attempts to buy off bad
l. by bribery
87:6.2(964;1) bad
l. more memorable than good
l. 86:1.3(950;5) covenants were new device for insuring against bad
l. 89:8.6(983;4) entered into all affairs of primitive life
91:0.2(994;2) good or bad
l. became associated with good or bad spirits
87:4.1,4(961;2) good
l. viewed as harbinger of calamity
86:1.2(950;4) intelligent human beings still believe in
88:6.7(972;7) l. regarded as whimsical reaction of spirit world
86:2.6(952;1) much called good
l. might really be bad
118:10.9(1305;4) term coined to cover inexplicable
based on Gospel by Mark; Isador; eyewitnesses; records of Cedes and Andrew
episode of widow's son at Nain
included Selta apocrypha
is somewhat the Gospel by Paul
left out Peter's night vision
presents Jesus as friend of publicans and sinners
reconciliation of dates of Jesus' baptism
retains something of human Jesus
story of thief on cross
187:4.3(2009;2) physician of Antioch; gentile convert of Paul; wrote Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles; died A.D. 90
121:8.8-9(1342;3) strong believer in social equality
140:8.16(1581;3) arthropods' swim bladders evolved into
59:5.5(680;7) adultery in the heart
140:6.5(1576;5) and entire council lost in rebellion
67:4.1(757;4) led guardians of health and life
66:5.17(747;7) Serapatatia a descendant of
75:3.1(841;1) System Sovereign of Palonia, first Nebadon rebel
119:2.1-6(1310;4) depiction of birth of Amenhotep III
111:0.5(1215;5) man squanders resources on
69:5.11(776;9) occidental civilization groans under overload of
70:2.9(786;5) vie with necessities in material-comfort era
50:5.6(577;1) mistake always frankly to speak one's mind
181:2.21(1960;2) sense of proportion necessary in exercise of virtue
16:7.7(193;6) shadow of hair's turning, premeditated for untrue purpose
48:6.22(555;1) allowed crimes of honor
82:4.4(917;7) murders under pretense of unwritten law
70:10.9(795;6) represents unwillingness to surrender private redress
70:10.16(796;6) secret societies practiced
70:7.12(792;1) Jews encompassed Matthew's death at
ancestors of Mary mother of Jesus identified with
122:5.10(1349;6) Essenes originated during revolt of
137:7.8(1534;7) Fourth Book of
M. exemplifies Stoicism
121:6.3(1338;6) Jews coined silver money during Asmonean dynasty
173:1.3(1889;1) Samaritan temple destroyed in time of
143:4.2(1612;2) Andrew proclaimed gospel in
139:1.12(1550;3) Herod Antipas maintained residence at
135:12.1,4(1508;1) effectiveness of
m. determines survival of contending groups
81:6.20(909;1) inestimable benefits of
81:2.10(902;4) unemployment arising from laborsaving
m. 81:6.22(909;3) some tribes of
M. destroy children born on unlucky days
68:6.10(770;7) Jesus restrained assault by
130:5.4(1436;5) ordination of the 70 at
163:0.1(1800;1) Joseph father of Jesus worked at
123:3.8(1360;3) in Milky Way galaxy
15:4.8(170;2) art of coercing involuntary spirit aid; securing insight into future
88:4.1-2(970;6) attempt to manipulate God or reality without affecting the ego of manipulator
91:8.2,7(1001;3) belief much sickness caused by
90:3.7(990;2) beneficial aspects
prepared way for superior religion by assuming reality of supermaterial beings
represented primitives' desire to know and to control environment
88:4.4(970;9) black
m. ceremonies practiced by sorcerers, magicians, or witches with aid of irregular spirits
90:2.2-3(987;6) cure for defective
m. was more
m. 88:4.6(971;2) customary for practitioner to work unclothed
88:6.1(972;1) detrimental aspects
burdensome to life from cradle to grave
devotees become lazy
devotees ignore score of failures
primitive man enslaved to
surrounded entire life of ancients
83:4.2(924;5) gesture, older than speech, considered more magical
88:6.4(972;4) interpreted spirit messages
87:5.9(963;4) linguistic fossils
88:6.7(972;7) place in evolution of religious observances
90:0.1(986;1) practices derived from ancient superstitions
150:3.2,8,11(1680;4) public and private phases
88:6.2(972;2) ritual of chants and incantations
88:6.3(972;3) sleight-of-hand feats employed by shamans
90:1.4(987;2) slow to give way to foresight, self-denial, and industry
69:2.7(773;8) supposed efficacy of images
88:5.3(971;5) white
m. ceremonials practiced by priests or shamans
(M's continue...)