Paper 35
1. Triune Paradise
Deity functions for the creation of three orders of sonship: the Michaels, the
Avonals, and the Daynals. Dual Deity in the local universe, the Son and the
Spirit, also functions in the creation of three high orders of Sons: the
Melchizedeks, the Vorondadeks, and the Lanonandeks.
2. In the universe of Nebadon the Father Melchizedek acts as
the first executive associate of the Bright and Morning Star...The Melchizedeks of our universe were all
created within one millennial period of standard time by the Creator Son and
the Creative Spirit in liaison with the Father Melchizedek.
3. The Melchizedeks are the first order of divine Sons to approach sufficiently near the lower creature life to be able to function directly in the ministry of mortal uplift... These Sons are naturally at the mid‑point of the great personality descent, by origin being just about midway between the highest Divinity and the lowest creature life of will endowment.
4. The Melchizedeks are a self‑governing order. With this unique group we encounter the first attempt at self‑determination on the part of local universe beings and observe the highest type of true self‑government ...not once throughout all the superuniverse of Orvonton have these Melchizedek Sons ever betrayed their trust... they are the pattern and the teachers of self‑government to all the spheres of Nebadon.
5. The Melchizedek
order of sonship occupies the position, and assumes the responsibility, of the
eldest son in a large family...They maintain an autonomous organization devoted
to universe intelligence, making periodical reports to the Creator Son...They
are by nature unprejudiced observers;
they have the full confidence of all classes of intelligent beings.
6. The Melchizedeks function as mobile and advisory review courts of the realms…thus helping to compose the major difficulties and settle the serious differences which arise from time to time in the affairs of the evolutionary domains.
These eldest Sons of a universe are the chief aids of the Bright and Morning Star in carrying out the mandates of the Creator Son.
7. When a Creator Son enters upon the bestowal career on an
evolutionary world, he goes
alone; but when one of his Paradise brothers, an Avonal Son, enters upon a bestowal, he is accompanied by the Melchizedek supporters, twelve in number ...They also support the Paradise Avonals on magisterial missions to the inhabited worlds...There is no phase of planetary spiritual need to which they do not minister.
8. The Melchizedeks are well‑nigh perfect in wisdom, but they are not infallible in judgment. When detached and alone on planetary missions, they have sometimes erred in minor matters...But these minor misadaptations in Melchizedek function have rarely occurred in Nebadon.
9. The Melchizedeks occupy a world of their own near Salvington, the universe headquarters.
This sphere, by name Melchizedek, is the pilot world of the Salvington circuit of seventy primary spheres...and 420 tributaries are often spoken of as the Melchizedek University.
10. The pilot world, the sphere Melchizedek is the common meeting ground for all beings who are engaged in educating and
spiritualizing the ascending mortals of time and space. To an ascender this
world is probably the most interesting place In all Nebadon.
11. The highest course of training in universe
administration is given by the Melchizedeks on their home world. This College
of High Ethics is presided over by
the original Father Melchizedek...our administrative troubles have so turned
the whole universe into a vast clinic for other near‑by creations that
the Melchizedek colleges are thronged with student visitors and observers from
other realms. Besides the immense group of local registrants there are always upward
of one hundred thousand foreign students in attendance upon the Melchizedek
schools, for the order of Melchizedeks in Nebadon is renowned throughout all
12. While the Melchizedek orders are chiefly devoted to the vast educational system and experiential training regime of the local universe,
they also function in unique assignments and in unusual
circumstances...Whenever and wherever special help is needed, there you will
find one or more of the Melchizedek Sons ...The Melchizedeks are the first to
act in all emergencies of whatever nature on all worlds where will creatures
dwell...It is easily possible for such a Son to make himself visible to mortal
beings...Seven times in Nebadon has a Melchizedek served on an evolutionary
world in the similitude of mortal flesh.
13. not equal their Melchizedek brethren in
brilliant versatility...Neither are they quite the administrative peers of
their subordinates, the Lanonandek
System Sovereigns, but they excel all orders of universe sonship in stability
of purpose and in divinity of judgment ...these Sons rarely fall into error,
and they have never gone into rebellion.
14. On those worlds segregated in spiritual darkness, those
spheres which have, through rebellion and default, suffered planetary
isolation, an observer Vorondadek is usually present pending the restoration of
normal status ...As a result of all these services, the Vorondadek Sons have
become the historians of the local universes; they are personally familiar with
all the political struggles and the social upheavals of the inhabited, worlds.
15. At least three Vorondadeks are assigned to the rulership
of each of the one hundred
constellations of
a local universe. These Sons are selected by the Creator Son and
are commissioned
by Gabriel as the Most Highs of the
constellations for service during
dekamillennium—10,000 standard years, about 50,000 years of Urantia time. The
reigning Most
High, the Constellation Father, has two associates, a senior and a junior.
…Norlatiadek, your own constellation, is at present administered by twelve Vorondadek Sons.
16. The second group of seven worlds in the circuit of
seventy primary spheres surrounding Salvington comprise the Vorondadek planets.
Each of these spheres, with its six encircling satellites, is devoted to a
special phase of Vorondadek activities. On these forty‑nine realms the
ascending mortals secure the acme of their education respecting universe
legislation ...The instruction to be had in the Vorondadek schools is
unexcelled even on Uversa...The ascending pilgrims will be introduced to
numerous new activities on these worlds of study and practical work.
17. The Lanonandeks...are best known as System Sovereigns...and as Planetary Princes...Since Lanonandeks are a somewhat lower order of sonship than the Melchizedeks and the Vorondadeks, they are of greater service in the subordinate units of the universe, for they are capable of drawing nearer the lower creatures of the intelligent races. They also stand in greater danger of going astray, of departing from the acceptable technique of universe government. But these Lanonandeks, especially the primary order, are the most able and versatile of all local universe administrators. In executive ability they are excelled only by Gabriel and his unrevealed associates.
18. The System Sovereigns rule in commissions of two or
three on the headquarters of each
system of
inhabited worlds. The Constellation Father names one of these Lanonandeks as
chief every dekamillennium...The System Sovereigns are true to their names;
they are well‑nigh sovereign in the local affairs of the inhabited worlds
...they present the one place in all
universe administration where
personal disloyalty to the will of the Michael Son could most easily and.
readily intrench itself and seek to assert itself.
19. Our local universe has been unfortunate in that over
seven hundred Sons of the Lanonandek order have rebelled against the universe
government, thus precipitating confusion in several systems and on numerous
planets. Of this entire number of failures only three were System Sovereigns;
practically all of these Sons
belonged to the second and. third orders, Planetary Princes and tertiary
20. The large number of these Sons who have lapsed from
integrity does not indicate any fault in creatorship ....It is the contention
of our high rulers that, while such free.. choosing Sons make excessive trouble
in the earlier ages of the universes, when things are fully sifted and finally
settled, the gains of higher loyalty and. fuller volitional service on the part
of these thoroughly tested Sons will far more than compensate for the confusion
and tribulations of earlier times.
21. In the event of rebellion on a system headquarters, a
new sovereign is usually installed within a comparatively short time, but not
so on the individual planets... Rebellion by a Planetary Prince instantly
isolates his planet...Only a bestowal Son can reestablish interplanetary lines of communication on such a
spiritually isolated world.
22. While serving as training spheres for ascending mortals,
the Lanonandek worlds are the centers for extensive undertakings having to do
with the normal and routine
administrative operations of the universe. All the way in to Paradise the ascending
pilgrims pursue their studies in the practical schools of applied
knowledge—actual training in really doing the things they are being taught. The
universe educational system sponsored by the Melchizedeks is practical,
progressive, meaningful, and experiential. It embraces training in things
material, intellectual, morontial, and spiritual.
U.B. 35: 384‑395-Chief of Archangels
1. Why do you think Father Melchizedek was allowed to help create all of the other Melchizedeks?
2. What do you imagine we might be taught on the 490 worlds
of the Melchizedek University?
3. Why is the review of all of our past experience so
4. If we should have a Avonal magisterial mission, do you
think the accompanying Melchizedeks would be visible?
5. What can we learn from the vast amount of time the
Constellation Fathers serve?
6. What might be the “undreamed-of pursuits” we will engage in at the Vorondadek schools?
7. Why do you think so many of the Lanonandeks in our
universe have rebelled against the universe government?