been universally bestowed upon all normal minds of moral status on Urantia ever since the day of Pentecost.

6.  Before the times of the pouring out of the Spirit of Truth upon the inhabitants of an evolutionary world, the Adjusters' bestowal appears to be determined by many spirit influences and personality attitudes...1. The assignment of personal seraphic guardians.. 2. The attainment of the third circle ...3. Upon the making of a supreme decision of unusual spiritual import ...4. The spirit of brotherhood ...5. Declaration of intention to do the will of God...6. Influence of the Supreme Being.

7.  As far as we know, Adjusters are organized as an independent working unit in the universe of universes and are apparently administered directly from Divinington... Adjusters are of complete record (outside of Divinington) only on the headquarters of the seven superuniverses.

8.  Human subjects are often known by the numbers of their Adjusters; mortals do not receive real universe names until after Adjuster fusion, which union is signalized by the bestowal of the new name upon the new creature by the destiny guardian.

9.  It is interesting to note that local universe inspectors always address themselves, when carrying out a planetary examination, to the planetary chief of Thought Adjusters... Not long since, Urantia underwent such a periodic inspection by Tabamantia..."Now to you, superiors far above me ...I come to express admiration and profound respect for this magnificent group of celestial ministers ...No matter how trying the crises, you never falter ...You have helped to adjust the mistakes and to compensate for the short­comings of all who labor on this confused planet. You are marvelous beings, guardians of the good in the souls of this backward realm ...I bow before you in humble recognition of your exquisite unselfishness, your understanding ministry, and your impartial devotion. You deserve the name of the Godlike servers of the mortal inhabitants of this strife‑torn, grief‑stricken, and disease‑afflicted world. I honor you I all but worship you!”

10. As a result of many suggestive lines of evidence, we believe that the Adjusters are thoroughly organized, that there exists a profoundly intelligent and efficient directive administration of these divine gifts from some far‑distant and central source, probably Divinington.

11. Thought Adjusters appear to come and go quite independent of any and all other spiritual presences; they seem to function in accordance with universe laws quite apart from those

which govern and control the performances of all other spirit influences. But regardless of such apparent independence, long‑range observation unquestionably discloses that they function in the human mind in perfect synchrony and co‑ordination with all other spirit ministries.

12. No matter what happens on a world or in a universe, the Adjusters are never directly concerned. The isolation of a planet in no way affects the Adjusters and their ability to communicate with any part of the local universe, superuniverse, or the central universe.

13. The Adjusters accept a difficult assignment when they volunteer to indwell such composite beings as live on Urantia...What the Thought Adjuster cannot utilize in your present life, those truths which he cannot successfully transmit to the man of his betrothal, he will faithfully preserve for use in the next stage of existence ...One thing you can depend upon: The Adjusters will never lose anything committed to their care; never have we known these spirit helpers to default.

14. The Mystery Monitors are not thought helpers; they are thought adjusters. They labor with the material mind for the purpose of constructing, by adjustment and spiritual­ization, a new mind for the new worlds and the new name of your future career ...they are concerned in making your life reasonably difficult and rugged ...The presence of a great Thought Adjuster does not bestow ease of living and freedom from strenuous think­ing, but such a divine gift should confer a sublime peace of mind and a superb tranquility of spirit.

15. The Thought Adjusters would like to change your feelings of fear to convictions of love and confidence; but they cannot mechanically and arbitrarily do such things; that is your task.

16. The indwelling Adjusters are particularly tormented by those thoughts which are purely sordid and selfish; they are distressed by irreverence for that which is beautiful and divine, and they are virtually thwarted in their work by many of man's foolish animal fears and childish anxieties.

17. The Adjuster is the wellspring of spiritual attainment and the hope of divine character within you. He is the power, privilege, and the possibility of survival, which so fully and forever distinguishes you from mere animal creatures.

18. These faithful custodians of the future career unfailingly duplicate every mental creation with a spiritual counterpart; they are thus slowly and surely re‑creating you as you really are (only spiritually) for resurrection on the survival worlds. And all of these exquisite spirit re‑creations are being preserved in the emerging reality of your evolving and immortal soul, your morontia self.

19. The Monitors are the prisoners of undying hope, the founts of everlasting progression... How they rejoice when they can dispense with symbols and other methods of indirection and flash their messages straight to the intellects of their human partners

20. You humans have begun an endless unfolding of an almost infinite panorama, a limitless expanding of never‑ending, ever‑widening spheres of opportunity for exhilarating service, matchless adventure, sublime uncertainty, and boundless attainment.

U.B. 108:1185‑1194- Solitary Messenger

Discussion Questions

1. How does  it help Adjusters to know our heredity and probable intellectual endowments?

2. Why is experience so important to human beings and God?

3. Why do you think the Adjusters can communicate throuthout the universe even on isolated planets?

4. Do we have any awareness of the Adjuster registering messages in our minds?

5. Does life that is difficult and rugged result in spiritual growth?

6. How do our decisions serve as a “psychic fulcrum” used by the Adjuster?

7. How does one communicate with the indwelling Adjuster?