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Urantia Book Oncewords
Numbers in second column refer to page numbers in
the original 1955 edition of The Urantia Book

EARNER                                          793:         a capitalist, though sometimes the wage earner could elect to join the capitalistic
EARTHBORN                                 1522:       to attain world dominion; but this earthborn Jew, who possessed such tremendous wisdom
EARTHEN                                       1578:       to them
EARTH-LIFE                                  1386:       Of all Jesus' earth-life experiences, the fourteenth and fifteenth years
EARTH-ORIGIN                             543:         initial world of reception for earth-origin mortals, the necessary changes in creature form are
EARTHWORMS                            732:         and the closely related groups of earthworms and leeches, soon followed by the
EASED                                             1399:       With the financial pressure thus eased for the time being, Jesus decided
EASE-DRIFTING                           1931:       loving discipline designed to save your ease-drifting souls. Remember that you are commissioned
EASEMENT                                    937:         obligations, such as military service. Every easement of the struggle for existence has
EASE-PROMOTING                      1773:       live peaceably and contentedly under the ease-promoting standards of the lure of established
EASE-SEEKING                             1730:       heaven? Are you fearful, soft, and ease-seeking? Are you afraid to trust your
EASIEST                                         215:         wisdom. Such a procedure is the easiest path to a certain form of
EAST-AND-WEST                        663:         South America, including Greenland. The long east-and-west cleavage separated Africa from Europe
EASTER                                          873:         as a result of Andite penetration. Easter Island was long a religious and
EASTERN-CONNECTICUT         686:         Atlantic and Pacific coasts. The great eastern-Connecticut fault appeared, one side
EASTERNER                                  1429:       from Mongolia, and since this Far Easterner talked Greek fairly well, Jesus had
EASY-BELIEVING                         1733:       the spiritual simplicity of such an easy-believing and fully-trusting little one. It is
EATER                                             979:         or fused with that of the eater. It was once a widespread belief
EBAL                                               1387:       would shift his gaze over to Ebal and Gerizim and recount to himself
EBBS                                                1009:       this time there have been many ebbs and flows of the tide of
EBULLITION                                  303:         to its blissful shores the spontaneous ebullition of the beings who have
ECCENTRICITY                             1673:       shunned all tendency toward eccentricity. He pleaded for sympathy without sentimentality
ECCLESIASTES                             1070:       erroneous philosophy. The frank pessimism of Ecclesiastes was a worldly wise reaction to
ECCLESIASTICISM                      2084:       is this true concerning the Orient. Ecclesiasticism is at once and forever incompatible
ECHOED                                          2000:       "subjects. And as Pilate spoke, there echoed throughout all Nebadon, ""Behold God and"
ECHOES                                          550:         exertion; always are they the echoes of a backward glance, a reminiscence
ECLIPSING                                      274:         joy of high duty is the eclipsing emotion of spiritual beings. Sorrow cannot
ECSTASIES                                    1000:       pseudo hallucinations, neither are they trancelike ecstasies. The human mind may perform in
EDGES                                             668:         ocean beds, gravity would draw the edges of the oceans up onto the
EDIBLES                                          768:         s business to provide the vegetable edibles. Therefore when man entered the pastoral
EDICT                                              596:         concomitant therewith there issues the bestowal edict of the Thought Adjusters. Thereafter all
EDITING                                          1023:       the times of the en masse editing of the Old Testament records in
EDITION                                         254:         no superuniverse can have a complete edition of these trinitized ideas; we only
EDITIONS                                       599:         you now manifest in the latest editions of your daily newspapers. These races
EDITOR                                           1343:       served more as a collector and editor than as an original narrator.
EDOMITE                                       1072:       the widow of Nabal the rich Edomite, and then the daughter of Talmai,
EDUCATOR                                   777:         or eldest daughter, was the first educator, requiring watchfulness and dependability. The early
EFFACEMENT                               928:         a life long partnership of self effacement, compromise, devotion, and unselfish dedication to
EFFECTUAL                                   749:         The process was slow but very effectual. The Dalamatia teachers sought to
EFFEMINATE                                791:         women and children, to be considered effeminate. Besides, noninitiates were not allowed to
EFFIGIES                                         971:         supposed to be effective in magic. Effigies were made, and when treated ill
EFFORTLESS                                1616:       is self forgetting superthinking. Worship is effortless attention, true and ideal soul rest,
EFFORTLESSLY                            1284:       and space. Mankind does not ascend effortlessly in the universe, neither does the
EGG-LAYING                                  694:         was evolving rapidly. A small reptilian, egg-laying type of mammal flourished, and the
EGO-ENTITY                                  1229:       Absolute Deities. The material self, the ego-entity of human identity, is dependent during
EGOISM                                          1131:       mind is between the urges of egoism and the impulses of altruism. The
EGOISTIC-ALTRUISTIC              1132:       which provided the challenge to the egoistic-altruistic conflict in the moral nature of
EGOTIST                                         2088:       the superficial frothiness of the religious egotist. The Master's entire life was
EGOTISTIC                                     1998:       therefore, the great surprise of this egotistic traitor when a servant of the
EGOTISTICAL                               1573:       "the one felt rich in spirit egotistical; the other felt ""poor in spirit"""
EGO-WILL                                      1134:       of these early conflicts between the ego-will and the other-than-self-will is not always
EH                                                     1455:       "I would be a real emperor, eh?"" While at Rome, Ganid had regular"
EIGHTFOLD                                   1036:       therefrom was the philosophy of the Eightfold Path
EIGHTY-FOUR                               182:         The universe of Nebadon is number eighty-four in the minor sector of Ensa.
EIGHTY-SECOND                          1794:       day of the feast being the eighty-second, beginning with the fifth verse.
EIGHTY-THREE                             822:         but charming garden homes and proposed, eighty-three years before the arrival of Adam
ELAPSED                                        1940:       extraordinary occasion. After some time had elapsed, in about the middle of this
ELATED                                          1807:       But why were you so surprisingly elated? Did you not expect that your
ELBOW                                           458:         They have just as much comparative elbow room in space as one dozen
ELBOWS                                         1488:       So called sovereign nations cannot rub elbows without generating conflicts and eventuating wars.
ELEALAH                                       1817:       Philadelphia, Jogbehah, Gilead, Beth Nimrah, Tyrus, Elealah, Livias, Heshbon, Callirrhoe, Beth Peor
ELECTING                                       802:         is conditioned upon the practice of electing to public offices only those individuals
ELECTIONS                                    802:         the powers of personal franchise. Popular elections may not always decide things rightly,
ELECTRIC-GRAVITY                    462:         of a second; but before the electric-gravity power of the atomic nucleus pulls
ELECTROCHEMISTS                   398:         realm of the universe physicists and electrochemists who serve as technical assistants to
ELECTROMAGNETIC                  475:         electron is suddenly stopped, the resultant electromagnetic commotion produces the X ray; the
ELECTRONICALLY                      473:         of action is enormously curtailed when electronically organized energy swings into the whirls
ELECTRONIC-ENERGY                476:         exerted on free, unattached, and uncharged electronic-energy particles or on unassociated
ELEUSINIAN                                  1079:       then overspreading the Mediterranean lands. The Eleusinian mysteries grew up within the Olympian
ELIHU                                              1061:       salvation as this extraordinary teaching of Elihu, the prophet of Ur and priest
ELLANORA                                    607:         rallied to the support of Michael. Ellanora, a young woman of that mortal
ELLIPSOID                                      119:         is not spherical. It is definitely ellipsoid, being one sixth longer in the
ELLIPTIC                                         1137:       never fail to reckon with the elliptic symmetry of reality and with the
ELOAH                                            1053:       Elohim, or in the singular as Eloah. The philosophic circles of Egypt and
ELONGATED-CIRCULAR           167:         of individual planets, forms a watchlike, elongated-circular grouping of about one seventh
ELUDED                                          1981:       keep warm, how cleverly he had eluded the accusations of the servants, and
ELUDES                                           2079:       conceit often outruns his reason and eludes his logic. The very pessimism of
ELYONIST                                      1056:       in law he became an El Elyonist; and by the time of the
EMANATED                                  469:         totality of cosmic reality universes which emanated eternitywise from the never beginning, never
EMANCIPATE                               1328:       heal the souls of men, and emancipate their minds from age old fears.
EMBARKS                                      306:         accompany this Creator Son when he embarks upon the adventure of universe organization.
EMBELLISHMENTS                     492:         acme of morontia activities and living embellishments. On the constellation headquarters worlds
EMBLAZONED                             1258:       reservists of destiny have seldom been emblazoned on the pages of human history.
EMBLEMATIC                              1016:       knew that these three circles were emblematic of the infinity, eternity, and universality
EMBODIMENTS                           1298:       Master Universe exist as the veritable embodiments of the Deity concept of the
EMBOLDEN                                   2079:       there would be no science to embolden the scientist to postulate this mechanization
EMBROIL                                        1674:       did not stumble. They sought to embroil him in debate, but his answers
EMBROILED                                  1580:       them to become in any way embroiled in these difficulties. He was always
EMERGENCES                               671:         there occurred many successive submergences and emergences. The earth's crust was just
EMERITUS                                     1975:       home of Annas, the high priest emeritus; so he skirted around through the
EMIGRANTS                                  895:         their larger and inferior fellows. These emigrants to Crete were highly skilled in
EMIGRATE                                     725:         the colored peoples to develop and emigrate from the original Sangik center of
EMIGRATED                                  844:         long after Adam and his followers emigrated to the second garden in the
EMINENT                                       1481:       man, a worthy successor of his eminent father, and he spread abroad many
EMISSION                                      479:         disintegration is also accompanied by the emission of certain small uncharged particles. The
EMOTIONALISM                         2062:       with the foolish outbreaks of rampant emotionalism. The chief mission of this outpoured
EMOTIONALIZED                        1124:       actions, religion is something more than emotionalized morality. Religion is to morality as
EMOTIONLESS                             938:         then, sooner or later, pitiless and emotionless competition will certainly replace that chivalry
EMOTION-STREAM                    1098:       love would soon pervade the sentimental emotion-stream of humanity to such an extent
EMPERORS                                    1855:       Urantia knew mostly of kings and emperors in the governments of the nations,
EMPLOYER                                    1804:       a householder who was a large employer of men, and who went out
EMPOWER                                     757:         the human personality so as to empower the fully consecrated will of the
EMPTINESS                                   1281:       creature creation of the present universes. Emptiness does have its virtue, for it
EMPTY-HANDED                         1893:       another, and sending the others away empty-handed. And when the householder heard about
EN     BANC                                                     twelve or more Vorondadek Sons sits en banc as a high court of
EN     GANNIM                                                Lebonah, Sychar, Shechem, Samaria, Geba, En Gannim, Endor, Madon; passing through Magdala
ENACTION                                     1931:       of civil governments or by the enaction of secular laws. You may always
ENACTORS                                    501:         future attainment values. 7. The administrative enactors those who depict the significance of
ENACTS                                          368:         Spirit, as mortal creatures would understand, enacts the role of a mother, always
ENAMORED                                  1337:       religions from the Levant, which had enamored the common people and had promised
ENAMOURED                               1839:       reason than that he had become enamoured of a better looking woman. The
ENCHANTED                                 1341:       being spirit possessed. This was an enchanted age, and everybody believed in miracles
ENCHANTMENT                          1634:       with the ecstasy of their bewildered enchantment. But when they sought for Jesus,
ENCIRCLEMENT                           175:         968 million years to complete the encirclement of the superuniverse. Evolving energy has
ENCIRCUIT                                    286:         personalities, but they are able to encircuit only when polarized as liaison pairs.
ENCOMPASSER                            1266:       indispensable focalizer, summarizer, and encompasser of evolutionary experience, effectively
ENCOURAGINGLY                       1570:       "find my children in distress, speak encouragingly to them, saying ""Happy are the"
ENCROACHED                              689:         the sea, and the southern Atlantic encroached on the eastern coast of South
ENCUMBERED                              984:         And while he may have unnecessarily encumbered Christianity with teachings about blood and
ENCUMBERING                            931:         indulged his sex appetite freely without encumbering himself with the responsibilities of wife,
ENDEAR                                         436:         friendly relationships as these that so endear a system capital to the ascending
ENDLESSLY                                   970:         the conjectured spirit environment whose machinations endlessly explained the inexplicable;
ENDLESSNESS                              1171:       absoluteness of self existence, through the endlessness of self revelation, to the finality
ENDOGAMY                                  918:         ENDOGAMY AND EXOGAMY Very early the savage
ENDORSES                                     52:           only when the human will consciously endorses and knowingly embraces a deliberate immoral
ENERGIZATION                            84:           intake of this ministry of spiritual energization. In Havona the ascenders become still
ENERGY-ATTRACTION              327:         virtue of their unique attributes of energy-attraction, they can actually induce an increased
ENERGY-CARRIER                       479:         "does the mesotron function as an ""energy-carrier"" particle which mightily contributes to the"
ENERGY-CHARGED                     457:         highly heated orbs and the dark energy-charged spheres. This group of living entities
ENERGY-CIRCUIT                         177:         the superuniverse space level only two energy-circuit divisions or power segregations
ENERGY-CONTROL                      328:         creation of all three orders of energy-control beings
ENERGY-CONTROLLING            1274:       personality unification of the energy-controlling mind with the spirit-co-ordinated
ENERGY-DIVINITY                       1028:       The Brahman was conceived as the energy-divinity principle activating the entire Vedic
ENERGY-MOBILIZATION          652:         ago the height of the Andronover energy-mobilization period was attained; the nebula had
ENERGY-MODIFYING                  323:         units of functional control, and these energy-modifying units are not stationary as are
ENERGY-REQUIRING                   1773:       conventional ideas for the disquieting and energy-requiring lure of the pursuit of the
ENERGY-SHINING                        648:         the time-space shadow of the Paradise energy-shining of the absolute Deities. Truth meanings
ENERGY-THINGS                          1136:       sum total of mortal experience. Both energy-things and spirit values are colored by
ENERGY-TRANSFORMATION  487:         and as a factor in the energy-transformation technique for modifying the currents of
ENERGY-TRANSMUTIVE           326:         gigantic planetary and starry neighbors. Their energy-transmutive attributes render them
ENFORCES                                     1205:       Subsequently, if your will orders and enforces the execution of the decisions of
ENFRANCHISEMENT                  812:         before twenty the age of civil enfranchisement is not permitted. Permission to marry
ENFRANCHISES                           1117:       idealistic isolation or spiritual loneliness; it enfranchises the believer as a son of
ENGENDER                                     1101:       zeal, and courage. It may even engender the spirit of the crusader, which
ENGINES                                         798:         tribunals acting as governors upon the engines of representative government on an evolutionary
ENGLISH-SPEAKING                   1012:       the larger industrial communities of the English-speaking peoples. Not very different from
ENGRAFT                                       573:         the Material Sons, who come to engraft the higher forms of creature life
ENGRAVED                                    716:         arts, such an animal god was engraved on various ornaments. Very early the
ENGULFS                                        321:         vast moving ocean of energy which engulfs and bathes the whole of each
ENHANCEMENTS                        292:         limits of their experiential capacities, those enhancements of intellectual grasp, of spiritual
ENIGMA                                         1293:       long! Certainly, surely, and inexorably the enigma of the emerging Deity of God
ENJOINS                                         1790:       its demands? Moses in this law enjoins you, saying, 'You shall not kill';
ENLIGHTENER                              513:         "Source of Life."" 8. Orvonon, the enlightener of the indigo races and their"
ENLISTMENT                                1096:       for dynamic service. It is the enlistment of the totality of selfhood in
ENLISTMENTS                              819:         peacetime is purely voluntary, and the enlistments in all branches of the service
ENLIVENS                                       399:         Spirit comes that energy spark which enlivens the body and presages the mind.
ENMINDED                                    311:         directionize these living receivers of the enminded and circulating wisdom of the universe
ENOS                                               850:         of the second garden. His son, Enos, founded the new order of worship,
ENRAPTURED                               499:         comprehension. I have seen millions of enraptured beings held in sublime ecstasy while
ENROUTE                                       340:         "visitor colony consists of ""stopovers,"" beings enroute elsewhere who pause to visit the"
ENSEMBLED                                  257:         in a group, but when thus ensembled, they are altogether cut off from
ENSERAPHIMING                        400:         through in preparation for enseraphiming forever deprives them of reproductive prerogatives
ENSHROUD                                    153:         and they so completely encircle and enshroud Havona as to hide it from
ENSLAVER                                     1596:       departed
ENSNARING                                  1793:       in transgression for the purpose of ensnaring Jesus into making some statement which
ENSUPERNAPHIMED                  159:         Havona without the necessity of being ensupernaphimed. The pilgrims of time are able
ENSURED                                       1082:       that the partaking of the sacrament ensured eternal life, the immediate passing, after
ENSURES                                        1609:       and precious promises of God that ensures your becoming partakers of the divine
ENTA                                               1345:       Tamar, Ruth, Bathsheba, Ansie, Cloa, Eve, Enta, and Ratta. No Jewish woman of
ENTAILING                                    500:         of the music loving sense without entailing the exertion of the higher intellectual
ENTANGLEMENT                        1092:       up to date interpretations of religion; entanglement with functions of secular institutions; it
ENTERTAINERS                           425:         the intelligence corps and as celestial entertainers in behalf of the Planetary Prince,
ENTHRONE                                    1317:       final and mortal bestowal would eternally enthrone him as the undisputed and supreme
ENTHUSE                                       291:         uncertainty, to fatten upon disappointment, to enthuse over apparent defeat, to invigorate in
ENTHUSIASTS                              1806:       more than an hour while these enthusiasts for the gospel of the kingdom
ENTICED                                         2019:       so triumphant that we are all enticed to a willingness to share both.
ENTICES                                         803:         its citizens to work but also entices them into profitable and uplifting utilization
ENTITLES                                       1109:       in the domain of religion that entitles mortal man to affirm the personal
ENTITYLIKE                                  738:         adjutant spirits are more circuitlike than entitylike, and on ordinary worlds they are
ENTITY-POINT                              1216:       with the creative presence of an entity-point of absolute value in such human
ENTOMB                                        713:         to roll up stones to effectively entomb their dead parents, brothers, sisters, and
ENTOMBING                                 981:         a passerby for this custom of entombing living persons in the walls of
ENTRAILS                                      991:         diagnosing disease was to examine the entrails of an animal. Disease was treated
ENTRANCES                                  892:         standing on night guard at cave entrances to freeze to death. They had
ENTRAPPING                                840:         the plans were accordingly laid for entrapping the mother of the violet race.
ENTREATY                                    1001:       for the impossible or the mature entreaty for moral growth and spiritual power.
ENTRENCH                                    1891:       minorities who may be able to entrench themselves behind political, financial, or ecclesiastical
ENTRENCHED                               1579:       teachings directly onto their old and entrenched literal concepts of the kingdom of
ENVELOPED                                   659:         For thousands of years Urantia was enveloped in one vast and continuous blanket
ENVELOPING                                 1245:       influences are all integrated in the enveloping and evolving presence of the Supreme
ENVELOPS                                      463:         millions of degrees in temperature) which envelops the suns, and which acts to
ENVOYS                                          491:         no account of the numerous Vorondadeks, envoys of Nebadon constellations, and others who
EOCENE                                          694:         West Indies. Throughout this so called Eocene period the evolution of mammalian and
EPHESIANS                                    1477:       famous temple of Artemis of the Ephesians, about two miles from the city.
EPHRAIMITE                                 1073:       of the vanishing northern kingdom of Ephraimite Israel. David's cosmopolitan tribe of
EPICS                                               869:         one of the amazing and inspiring epics of Urantia's history. These splendid
EPIDEMIC                                       1357:       of Jesus being exposed to this epidemic of disease that she bundled up
EQUALIZES                                   15:           of the Universal Absolute so perfectly equalizes the tensions between time and eternity,
EQUAL-SHARING                        2067:       "time, the dwindling resources of Christian ""equal-sharing"" came to an end — but the world"
EQUANIMITY                               1970:       prepared to face his enemies with equanimity and in the full assurance of
EQUATING                                     309:         deduce the Father's will by equating the Spirit voice flash from above
EQUIDISTANT                              124:         space extensions are, theoretically, now approximately equidistant from Paradise.
EQUILIBRATED                            125:         dark gravity bodies encircling Havona and equilibrated by the upper and nether space
EQUIP                                              159:         "pilgrims of time are able to equip themselves to traverse ""achieved"" space but"
EQUIPAGE                                      1806:       to the pack animals the camp equipage, then stored in his father's
EQUIPOISE                                     123:         destined always to function as the equipoise of horizontal (universe) space; we do
EQUIPOISING                                13:           Universal Absolute. By virtue of the equipoising presence of the Universal Absolute, the
EQUIPS                                            1774:       consciousness of union with divinity which equips man with the assurance that enables
EQUIVALATED                             352:         eventuation level the quality of absonity equivalated to the level of the Universal
EQUIVALATING                           194:         experience in and with cosmic realities, equivalating to the attainment of identity status
ER                                                     1470:       "moment of embarrassing hesitation, stammered out ""er why yes, what do you want"
ERADICATES                                191:         such an ascending mortal never fully eradicates the characteristic stamp of this same
ERADICATING                              1018:       Melchizedek never did succeed in fully eradicating this proclivity to sacrifice from the
ERADICATION                             551:         career is to effect the permanent eradication from the mortal survivors of such
ERASE                                             1924:       last be in a position to erase the stigma of his well meant
ERASES                                           1136:       spirit. The morontia angle of approach erases all divergence between the findings of
ERASURE                                       528:         history. At present there is an erasure of over two standard miles in
ERRANDS                                       1370:       Jesus was very much occupied with errands for his father and with many
ERUPT                                             465:         surface of the sun began to erupt veritable streams 466 continuous sheets of
ERUPTING                                      171:         the gravity reclamation zone of the erupting sun, thus becoming stabilized in orbits
ESCAPEMENT                               653:         there ensued the stage of gas escapement, the gas streaming forth as two
ESCAPER                                        462:         is the most expert solar prison escaper. The agility of this acrobatic calcium
ESCHEWED                                    1567:       Judas, and his name has become eschewed throughout a far flung universe.
ESCORT                                          283:         to the eternal shores and to escort you to the reservation made ready
ESCORTING                                   1873:       When this great crowd came back escorting the Master into the city, Bartimeus,
ESCORTS                                        980:         well as its cure. Providing spirit escorts to the spirit world also led
ESPOUSAL                                     1342:       events were affected by their subsequent espousal of Paul's theology of Christianity.
ESSAYED                                        991:         became widespread. The medicine men eventually essayed actual surgery in connection with temple
ESSENE                                           1535:       be neither a Nazarite nor an Essene. While Jesus later directed that the
ESTEEMS                                        1447:       alone is a superior person who esteems virtue and is observant of his
ESTIMATIONS                              134:         power energy work. Although your spectroscopic estimations of astronomic velocities are fairly
ESTIMATORS                               316:         utilizing the ministry of these infallible estimators of the trust capacity of the
ESTRANGE                                     1704:       doing that which is likely to estrange also the civil rulers? I pray
ESTRANGED                                  1660:       man is in some mysterious way estranged from the Father in heaven so
ESTRANGEMENTS                      1898:       of love effectively prevent all those estrangements which later necessitate the readjustment of
ETERNAL-INFINITE                     1261:       The idea of the infinite-eternal, the eternal-infinite, is unqualified in extent and absolute
ETERNALITER                              1271:       evolved the divine reality of an eternaliter nature, finaliter nature in the case
ETERNITIES                                   116:         should, still in the eternity of eternities the problem of the Universal Absolute
ETERNITY-APPEARANCE         200:         was not foreknown. Not since the eternity-appearance of Havona had the universe witnessed
ETERNITY-DESTINY                    221:         status, may have an unrevealed future eternity-destiny. This is illustrated by those Havoners
ETERNITY-INFINITY                   1152:       helpfully approach the problem by conceiving eternity-infinity as an almost limitless
ETERNITY-INTENSION               6:             is an actual value-level representing the eternity-intension of the true infinity of the
ETERNITY-JEOPARDIZED         761:         has never been in the least eternity-jeopardized. No person is ever made to
ETERNITY-MYSTERY                  1152:       as it seeks to penetrate the eternity-mystery of the origin and destiny of
ETERNITY-REALITY                    1295:       is tantamount to the realization of eternity-reality of purpose. This means that the
ETERNITY-SOURCE                     467:         the Original Son is also the eternity-source of the original pattern, the Isle
ETERNITY-SUBMERGED            1050:       co-ordinate of goodness, it was definitely eternity-submerged in the ultimate reality of
ETERNITYWISE                            469:         of cosmic reality universes which emanated eternitywise from the never beginning, never ending,
ETHEREAL                                     154:         nebulous space; they do not inhabit ethereal worlds; they are domiciled on actual
ETHICALLY                                   1457:       the observable universe. If you are ethically lazy and socially indifferent, you can
ETHIOPIAN                                    2041:       gentile, Greek or Roman, Persian or Ethiopian. John proclaimed the kingdom in advance;
ETHNIC                                           553:         the skillful sociologists and the wise ethnic advisers of the first heaven. You
ETIQUETTE                                    975:         so originated ancient and modern table etiquette. Caste systems and social levels are
ETRUSCAN                                    1080:       the influence of the rapidly spreading Etruscan priesthood with its new galaxy of
EUGENICS                                      1220:       to interest themselves in ethics, sociology, eugenics, philosophy, the fine arts, religion, and
EULOGIES                                       1685:       the recitation of the nineteen prayer eulogies, or benedictions. But on this occasion
EULOGIZED                                   1998:       the Sanhedrin and there hearing himself eulogized while they conferred upon him suitable
EUNUCHS                                       983:         of religious devotion. The making of eunuchs was at first a modification of
EUPHONY                                       504:         is harmony 504 of music and euphony of expression in the orations of
EURASIAN-AFRICAN                 667:         been designated as
EUROPEANS                                  1485:       truth which he brought them. The Europeans from the Far West and the
EVACUATED                                874:         strains. The Andites had almost entirely evacuated this region by 6000 B.C.,
EVADES                                          1692:       of impartial moral decisions. The parable evades much prejudice and puts new truth
EVALUATORS                              315:         making decisions, achieving choice. These time evaluators are also the secret of prophecy;
EVAPORATED                              2037:       "the body of Jesus had just evaporated from within. ""But,"" reasoned Peter, ""if"
EVENLY                                           724:         In many ways both groups were evenly matched in this struggle since each
EVENTOD                                       1314:       the recounting of the days when Eventod sojourned there, this particular and unknown
EVENTUATED-EXPERIENTIAL                4:             absonite-superpersonal, time-space-transcended, and eventuated-experiential values,
EVENTUATE-EVOLVE                 130:         space levels are undoubtedly destined to eventuate-evolve the ultimacy of creation.
EVER-ACCUMULATING             786:         collective drive designed to liberate those ever-accumulating emotions and energies belonging
EVER-ATTENDANT                     296:         Father complete the second-circle experience, their ever-attendant Graduate Guides issue the
EVER-CIRCLING                            52:           destiny of the outstretched, whirling, and ever-circling creation. The sovereignty of God is
EVER-DIMINISHING                    494:         dissimilar beings with ever-lessening irritability and ever-diminishing resentment. The
EVER-DISPLEASED                      956:         and wasteful struggle to appease the ever-displeased spirits, the slavish bondage to
EVER-EFFICIENT                          432:         Constellation Fathers, and they are the ever-efficient helpers of the Most Highs. These
EVER-EXTENDING                       645:         through space seems to presage the ever-extending domain of the gravity grasp of
EVER-FLOWING                            1638:       communication, mortals make immediately available the ever-flowing stream of divine ministry to
EVER-GROWING                           1033:       later confused and compounded with the ever-growing cult of ancestor worship. But never
EVER-IMPENDING                        1916:       lifework in view of inevitable and ever-impending natural death. When you have by
EVER-INCREASINGLY                 635:         the Melchizedeks are destined to play ever-increasingly responsible parts in local universe
EVER-INCREASING-SIZED         352:         the fourth and last of the ever-increasing-sized universes of outer space. These seven
EVERLASTINGNESS                    1295:       evolutionary universes eternity is temporal everlastingness the everlasting now.
EVER-LESSENING                         494:         similar and slightly dissimilar beings with ever-lessening irritability and ever-diminishing
EVER-LIVING                                549:         truth, rigid unyielding fact and flexible ever-living truth. The mortal personality, never sure
EVER-MOVING                              57:           stop-moments in the exhibition of the ever-moving reel of infinity picturization. It is
EVER-NEW                                     2060:       an effective solvent for man's ever-new and varied spiritual difficulties. The first
EVER-PERFECT                             362:         the natural cosmic complement of the ever-perfect natures of the Paradise-Havona creatures. In
EVER-PERFECTING                      508:         inspire these mortals to seek for ever- perfecting ideals and to attempt their enhanced
EVER-PRESENT                             1242:       human souls, in addition to the ever-present and increasingly efficient indwelling Thought
EVER-RECURRING                        1115:       right technique of reacting to the ever-recurring situations of mortal existence. Moral
EVER-STRONGER                         660:         prove large enough to resist the ever-stronger friction shield of the oxygen-enriching atmosphere
EVER-SUNNY                                1348:       very rarely downcast, and possessed an ever-sunny disposition. Mary indulged in free and
EVER-WARRING                           1490:       and races that live in the ever-warring nations of Europe. These Americans represent
EVER-WATCHFUL                       756:         and night by the alert and ever-watchful loyal midway creatures, and they had
EVER-WIDENING                          1488:       proper, for it tends to encompass ever-widening segments of the total of mankind.
EVER-WILLING                             253:         they are a wonderfully useful and ever-willing corps of workers when it comes
EVER-WINDING                            1374:       his wondering gaze the crooked and ever-winding Jordan with its glistening and rippling
EVERYWHERE-CHANGING        1126:       creation of things and beings. The everywhere-changing universe is regulated and
EVERYWHERENESS                     44:           GOD'S EVERYWHERENESS The ability of the Universal Father
EVIL-CONTRASTED                    1457:       truth, is always relative and unfailingly evil-contrasted. It is the perception of these
EVIL-DOMINATED                      629:         Mortal creatures living on a sin-stricken, evil-dominated, self-seeking, isolated world, such as
EVIL-HARASSED                          854:         their world and its rebellion-tossed and evil-harassed inhabitants. When all is summed up,
EVIL-INTENDING                          1650:       How can we teach that this evil-intending man should do to others as
EVOLUTIONARY-DEITY             481:         levels and co-ordinates experientially with the evolutionary-deity levels of the Supreme
EVOLUTIONARY-MORTAL       205:         the functioning of mind of the evolutionary-mortal order on the planets of space.
EVOLUTIONIST                            1671:       revolutionist; he was a progressive evolutionist. He engaged in the destruction of
EXAMINING                                  518:         wisdom. Then they go before the examining corps of the Brilliant Evening Stars
EXASPERATED                            1984:       universe. And these impassioned accusers are exasperated by the majestic silence and superb
EXASPERATINGLY                      1776:       the past and the future, becomes exasperatingly trivial. Only a glimpse of the
EXCAVATED                                 713:         interconnected by hallways which had been excavated in the soft limestone with flint
EXCEEDS                                        235:         increasing number of Creator Sons already exceeds the stationary number of the Unions
EXCELLENTLY                              1372:       unborn) children, Amos and Ruth, most excellently. He always got along with Martha
EXCELLING                                    462:         possesses an individuality and a longevity excelling all of the more common forms
EXCELS                                           1032:       an adaptability to changing conditions that excels all other cults, and it displays
EXCEPTED                                     377:         transactions of the evolutionary worlds are excepted, these Michael Sons seem to be
EXCESSIVELY                                677:         this epoch the seas are so excessively salty that little life survives. Toward
EXCHANGER                                1890:       money table of a near by exchanger a violent and heated argument had
EXCHANGES                                 563:         competent to effect their life process exchanges directly by means of light energy
EXCHANGING                               1621:       it is a psychologic process of exchanging the human will for the divine
EX-CHIEF                                        809:         advised by a supercabinet composed of all living ex-chief executives. The legislative division
EXCITING                                       950:         chance bad luck. Life was an exciting game of chance; existence was a
EXCLAIMS                                     51:           is no mere poetic expression that exclaims
EXCLAMATIONS                         1432:       device of man, and amidst the exclamations of Ganid Jesus said
EXCLUDE                                       46:           of the Infinite Spirit seem to exclude the direct action of the Thought
EXCLUSIVENESS                          1727:       a boundary line of self righteous exclusiveness instead of serving as signposts of
EXCOMMUNICATED                  1814:       likewise cast out of the synagogue, excommunicated from the congregation of Israel; and
EXCOMMUNICATION                1713:       and both were equally punishable by excommunication. Thus did the Master elect to
EXCUSES                                        1835:       with one accord began to make excuses. The first said, 'I have just
EXECUTIONARY                          611:         Uversa will be announced by the executionary broadcast which will effect the annihilation
EXECUTIVE-HEADQUARTERS143:         spheres of the Infinite Spirit, the executive-headquarters worlds of the Seven Master
EXECUTOR                                    798:         the legislatures. The king was the executor of the mores, the original or
EXEMPTION                                  937:         received almost all rights and enjoys exemption from many obligations, such as military
EX-FISHERMEN                            1694:       across to the other side. These ex-fishermen were strong and experienced oarsmen, but
EXHALED                                       953:         it appeared as a cloud when exhaled. The breath of life was regarded
EXHAUSTING                               504:         your poetic productions. Rhythm is less exhausting to both morontia and spirit beings,
EXHAUSTIVE                                430:         from Uversa to Havona. Such an exhaustive journey requires the special powers of
EXHORTATIONS                          1573:       affection. In the course of these exhortations to the twelve apostles, Jesus sought
EXHORTING                                  1805:       which was a common method of exhorting one to go about his business
EXILES                                            1076:       in the hearts of the scattered exiles. And this religion survives because it
EXILING                                          982:         them to grow up and then exiling them in lieu of death; this
EXOGAMY                                     918:         ENDOGAMY AND EXOGAMY Very early the savage observed that
EXORBITANT                               1889:       one time or another systems of exorbitant overcharge were practiced upon the common
EXPATIATED                                1363:       studies, one upon which they often expatiated at their graduation when thirteen years
EXPECTANTS                               1501:       these various groups of Jewish kingdom expectants was intrigued by the proclamations of
EXPECTEDLY                                1254:       administered planetary government is more than expectedly effective because of the time saving
EXPECTORATION                        965:         wood, crosses his fingers, and follows expectoration with some trite phrase; once it
EXPECTS                                        65:           to be. Worship asks nothing and expects nothing for the worshiper.
EXPEDITED                                    318:         communication will be greatly simplified and expedited. Celestial workers on Urantia encounter many
EXPEDITIOUS                               1547:       preaching, thereby insuring a smooth and expeditious travel schedule. 7. James and Judas
EXPEDITIOUSLY                          288:         keep everything moving along smoothly and expeditiously. Originating on the first circuit, they
EXPEL                                              958:         were mostly negative, designed to avoid, expel, or coerce ghosts. The ghost cult
EXPENDING                                   983:         will save man the trouble of expending his own breath.
EXPENDITURES                            1410:       home. James's management of family expenditures and his administration of the home
EXPERIENCE-DEFICIENT           253:         capacity is time-space inhibited. They are experience-deficient, despite long training
EXPERIENCE-EVOLUTION         1266:       upon faith. By thus ordaining the experience-evolution of the Supreme, the Father has
EXPERIENCE-IDEA                      59:           the Infinite, but we worship the experience-idea of God, our anywhere and any-time
EXPERIENCER                               1127:       its unproved status, then the spirit experiencer can likewise resort to the dogmatic
EXPERIENTIAL-DEITY                12:           the personality-power equivalent of the universe experiential-Deity actualization of Paradise
EXPERIENTIAL-EVENTUATED                1172:       personality association of experiential-evolved, experiential-eventuated, and
EXPERIENTIAL-EVOLUTIONARY            1283:       regards the destiny of all experiential-evolutionary beings. The Father originates
EXPERIENTIAL-EVOLVED         1172:       exists as the personality association of experiential-evolved, experiential-eventuated,
EXPERIENTIALIZATION            1168:       as culminating in some kind of experientialization of the Absolutes of potentiality. This
EXPERIENTIALIZE                       16:           and its unification in universality would experientialize Absolute Deity. The Ultimate Trinity
EXPERIENTIALIZED                    445:         of existential prepersonal status, they have experientialized by participation in the lives
EXPERIENTIALIZING                  4:             reality. 7. God the Absolute the experientializing God of transcended superpersonal values and
EXPERIENTIAL-POWER             113:         Trinity during the prepersonal eras of experiential-power development.
EXPERIENTIAL-RECOGNITION-RESPO  451:         mortal events, does have a residual experiential-recognition-response to
EXPERIMENTED                           791:         after contact with the Dalamatia teachers, experimented with coeducation, having boarding schools
EXPERIMENTER                           34:           accident; neither is he a universe experimenter. The Universe Sovereigns may engage in
EXPERTNESS                                279:         for such work because of their expertness in the concept of universal law
EXPIATING                                    1811:       life they were believed to be expiating the sins committed in preceding lives.
EXPLAINERS                                 278:         evolving from arbiters of differences to explainers of mysteries judges evolving into interpretative
EXPLOITED                                    1071:       Thus has Hebrew history been disastrously exploited by both Jewish and Christian writers.
EXPLORER                                     904:         The traveling trader and the roving explorer did more to advance historic civilization
EXPLOSIONS                                 658:         rare indeed, but these gravity tidal explosions of lesser bodies are quite common.
EXPLOSIVES                                  1491:       mechanical armaments and all types of explosives away from strong nations, they will
EXPONENT                                    2085:       fostered it as the best existent exponent of his lifework on earth. If
EXPONENTS                                  428:         divine purpose. These angels are the exponents and exemplification of the element of
EXPORT                                          881:         and to engage in an extensive export and import business, both by land
EXPOSITION                                  1048:       "prolific writer, being author of the exposition entitled ""The One God,"" a book"
EXPOUNDERS                               1383:       who so deftly sparred with the expounders of the law, but it had
EXPRESSIBLE                                1155:       far as this relationship is impersonally expressible, it is contacted by the universe
EXPRESSLY                                    1517:       lives on Urantia except in this expressly stated matter of time. No limits,
EXPULSIVE                                    1739:       There is mighty power in the expulsive energy of a new and sincere
EX-SYSTEM                                   394:         experienced Lanonandeks belonging to the ex-System Sovereign corps officiate as administrative
EXTEMPORIZED                          2086:       of life eternal. Christianity is an extemporized religion, and therefore must it operate
EXTENSIVENESS                          1180:       but not as to nature; in extensiveness they are limited, but in intensiveness
EXTENUATION                            1223:       destiny present a formal statement in extenuation of the difficulties of ministering to
EXTERIOR                                      465:         a sun begins to throw its exterior layers off into space, thus redressing
EXTINGUISHING                          226:         but though they may render judgments extinguishing the identity of personal creatures, they
EXTOLLING                                   1370:       to counteract these favorable impressions by extolling the beauty and grandeur of the
EXTOLS                                          2086:       before the cross it so valiantly extols, there to learn anew from Jesus
EXTORT                                          1502:       the tax gatherers he said
EXTORTIONER                             1874:       son of Abraham who is an extortioner and a robber of his own
EXTORTIONERS                           1838:       not like the rest of men, extortioners, unlearned, unjust, adulterers, or even like
EXTRAGALACTIC                       131:         nebulae which Urantian astronomers regard as extragalactic are actually on the fringe of
EXTRAPERSONALITY                526:         over Jerusem, being possessed of such extrapersonality attributes. The entire world has been
EXTRASOLAR                              463:         it, together with other energies having extrasolar origin. There exists a regulating blanket
EXTRAUNIVERSAL                     644:         primary space situations, intrauniversal and extrauniversal. To all personality intelligences
EXTRAVAGANT                          1102:       generosity, he was never wasteful or extravagant. He taught that you must believe
EXTREMENESS                             937:         has indeed been pendulumlike in its extremeness. Among industrialized races she has received
EXTREMITIES                               438:         the seraphim grows pointed at both extremities and becomes so enshrouded in a
EXTRUDING                                  661:         mixed up too many times with extruding lavas of deep origins and admixed
EXUBERANT                                 1756:       was descending the mountain with the exuberant and ecstatic Peter, James, and John,
EXUDATE                                      668:         near the surface today represent the exudate of ancient volcanoes, later and extensive
EXUDE                                            327:         at other times they appear to exude or liberate energy. The transformers are
EXUDES                                          1130:       but this Monitor presents a value, exudes a flavor of divinity, which is
EXULT                                             157:         in the goodness of God, Havoners exult in the divine beauty, while you
EXULTATION                               1764:       the Scriptures referring to Lamech's exultation because of the metal weapons of
EYEBROWS                                    1825:       right and after much lifting of eyebrows and sneering curling of lips by
EYELETS                                         676:         twenty five to four thousand tiny eyelets; others had aborted eyes. As this
EZRAEON                                             1356:       a boat belonging to their friend Ezraeon, bound for Joppa, arriving at that