The Urantia Book Fellowship

Exam on the Life of Jesus
Prepared by the West Coast Urantia Society
October 1959

"Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it."

With this statement in mind we have prepared a test which includes 100 questions based on the religious life and teachings of Jesus. We hope these questions may inspire you to make a mroe careful study of "that knowledge of greatest value."

1. State the one great purpose to which Jesus' life was devoted. (2090,1)

2. Name the two men whose personal religious experiences founded 1) the gospel of the kingdom and, 2) Christianity. (2091,11)

3. What is one of the most amazing earmarks of religious living and one so clearly illustrated in te life of Jesus? (1101,2)

4. Is it possible for the average mortal to develop a stong and unified personality along the perfected lines of the Jesus personality? (1101,6)

5. The unique feature of the Master's personality was not so much its perfection as another characteristic about which much is written. Name this characteristic. (1101,6)

6. - 15. Name ten other characteristics of Jesus which are mentioned many times through the book and which are discussed in "The Acme of Religious Living." (1101; 1102; 1103)

16. - 22. "Just as men must progress from the consciousness of the human to the realization of the divine, so did Jesus ascend from the nature of man to the consciousness of the nature of God." List the seven extrazordinary events in the Master's life which marked off the stages of progressive self-realization. (2091,3; 1357; 1376,2; 1511; 1752; 1753; 1754; 2021; 2057)

23. - 32. List ten topics discussed by Jesus on his third preaching tour. (1683,4)

33.- 37. State five reasons why Jesus considered parables a valuable method of teaching the truths of the gospel. (1692,1; 1693)

38. Which was Jesus' favorite parable? (1850,8; 1851,4)

39. - 40. Name two other parables Jesus like to tell at the same time he told the above parable. (1853,3)

41.- 47. List seven other parables used by Jesus in his teachings. (1652,2; 1688,3; 1693,7; 1694; 1738,2; 1763,2; 1804,3; 1821,2; 1835,2; 1853,7; 1875-76; 1916-17)

48. - 52. State five of the many principles of instruction for teachers and believers which Jesus expressed and followed. These were given at Edrei on the Decapolis Tour. They were stated as "principles which should guide those who preach trhtu and should activate all who preach the gospel of the kingdom." (1765; 1766; 1767)

53. How and where are we advised to carry on our religious work? (1875)

54. - 56. Give a summary of the three methods of dealing with evil as taught by Jesus on the Decapolis Tour. (1770)

57. Which of these three did Jesus consistently employ?

58. What is the greatest of all methods of problem solving, and one which was consistently used by Jesus? (1774)

59. Jesus brought to God, as a man of the realm, the greatest of all offerings. What was this? (2088,6)

60. Jesus taught that man's whole duty is summed up in one commandment. State this commandment. (1805,5)

61. Did Jesus sweep away all ceremonials of atonement and sacrifice? (1133,4)

62. Jesus explained that the quality of brotherly affection would invariably manifest itself by what actions? (1603,6)

63. - 75. Name the twelve Apostles. (1547)

76. Who selected the members of the Women's Evangelistic Corps? (1679,1)

77. - 88. Name the twelve members of the Women's Evangelistic Corps. (1679)

89. - 91. Prayer meant many things to Jesus. Name three of them. (2089,1)

92. The secret of Jesus' unparalleled religious life was his consciousness of the presence of God. How did he atain this? (2089,1)

93. State in your own words the answer Jesus gave to the question, "What shall I do to be saved?" (1682-83)

94. - 97. Genuine spiritual faith is revealed in mortals by the manner in which they react to certain trying intellectual and testing social situations. List four of these (spirit like) characteristics so exemplified in Jesus' life. (1108; 1109)

98. When Christ Michael was bestowed on earth he lived under the reign of evolutionary religion...until what important event in his life? (1112,2)

99. He carried forward his work by the combined guidance of evolutionary and revealed religion between which two important events of his life? (1112,2)

100. What are the greatest truths mortal men can ever hear as taught by Jesus? (2086,7)