Paper 45


1. The administrative center of Satania consists of a cluster of architectural spheres, fifty‑seven in number—Jerusem itself, the seven major satellites, and the forty‑nine subsatellites...The seven mansion worlds are the seven subsatellites of transition world number one.

2.  Although the finaliters and their structures are not ordinarily perceptible to morontia vision, you will be more than thrilled, from time to time when the energy transformer and the Morontia Power Supervisors enable you momentarily to glimpse these high spirit personalities who have actually completed the Paradise ascension, and who have returned to the very worlds where you are beginning this long journey, as the pledge of assurance that you may and can complete the stupendous undertaking.

3.  The seven satellites surrounding the Father's world are used as the detention spheres for the interned groups of the Lucifer rebellion ...this, sad spectacle has been observable during these recent ages and will continue to serve as a solemn warning to all Nebadon until the Ancients of Days shall adjudicate the sin of Lucifer and his fallen associates who rejected the salvation proffered by Michael, their universe Father.

4.  The chief executive of a local system of inhabited worlds is a primary Lanonandek Son,

     the System Sovereign. In our local universe these sovereigns are intrusted with large

     executive responsibilities, unusual personal prerogatives ....But in all the history of

     Nebadon these untrammeled executives have exhibited disloyalty only three times. The Lucifer rebellion in the system of Satania was the last and the most widespread of all.

5.  The present head of Satania is a gracious and brilliant ruler, and he is a rebellion-­tested sovereign...While all the affairs of the isolated worlds of Satania have not been returned to his jurisdiction, Lanaforge discloses great interest in their welfare, and he is a frequent visitor on Urantia.

6.  Once a week, every ten days on Jerusem, the Sovereign holds a conclave with some one group of the various orders of personalities domiciled on the headquarters world. These are the charmingly informal hours of Jerusem, and they are never‑to‑be‑forgotten occasions. On Jerusem there exists the utmost fraternity between all the various orders of beings and between each of these groups and the System Sovereign.

7.  The chief executive of a local system the System Sovereign, is always supported by two or three Lanonandek Sons, who function as first and second assistants. But at the present time the system of Satania is administered by a staff of seven Lanonandeks.

8.  At the center of the seven angelic residential circles on Jerusem is located the head­quarters of the Urantia council, the four and twenty counselors...They are the designated agents for executing the special requests of Gabriel and the unusual mandates of Michael.

          These twenty‑four counselors have been recruited from the eight Urantia races, and the last of this group were assembled at the time of the resurrection roll call of Michael, nineteen hundred years ago ...1. Onagar…2. Mansant…3. Onamonalonton…4. Orlandof…5. Porshunta…6. Singlangton…7. Fantad…8. Orvonon…9. Adam ...l0. Eve ...ll. Enoch...12. Moses ...13. Elijah...14. Machiventa Melchizedek...l5. John the Baptist ...l6. 1‑2‑3 the First...Seats numbers 17, 18, 19, and 20 are not permanently occupied ...Numbers 21, 22, 23, and 24 are likewise temporarily filled.

9.  The domain of the Adams is the center of attraction to all new arrivals on Jerusem...These Material Sons are the highest type of sex‑reproducing beings to be found on the training spheres of the evolving universes.. . These Material Sons are the last and physical link in the chain of personalities extending from divinity and perfection above down to humanity and material existence below. These Sons provide the inhabited worlds with a mutually contactable intermediary between the invisible planetary Prince and the Material creatures of the realms.

10. The higher orders of sonship reserve the veto functions of the realm, but in nearly every respect the Jerusem Adamites govern themselves by universal suffrage and represent­ative government. Some time they hope to be granted virtually complete autonomy.

11. The Material Sons and Daughters, together with their children, present an engaging spectacle which never fails to arouse the curiosity and intrigue the attention of all ascending mortals. They are so similar to your own material sex races that you both find much of common interest to engage your thoughts and occupy your seasons of fraternal contact.

12. On the seven mansion worlds ascending mortals are afforded ample opportunities for compensating any and all experiential deprivations suffered on their worlds of origin... This is in every sense true except in the mortal sex life and its attendant adjustments….but in close association with the Material Sons and Daughters…these sex‑deficient mortals are enabled to compensate the social, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual aspects of their deficiency.

13. All mortal survivors who have not experienced. parenthood on the evolutionary worlds must ...obtain this necessary training while sojourning in the homes of the Jerusem Material Sons and as parental associates of these superb fathers and mothers.

14. The ascension of either ...natural parents insures that ...a mortal child of the realms will be accorded repersonalization on the system finaliter planet and there be permitted to demonstrate by subsequent freewill choice whether or not it elects to follow the parental path of mortal ascension.

15. The Melchizedeks are the directors of that large corps of instructors ...who function so

acceptably on Jerusem and its associated worlds but especially on the seven mansion worlds...The Melchizedek Sons conduct upward of thirty different educational centers on Jerusem. These training schools begin with the college of self‑evaluation and end with the schools of Jerusem citizenship.

16. The entire universe is organized and administered on the representative plan. Representative government is the divine ideal of self‑government among nonperfect beings.

17. There are many elective bodies on Jerusem...To receive nomination for representative honor a candidate must have gained requisite recognition from the Melchizedek schools of administration.

     Suffrage is universal on Jerusem...but the vote is differentially cast in accordance with the recognized and duly registered personal possession of mota—morontia wisdom. The vote cast at the Jerusem election by any one personality has a value ranging from one up to one thousand.

18. From time to time Jerusem citizens present themselves to the Melchizedek examiners, who certify to their attainment of morontia wisdom. Then they go before the examining corps of the Brilliant Evening Stars or their designates, who ascertain the degree of spirit insight. Next they appear in the presence of the four and twenty counselors and their associates, who pass upon their status of experiential attainment of socialization. These three factors are then carried to the citizenship registrars of representative government, who quickly compute the mota status and assign suffrage qualifications in accordance therewith.

19. No ascending mortal leaves the system headquarters for the more extensive and varied socialization career of the constellation until these Material Sons certify to the achievement of mota personality.

U.B, 45:509‑518-Melchizedek

Discussion Questions

1. Why do you think the seven Mansion Worlds are satellites of the Finaliter World?

2. What might one observe on the prison worlds of our system?

3. Why would the interned beings of the Lucifer rebellion still refuse to repent?

4. What is the advantage of allowing the System Sovereigns in our universe unusual personal prerogatives?

5. What are the advantages of living in a system and on a planet that has experienced rebellion?

6. What do you think of the members of the Urantia Advisory Council and who might future members be?

7. What constitutes experiential deprivations which must be made up by living with the Material Sons and Daughters?