The Urantia Book; Paper 131, Section 6

Suduanism (Jainism)

131:6.1 The third group of religious believers who preserved the doctrine of one God in India -- the survival of the Melchizedek teaching -- were known in those days as theSuduanists. Latterly these believers have become known as followers of Jainism. They taught:

131:6.2 "The Lord of Heaven is supreme. Those who commit sin will not ascend on high, but those who walk in the paths of righteousness shall find a place in heaven. We are assured of the life hereafter if we know truth. The soul of man may ascend to the highest heaven, there to develop its true spiritual nature, to attain perfection. The estate of heaven delivers man from the bondage of sin and introduces him to the final beatitudes; the righteous man has already experienced an end of sin and all its associated miseries. Self is man'sinvincible foe, and self is manifested as man's four greatest passions: anger, pride, deceit, and greed. Man's greatest victory is the conquest of himself. When man looks to God for forgiveness, and when he makes bold to enjoy such liberty, he is thereby delivered from fear. Man should journey through life treating his fellow creatures as he would like to be treated."

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