Meredith Sprunger's Synopsis of The Urantia Book
Synopsis of Paper 79

1.  Asia is the homeland of the human race. It was on a southern peninsula of this continent that Andon arid Fonta were born ...Here at this eastern focus of the human race the Sangik peoples differentiated from the Andonic stock... Southwestern Asia witnessed the successive civilization of Dalamatians, Nodites, Adamites, and Andites, and from these regions the potentials of modern civilization spread to the world.

2.  For over twenty‑five thousand years, on down to nearly 2000 B.C., the heart of Eurasia was predominantly, though diminishingly Andite...The Andite infiltration of India proceeded from the Turkestan highlands into the Punjab and from the Iranian grazing lands through Baluchistan. These earlier migrations were in no sense conquests; they were, rather, the continual drifting of the Andite tribes into western India and China.

3. When climatic conditions made hunting unprofitable for the migrating Andites, they did not follow the evolutionary course of the older races by becoming herders.

4.  But even in the twentieth century after Christ there are traces of Andite blood among the Turanian and Tibetan peoples, as is witnessed by the blond types occasion­ally found in these regions...The last great manifestation of the submerged military genius of the central Asiatic Andites was in A.D. 1200, when the Mongols under Genghis Khan began the conquest of the greater portion of the Asiatic continent. And like the Andites of old, these warriors proclaimed the existence of "one God in heaven."

5.  India is the only locality where all the Urantia races were blended, the Andite invasion adding the last stock...By 20,000 B.C. the population of western India had already become tinged with the Adamic blood...But it was unfortunate that the secondary Sangik strains predominated, and it was a real calamity that both the blue and the red man were so largely missing from this racial melting pot of long ago.

6.  The failure of India to achieve the hegemony of Eurasia was largely a matter of topography... As it was, these earlier Andite conquerors made a desperate attempt to preserve their identity and stem the tide of racial engulfment by the establishment of rigid restrictions regarding intermarriage. Nonetheless, the Andites had become submerged by 10,000 B.C., but the whole mass of the people had been markedly improved by this absorption.

7.  Race mixture is always advantageous in that it favors versatility of culture and makes for a progressive civilization, but if the inferior elements of racial stocks predominate, such achievements will be short‑lived. A polyglot culture can be preserved only if the superior stocks reproduce themselves in a safe margin over the inferior. Unrestrained multiplication of inferiors, with decreasing reproduction of superiors, is unfailingly suicidal of cultural civilization.

8. The blending of the Andite conquerors of India with the native stock eventually resulted in that mixed people which has been called Dravidian...The superior culture and religious leanings of the peoples of India date from the early times of Dravidian domination and are due, in part, to the fact that so many of the Sethite priesthood entered India, both in the earlier Andite and in the later Aryan invasions. The thread of monotheism running through the religious history of India thus stems from the teachings of the Adamites in the second, garden.

9.  The Dravidians were among the earliest peoples to build cities and to engage in an extensive export and import business, both by land and sea...These commercial relation­ships greatly contributed to the further diversification of a cosmopolitan culture, resulting in the early appearance of many of the refinements and even luxuries of urban life.

10. The second Andite penetration of India was the Aryan invasion during a period of almost five hundred years in the middle of the third millennium before Christ ...The early Aryan centers were scattered over the northern half of India, notably in the northwest.

11. In India many types of social organizations flourished from time to time ...But the most characteristic feature of society was the persistence of the great social castes that were instituted by the Aryans in an effort to perpetuate racial identity. This elaborate caste system has been preserved on down to the present time.

12. The Brahmans of the twentieth century after Christ are the lineal cultural descendants of the priests of the second garden, albeit their teachings differ greatly from those of their illustrious predecessors.

13. The spiritual awakening of the sixth century before Christ did not persist in India, having died out even before the Mohammedan invasion. But someday a greater Gautama may arise to lead all India in the search for the living God, and then the world will observe the fruition of the cultural potentialities of a versatile people so long comatose under the benumbing influence of an unprogressing spiritual vision.

14. The story of this agelong contest between the red and yellow races is an epic of Urantia history... In the earlier struggles the red men were generally successful... But the yellow man was an apt pupil in the art of warfare, and he early manifested a marked ability to live peaceably with his compatriots ...The red tribes continued their internecine conflicts, and. presently they began to suffer repeated defeats at the aggressive hands of the relentless Chinese, who continued their inexorable march northward.

15. One hundred thousand years ago the decimated tribes of the red race were fighting with their backs to the retreating ice of the last glacier, and when the land passage to the west, over the Bering isthmus, became passable, these tribes were not slow in forsaking the inhospitable shores of the Asiatic continent.

16. The North American Indians never came in contact with even the Andite offspring of Adam and Eve, having been dispossessed of their Asiatic homelands some fifty thousand years before the coming of Adam.

17. The red and the yellow races are the only human stocks that ever achieved a high degree of civilization apart from the influences of the Andite. The oldest Amerindian culture was the Onamonalonton center in California, but this had long since vanished by 35,000 B.C. In Mexico, Central America, and in the mountains of South America the later and more enduring civilizations were founded by a race predominantly red but containing a considerable admixture of the yellow, orange, and blue.

18. In Burma and the peninsula of Indo‑China ...the vanished green race has persisted in larger proportion than anywhere else in the world.

19. The ancestors of the Japanese people were not driven off the mainland until 12,000 B.C ... Their final exodus was not so much due to population pressure as to the initiative of a chieftain whom they came to regard as a divine personage.

20.The superiority of the ancient yellow race was due to four great factors:

1. Genetic. Unlike their blue cousins in Europe, both the red and yellow races had largely escaped mixture with debased human stocks.. .

2. Social. The yellow race early learned the value of peace among themselves.. .The yellow man was first to achieve a racial solidarity—the first to attain a large‑scale cultural, social, and political civilization...

3. Spiritual. During the age of Andite migrations the Chinese were among the more spiritual peoples of earth... The stimulus of a progressive and advanced religion is often a decisive factor in cultural development ...

4. Geographic. China is protected by the mountains to the west and the Pacific to the east.

21. Chinese received just enough of the Andite strain to mildly stimulate their innately able minds but not enough to fire them with the restless, exploratory curiosity so characteristic of the northern white races.

22. The similarities between certain of the early Chinese and Mesopotamian methods of time reckoning, astronomy, and governmental administration on were due to the commercial relationships between these two remotely situated centers.

23. The Chinese early turned to agricultural pursuits, which contributed further to their pacific tendencies, while a population well below the land‑man ratio for agriculture still further contributed to the growing peacefulness of the country. Consciousness of past achievements (somewhat diminished in the present), the conservatism of an overwhelmingly agricultural people, and a well‑developed family life equaled the birth of ancestor veneration ...Slowly the genius of the yellow race became diverted from the pursuit of the unknown to the preservation of the known,. And this is the reason for the stagnation of what had been the world's most rapidly progressing civilization

24. However wise it may be to glean wisdom from the past, it is folly to regard the past as the exclusive source of truth. Truth is relative and expanding; it lives always in the present, achieving new expression in each generation of men—even in each human life.

25. The amazing stability and persistence of Chinese culture is a consequence of the paramount position accorded the family, for civilization is directly dependent on the effective functioning of the family; and in China the family attained a social importance, even a religious significance, approached by few other peoples.

26. And so the ancient civilization of the yellow race has persisted down through the centuries. It is almost forty thousand years since the first important advances were made in Chinese culture, and though there have been many retrogressions, the civilization of the sons of Han comes the nearest of all to presenting an unbroken picture of continual progression right on down to the times of the twentieth century. The mechanical and religious developments of the white races have been of a high order, but they have never excelled the Chinese in family loyalty, group ethics, or personal morality.

27. This ancient culture has contributed much to human happiness; millions of human beings have lived and died, blessed by its achievements. For centuries, this great civilization has rested upon the laurels of the past, but it is even now reawakening to envision anew the transcendent goals of mortal existence, once again to take up the unremitting struggle for never‑ending progress.

Discussion Questions

1. What can we learn from the mixing of the secondary Sangik people with the Andites in India?

2. How should we improve racial stock using scientific knowledge with high ethical principles?

3. Was the major emphasis of the caste system biological or social, economic?

4. Is there evidence that the northern Chinese are superior to the southern Chinese?

5. Why didn’t the superior quality of the yellow race inspire supermortal revelation?

6. What caused the Chinese to give greater emphasis to the preservation of the known rather than the pursuit of the unknown?

7. What can we learn from the strong Chinese family?



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