Meredith Sprunger's Synopsis of The Urantia Book
Synopsis of Paper 152

1. As Jesus went along with Jairus, the large crowd which had heard the father's request followed on to see what would happen ...Jesus suddenly stopped, exclaiming, "Someone touched me."...Peter spoke up: "Master, you can see that this crowd presses you, threatening to crush us, and yet you say 'someone has touched me.' What do you mean?" Then Jesus said: "I asked who touched me, for I perceived that living energy had gone forth from me." As Jesus looked about him, his eyes fell upon a nearby woman, who, coming forward, knelt at his feet and said: “For years I have been afflicted with a scourging hemorrhage...Master, I touched the border of your garment, and I was made whole; I know that I have been healed of my affliction."

2.  When Jesus heard this, he took the woman by the hand and, lifting her up, said: "Daughter, your faith has made you whole; go in peace." It was her faith and not her touch that made her whole... Her faith was of the sort that laid direct hold upon the creative power resident in the Master's person ...Jesus ...He did not want Veronica to go away thinking that her fear in attempting to steal her cure had been honored, or that her superstition in associating the touch of his garment with her healing had been effective. He desired all to know that it was her pure and living faith that had wrought the cure.

3. Even before they entered the ruler's yard, one of his servants came out, saying: “Trouble not  the Master; your daughter is dead." But Jesus seemed not to heed the servant's words...He had told the mourners that the damsel was not dead, but they laughed him to scorn. Jesus now turned to the mother, saying: "Your daughter is not dead; she is only asleep." And when the house had quieted down, Jesus, going up to where the child lay, took her by the hand and said, "Daughter, I say to you, awake and arise!" And when the girl heard these words, she immediately rose up and walked across the room. And presently, after she had recovered from her daze, Jesus directed that they should give her something to eat, for she had been a long time without food.

4.  Since there was much agitation in Capernaum against Jesus, he called the family together and explained that the maiden had been in a state of coma following a long fever, and that he had merely aroused her, that he had not raised her from the dead. He likewise explained all this to his apostles, but it was futile; they all believed he had raised the little girl from the dead.

5.  Jesus' apostles, let alone the common people, could not understand the nature and attributes of this God‑man. Neither has any subsequent generation been able to evaluate what took place on earth in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. And there can never occur an opportunity for either science or religion to check up on these remarkable events for the simple reason that such an extraordinary situat­ion can never again occur, either on this world or on any other world in Nebadon.

6.  Never before Jesus was on earth, nor since, has it been possible so directly and graphically to secure the results attendant upon the strong and living faith of mortal men and women. To repeat these phenomena, we would have to go into the immediate presence of Michael, the Creator, and find him as he was‑ in those days—the Son of Man. Likewise, today, while his absence prevents such material manifest­ations, you should refrain from placing any sort of limitation on the possible exhibition of his spiritual power.

7.  The Master had so little rest over the Sabbath that on Sunday morning, March 27, he sought to get away from the people... Jesus and the twelve ...proposed to obtain much needed rest in a beautiful park south of Bethsaida ‑ Julias...But the people would not have it so...By late afternoon more than a thousand persons had located the Master in one of the parks, and he spoke to them briefly, being followed by Peter ...Monday afternoon the multitude had increased to more than three thousand... By Wednesday noon about five thousand men, women, and children were assembled here in this park to the south of Bethsaida‑ Julias.

8.  It was being quietly whispered about that Jesus…had chosen this quiet spot outside the jurisdiction of all his enemies as the proper place to be crowned king. The enthusiasm of the people was rising every hour... The apostles who favored this attempt to proclaim Jesus king were Peter, John, Simon Zelotes, and Judas Iscariot. Those opposing the plan were Andrew, James, Nathaniel, and Thomas. Matthew, Philip, and the Alpheus twins were noncommittal. The ringleader of this plot to make him king was Joab, one of the young evangelists.

9.  Jesus turned to Andrew and Philip, saying: "I do not want to send these people away. Here they are, like sheep without a shepherd. I would like to feed them. What food have we with us?"...Andrew sought out the Mark lad to ascertain how much was left of their store of provisions. He returned to Jesus, saying: "The lad has left only five barley loaves and two dried fishes"...For a moment Jesus stood in silence. There was a faraway look in his eyes. The apostles said nothing. Jesus turned suddenly to Andrew and said, "Bring me the loaves and fishes." Jesus took up the loaves in his hands, and after he had given thanks, he broke the bread and gave to his apostles, who passed it on to their associates, who in turn carried it to the multitude. Jesus in like manner broke and distributed the fishes. And this multitude did eat and were filled. And when they had finished eating, Jesus said to the disciples: "Gather up the broken pieces that remain over so that nothing will be lost." And when they had finished gathering up the fragments, they had twelve basketfuls. They who ate of this extraordinary feast numbered about five thousand men, women, and children.

10. And this is the first and only nature miracle which Jesus performed as a result of his conscious preplanning. It is true that his disciples were disposed to call many things miracles which were not, but this was a genuine supernatural min­istration. In this case, so we were taught, Michael multiplied food elements as he always does except for the elimination of the time factor and the visible life channel.

11. When this hungry, undernourished multitude had finished gorging itself with the wonder‑food, there was but one unanimous reaction: "Here is our king.” The wonder­working deliverer of Israel had come. In the eyes of these simple‑minded people the power to feed carried with it the right to rule. No wonder, then, that the multitude, when it had finished feasting, rose as one man and shouted, "Make him king!"

12. This mighty shout of the multitude had hardly ceased to reverberate from the near­by rocks when Jesus stepped upon a huge stone and, lifting up his right hand to command their attention, said: "My children, you mean well, but you are short­sighted and material‑minded."...How many times have I told you that my kingdom is not of this world? ...Have I so failed in revealing to you the Father of spirits that you would make a king of his Son in the flesh! Now all of you go hence to your own homes. If you must have a king, let the Father of lights be enthroned in the heart of each of you as the spirit Ruler of all things."

13. These words of Jesus sent the multitude away stunned and disheartened. Many who had believed in him turned back and followed him no more from that day. The apostles were speechless; ...Jesus, before going off to be alone in the hills, turned to Andrew and said: 'Take your brethren back to Zebedee's house and pray with them, especially for your brother, Simon Peter."

14. While the other apostles toiled against the wind and the waves, Peter dreamed a dream; he saw a vision of Jesus coming to them walking on the sea. When the Master seemed to walk on by the boat, Peter cried out, "Save us, Master, save us,"...As this apparition of the night season continued in Peter's mind, he dreamed that he heard Jesus say: "Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid." This was like the balm of Gilead to Peter's disturbed soul; it soothed his troubled spirit, so that (in his dream) he cried out to the Master: "Lord, if it really is you, bid me come and walk with you on the water." And when Peter started to walk upon the water, the boisterous waves frightened him, and as he was about to sink, he cried out, "Lord, save me!…Then   Peter dreamed that Jesus came to the rescue and, stretching forth his hand, took hold and lifted him up, saying: "0, you of little faith, wherefore did you doubt?"

15. In connection with the1atter part of his dream Peter arose from the seat whereon he slept and actually stepped overboard and into the water. And he awakened from his dream as Andrew, James and John reached down and pulled him out of the sea.

To Peter this experience was always real. He sincerely believed that Jesus came to them that night. He only partially convinced John Mark, which explains why Mark left a portion of the story out of his narrative. Luke, the physician, who made careful search into these matters, concluded that the episode was a vision of Peter's and therefore refused to give place to this story in the preparation of his narrative.

16. Jesus asked Andrew to assemble the twelve apostles and their associates, includ­ing the women...Jesus said: "How long shall I bear with you? Are you all slow of spiritual comprehension and deficient in living faith? All these months have I taught you the truths of the kingdom, and yet are you dominated by material motives instead of spiritual considerations...

"And now do you all see that the working of miracles and the performance of material wonders will not win souls for the spiritual kingdom? ...I pray that the Father will anoint your eyes that you may see and open your ears that you may hear, to the end that you may have full faith in the gospel which I have taught you.”

17. This spectacular episode brought an end to the early era of teaching, training, and healing, thereby preparing the way for the inauguration of this last year of proclaiming the higher and more spiritual phases of the new gospel of the kingdom—divine sonship, spiritual liberty, and eternal salvation.

18. The ambassadors of the kingdom were a serious, sober, and chastened group of dis­illusioned men. But even after all that had happened, and as subsequent events disclosed, these twelve men were not yet fully delivered from their inbred and long‑cherished notions about the coming of the Jewish Messiah…It requires time for men and women to effect radical and extensive changes in their basic and fundamental concepts of social conduct, philosophic attitudes, and religious convictions.

19. In less than one month's time the enthusiastic and open followers of Jesus, who numbered more than fifty thousand in Galilee alone, shrank to less than five hundred. Jesus desired to give his apostles such an experience with the fickle­ness of popular acclaim that they would not be tempted to rely on such manifestat­ions of transient religious hysteria after he should leave them alone in the work of the kingdom, but he was only partially successful in this effort.

20. "You see, my children, the appeal to human feelings is transitory and utterly disappointing; the exclusive appeal to the intellect of man is likewise empty and barren; it is only by making your appeal to the spirit which lives within the human mind that you can hope to achieve lasting success and accomplish those mar­velous transformations of human character that are presently shown in the abund­ant yielding of the genuine fruits of the spirit.”

21. Jesus taught the appeal to the emotions as the technique of arresting and focus­ing the intellectual attention. He designated the mind thus aroused and quickened as the gateway to the soul, where there resides that spiritual nature of man which must recognize truth and respond to the spiritual appeal of the gospel in order to afford the permanent results of true character transformations.

22. These twelve men were slowly awaking to the realization of the real nature of their task as ambassadors of the kingdom, and they began to gird themselves for the trying and testing ordeals of the last year of the Master's ministry on earth.

Discussion Questions

1. What role does faith have in maintaining health today?

2. Will the Fifth Epochal Revelation help our world understand Michael’s spiritual power apart from his miracles?

3. What does it mean not to place any limitations on Michael’s  spiritual power?

4. Why do you think Jesus decided to feed the 5000?

5. Do you think Peter’s dream was a natural dream or was given divine guidance?

6. Just as Jesus was unable to change his apostles view of the Jewish Messiah, what will the Urantia Synopsis of Papers have difficulty changing?

7. How do we distinguish between appealing to human emotions and intellect as apposed to the indwelling Spirit in people?

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