Meredith Sprunger's Synopsis of The Urantia Book
Synopsis of Paper 6

1. The Eternal Son is the perfect and final expression of the "first” personal and absolute concept of the Universal Father...We speak of God’s “first” thought and allude to an impossible time origin of the Eternal Son for the purpose of gaining access to the thought channels of the human intellect...In the sequential sense the Universal Father never could have had a first thought, nor could the Eternal Son ever have had a beginning ...The Eternal Son is the spiritual personalization of the Paradise Father's universal and infinite concept of divine reality, unqualified spirit, and absolute personality.

2. The Eternal Son is the spiritual center and the divine administrator of the spiritual government of the universe of universes...The Universal Father never personally functions as a creator except in conjunction with the Son or with the co-ordinate action of the Son.

3. Although any of the Paradise Sons may fittingly be called Sons of God, we are in the habit of reserving the designation "the Eternal Son” for this Original Son, the Second Source and Center, cocreator with the Universal Father of the central universe of power and perfection and cocreator of all other divine Sons who spring from the infinite Deities.

4. The Eternal Son is the eternal Word of God. He is wholly, like the Father; in fact, the Eternal Son is God the Father personally manifest to the universe of universes. And thus it was and is and forever will be true of the Eternal Son and of all the co-ordinate Creator Sons: "He who has seen the Son has seen the Father.”

5. The Eternal Son is the great mercy minister to all creation. Mercy is the essence of the Son's spiritual character...The ministry of the Eternal Son is devoted to the revelation of the God of love to the universe of universes ... As love is comprehended on a sex planet, the love of God is more comparable to the love of a father, while the love of the Eternal Son is more like the affection of a mother.

6. The Eternal Son motivates the spirit level of cosmic reality; the spiritual power of the Son is absolute in relation to all universe actualities. The Son is omnipotent only in the spiritual realm...The omnipresence of the Original Son constitutes the spiritual unity of the universe of universes...The spirit of the Eternal Son is most certainly with you and around you, but not within you and a part of you like the Mystery Monitor.

7. The Original Son in universally and spiritually self-conscious. In wisdom the Son is the full equal of the Father. In the realms of knowledge, omniscience, we cannot distinguish between the First and Second Sources; like the Father, the Son knows all; he is never surprised by any universe event; he comprehends the end from the beginning.

 8. The Eternal Son does not personally function in the physical domains, nor does he function, except through the Conjoint Actor, in the levels of mind ministry to creature beings.

 9. The Eternal Son, as an infinite and exclusively personal being, cannot fragmentize his nature... But the Son can and does bestow himself as an unlimited spirit to bathe all creation and unceasingly draw all spirit personalities and spiritual realities to himself.

 10. The Eternal Son is spirit and has mind, but not a mind or a spirit which mortal mind can comprehend...Spirit is ever conscious, minded, and possessed of varied phases of identity...The equivalent of mind, the ability to know and be known, is indigenous to Deity...The Eternal Son is wholly spiritual; man is very nearly entirely material.

11. As persons you may conceive of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son as separate           individuals, for they indeed are; but in the administration of the universes they are so intertwined and interrelated that it is not always possible to distinguish between them...In each local universe this inseparability is personalized in the divinity of the Creator Son, who stands for both Father and Son to the creatures of ten million inhabited worlds.

12. Never can the concept of the Eternal Son shine brightly in your material or subsequent morontial mind; not until you spiritize and commence your spirit ascension will the comprehension of the personality of the Eternal Son begin to equal the vividness of your concept of the personality of the Creator Son.

13. As you progress through Orvonton and Havona, as you leave behind you the vivid picture      and deep memories of the Creator Son of your local universe, the passing of this material and morontia experience will be compensated by ever-enlarging concepts and intensifying comprehension of the Eternal Son of Paradise, whose reality and nearness will ever augment as you progress Paradiseward.

Discussion Questions

1. Why do human minds need “beginnings and ends?” Do you think we are handicapped by this time distortion of reality?

2. What is the meaning of the statement: “He who has seen the Son has seen the Father?”

3. Why have Christians never associated the second person of the Trinity with creation functions, even though the Bible has such references (John 3-10, Col. 1:15-16, Heb. 1:2)?

4. Is there evidence of spiritual gravity in human experience?

5. How traumatic for Christians is the knowledge that Christ Michael is not the Eternal Son?

6. How does the fact that the “resurrected Jesus” is the creator and savior of 10 million worlds change Christian thinking?

7. Since our comprehension of the Eternal Son is largely through our relationship with the Creator Son, do any additional values evolve as the result of our revelatory knowledge of the Eternal Son?

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship