The Universal Father – 1


1. In seeking to understand God, to what extent do we “create him in our own image?”


2. How does the Urantia concept of God compare with the God concept  in Christianity?


3. How do we determine God’s will?


4. What determines whether doing the Father’s will is primarily a negation of our will or an enhancement and fulfillment of our will?


5. Why is God’s indwelling of our minds an “unfathomable mystery?”


6. If the existence of God is primarily an intuitive mindal experience, what is the value of philosophical evidence for the existence of God?


7. Why is the concept of personality so important in understanding the nature of God?


· What kind of perfection are human beings capable of achieving?


· What aspects of spiritual perception do human beings have?


· How should we relate to God’s partnership with us in our struggles and problem solving?


· Why is dedicating ourselves to the Father’s will the only gift of “true value” which we can make to God?


· How do we relate to the idea that God struggles and suffers with us?


· Why is experience so important in understanding God?



The Nature of God – 2


1. Can we imagine a being who perceives the past, present , and future at once? What is the fallacy of abstraction?


2. Why do people plead for mercy when they know that God is merciful and loving beyond human comprehension?


3. Why did Biblical writers talk of God “repenting and changing his mind?”


4. Why do people try to bargain with God and ask him to change universe laws for their benefit?


5. How does the atonement doctrine view God’s basic nature?


6. Is the self-destruction of iniquity a more reasonable result of dedicated sinfulness than an eternal hell?


7. Does contemporary religion overstress morality at the expense of other aspects of truth, beauty, and goodness?


· Is the relativity of all human knowledge a threat to inner peace?


· In what sense is disappointment and sorrow not a reality?

· How do we unify energy systems, idea systems, and spirit systems?


· What do you suppose are some of the limited aspects of the human mind which make it so difficult to enlarge our concept of God?


· How does God attenuate himself to be able to communicate with the finite mind?


· If we cannot change God’s mind by our prayers, why should we pray?


·Why is the revelation of God made by Jesus of Nazareth the best picture of God’s nature available to humankind?



The Attributes of God – 3


1. Is the prologue of the Gospel of John designating Christ as the creator of our universe compatible with the idea of God the Father as creator?


2. How do we harmonize the concept of an all-good, all-wise, all-powerful God with the evil and suffering in the world?


3. What comfort do some people get from believing in the doctrine of foreordination—God determines everything?


4.  If our “nearest and dearest approach to God is by and through love,” how do we help people who are angry & bitter about life?


5. Are the “inevitabilities” of evil necessary in our world?


6. What do you think of the distinction between evil (mistaken judgment) and sin (knowingly disobeying the will of God)?


7. What are the advantages of beings who grow toward perfection by conscious choice over those who are created perfect?


· How knowledgeable  are Christians of the unique ministries of each member of the Paradise Trinity?


· Evaluate the degree of God’s presence in our world by the condition of our civilization and culture.


· What do you perceive as the principle agenda of God’s contemporary purpose on our world?


· Why do some Christians emphasize the judgment of God more than God’s love?


· Knowing that the eternal purpose of wisdom and love will triumph on our world, how do we face the negative and devastating experiences of life.


God’s Relation to the Universe – 4


1, From our limited human point of view, what are some of the possible purposes God is actualizing? How do we search for God’s purposes?


2. If the watchword of the universe is progress, what should be our attitude toward conservative minds who resist change? How do we distinguish progress from change?


3. Is the universe more like “a clock that is wound-up and running independently” described by Deism or like Gaia— “a living organism”— pictured by contemporary thinkers like Lawrence Joseph and Rupert Sheldrake?


4. Why does the Old Testament speak of an angry God and a God who regrets his actions?


5. How do we harmonize the changelessness of God with the many different manifestations of God?


6. In the face of obvious inconsistencies in scripture, why do some denominations believe in the literal inerrancy of the Bible?


7. Why has the atonement doctrine been so popular in Christianity?


· What do you think of the idea that Christ is the creator as well as the savior of our local universe?


· If the watchword of the universe is progress, how well is the contemporary church and world doing?


· Why is it so difficult to transcend religious tradition?


· What contemporary or historical “accidents of time” appear to you to be a part of larger purposes in the universe?


· What aspects of planetary religion give evidence of spiritual progress?


God’s Relation to the Individual – 5


1.  Is the long period of spiritual growth and training required before we can stand in God’s presence a more appealing picture than the traditional belief that we are transported into God’s presence immediately after our death?


2. How is morality related to spirituality?


3. How does mind-consciousness differ from soul-consciousness?


4. How does prayer reveal the spiritual status of the one praying?


5. How do we “work out the details” of our lives with our Seraphic Guardians?


6. How is faith related to intellectual comprehension?


7. What are some of the ways in which theology is changing today?


· How does Urantia Book Christology differ from traditional Christian theology?


· How did Philo and Paul influence early Christianity?


· Many people seriously strive to do the Father’s will; why are they unable to fuse with their Adjusters before graduation to the Mansion Worlds?


· Will the Fifth Epochal Revelation inspire a new philosophy and a new art on our world?


· How do we develop a unified spiritual philosophy?


· How does personality differ from individuality?


· How do we achieve salvation from self?


· What methods or approaches are the most fruitful in our attempt to establish communion with our Thought Adjuster?


The Eternal Son – 5


1. Why do human minds need “beginnings and ends?” Do you think we are handicapped by this time distortion of reality?


2. What is the meaning of the statement: “He who has seen the Son has seen the Father?”


3. Why have Christians never associated the second person of the Trinity with creation functions, even though the Bible has such references (John 3-10, Col. 1:15-16, Heb. 1:2)?


4. Is there evidence of spiritual gravity in human experience?


5. How traumatic for Christians is the knowledge that Christ Michael is not the Eternal Son?


6. How does the fact that the “resurrected Jesus” is the creator and savior of 10 million worlds change Christian thinking?


7. Since our comprehension of the Eternal Son is largely through our relationship with the Creator Son, do any additional values evolve as the result of our revelatory knowledge of the Eternal Son?


· How should we understand the Eternal Son’s spiritual ministry “with you and around you” rather than the more familiar Adjuster ministry “within you?”


Relation of the Eternal Son to the Universe – 7


1. What are some of the experiential effects of the Son’s absolute spiritual gravity control?


2. What values in human nature are most closely related to spiritual reality?


3. What is the meaning of Jesus’ statement in the New Testament: “I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself?”


4. Knowing that the true spiritual values of our prayers are immediately carried to all divine personalities concerned, is this likely to change our prayers, our spiritual consciousness, and our lives?


5. How reliable is kindred spirit attraction in our social experience?


6. A Divine Counselor tells us that spirit is real, the soul of creation; matter is the shadowy physical body. How does this register with human experience?


7. How is the divine plan for progress related to human plans for progress?


· Does the bestowal technique of the Eternal Son and his Paradise Sons suggest that spiritual reality must, eventually, be transmitted through personality relationships?

· Are religious institutions germane to changing our planetary view of the expanded view of the multiple sons of God?


· What kind of petitions have “true spiritual value?”


· How does the divine personality of Jesus relate to his physical incarnation on our world?


· How serious is the conflict of the Christian concept of the “only begotten son” to The Urantia Book interpretation of this concept?


The Infinite Spirit – 8


1. Do you think the sequential description of the origin of the persons of the Trinity has value even though there was no such origin?


2. Why have we traditionally been more aware of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son than the Infinite Spirit even though the guardian angels are the personalities who work more closely with us?


3. Why is the traditional starting point of history the appearance of the billion worlds of Havona rather than the creation of Paradise?


4. What is your concept of the kind of ministry performed by the angels who “stand by your side and guide you through the lowly paths of earthly existence?”


5. Why did Christianity develop a doctrine of the Trinity without confirmation from the Bible?


6. How do we distinguish the leading of the Spirit from purely human ideas?


7. Why do some human minds balance material and spiritual reality while others become materialists or spiritualists?


· How do we experience the omnipresence of the Infinite Spirit?


· What is the source of the confusion of Christians between the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Truth?


· Is it helpful to perceive spirit as a form or energy?



Relation of the Infinite Spirit to the Universe - 9


1. How would you define mind as it functions on our planet in human and subhuman life? How can we prevent useless anxiety and animal fear?


2. How should we understand divine providence?

3. How is mind related to progress?


4. How do the angels administer the “hammers of suffering?”


5. How do we distinguish jumps in evolutionary progress from revolutionary change?


6. If mind can be superimposed on energy, could this be the source of the placebo effect?

    How does mind quality effect health?


7. How do we achieve the mastery of our minds?


· . Is there evidence of an intellectual gravity drawing us toward truth?


· How does “the living ladder whereby mortal man climbs from chaos to glory” function to help us who are on the lowest rung looking up?


· Is our desire for the integration and unification of our physical, mental, and spiritual capacities a reflection of the influence of the Conjoint Actor?


· What are the dangers of intelligence in human personality?


· Do violent storms and destructive tornadoes suggest that the Infinite Spirit is lacking in the control of energy?


· Do we have any evidence of the Infinite Spirit’s use of antigravity?


The Paradise Trinity - 10


1. Why does the Universal Censor consider the Trinity an “inescapable inevitability in universe affairs?”


2. Explain: “The Father, Son and Spirit can collaborate in a non-Trinity manner, but not as three Deities.” Can the Father, Son, and Spirit function as persons and not as Deities?


3. Does the concept of justice and judgment as a nonpersonal function of the Trinity change our attitude toward these universe actions?


4. Contrast the Christian view of the Trinity with The Urantia Book description.


5, Since divine judgment conforms to the justice of the Trinity and at the same time fulfills the love of God, how do we understand its nature? Is this the meaning of “tough love?”


6. We experience many forms of suffering, yet all things work out for the welfare and progress of the universes. Is this because of suffering or in spite of suffering?


7. Knowing that justice cannot be achieved by any personal, individual attitude or decision, but must always be a group function, where should we alter industrial, educational, and parental policies?


   · What implications does the Father’s policy of self-distribution and delegation of power have for us as supervisors, teachers, and parents?


· Is the existence of the Trinity a modification of the concept of monotheism as the followers of Islam maintain?


· Since the potential of groups transcends the potential of individuals, should a religion seek to establish as many groups as possible?


 · Does the totality of universe justice modify our concept of the problem of suffering with its seeming injustice






The Eternal Isle of Paradise – 11


1. What advantage does the concentric cosmology of the universe have over the three-story (hell-earth-heaven) cosmology of the prescientific society?


2. Are there analogies that might help us conceptualize material that is neither dead or alive?


3. How might a "no time" sequence of events differ from a time sequence of events?


4. From the residential and historic exhibit area reservations on Paradise it appears that we are living close to the beginning of the historical events of the master universe; what advantages and handicaps do you see associated with our historical position?


5. Are the absolute patterns of Paradise similar to Plato’s concept of the eternal and immutable forms?


6. Our reality comprehension and distance from the Isle of Paradise is so great that our understanding of it is largely impressionistic; what do you find most impressive or meaningful about this gigantic body of cosmic reality?


7. Since all of us who have dedicated ourselves to doing the Father's will have already started on this long journey toward Paradise, do you think this revelation of the geographic goal of our quest acts as an additional motivating force or is it the ground cause of frustration and impatience?


· Compare The Urantia Book description of gravity and the scientific view of gravity?


· Do we have any scientific evidence of the antigravity effect of space?


· What insight might we assign to the expanding and contracting phenomena of Paradise?


· How do we understand a material creation that is located outside of time and has no location in space?


The Universe of Universes  - 12


1. How has contemporary astronomy prepared us to accept an expanded spiritual cosmology?


2. How free are we from the bondage of dogma and tradition?


3. Is knowledge of our expanded physical and spiritual cosmology going to change the interrelationships of the religions of the world?


4. What is the best way to prepare for the unexpected and unpredictable events of experience?


5. Why has Western Civilization been dominated by mechanistic materialism and the fallacies of analytical reductionism? How does abstraction and the “slavery of mathematics” handicap science?


6. How do we use spiritual resources to dominate our minds and shape our physiological bodies?


7. How can our spirit nucleus deliver us from disappointment and the effects of defeat?


· Evaluate our society’s involvement in the “creation of new spiritual goals.”


· How much are we shaped by the culture and conditions in which we live as opposed to our personal decisions and actions?


· What is the difference between balanced and unified stability and a static condition in our lives?


· What is the nature of “dynamic and progressive ethics and morality” in our day?


· There are time-conscious visitors on Paradise and Paradise citizens who are not time-conscious. How do we think about this difference?


· Why do you conjecture that the revelators introduced us finite beings to Transcendentalers that are absonite beings who eventuate when these concepts are beyond our understanding?



The Sacred Spheres of Paradise – 13


1. How should one regard secrets in the universe?


2. To what extent are human beings experientially aware that the extent of spiritual presence in their lives is the result of their own mind decisions and will determination?


3. Why do you think the worlds of the Infinite Spirit are the most open and interesting of the Sacred Spheres of Paradise?


4. How should humor and recreation be associated with religion?


5. What is the value of a sense of “home territory” in our spiritual pilgrimage?


6. Even though we will have fused with a Thought Adjuster, why do you suppose we have nothing in common with Divinington?


7. Although the Eternal Son is the absolute personality, why do you suppose personality is not allowed on the luminous spheres of the Eternal Son?


· Why do you suppose certain beings were not revealed in the Urantia Papers?


· Are there analogies that would help us to understand Trinitization?


· Why is it important to recognize the limits of reason in our lives now and in the future?



The Central and Divine Universe - 14


1. How does it happen that the description of Havona has similarities with the Christian concepts of heaven and Plato’s pattern universe?


2. Why do you suppose the natives of Havona have fewer (49) forms of sensation than the morontia senses (70)?


3. Do you think the statement, “A day is a thousand years to God,” is a random-chance guess or a “guided” utterance?


4. Where in our planetary structure do you think the incidents of evil are augmented because we give people responsibility prematurely?


5. Going from five senses as mortals to seventy senses in morontia life sounds like a revolution in perception. What are some of the ways this may effect our understanding, appreciation, and learning?


6. Is freedom from regulation conducive to spiritual growth on our world or a hindrance to such growth?


7. If death is the “beginning of an endless career of adventure,” should our attitudes toward death and our observances of funerals be changed?


· The Fifth Epochal Revelation is a limited example of the surprises and diversity of reality. How can we develop an openness to the adventures of eternity?


· What is the advantage of knowing there are absonite types of living beings even though we have virtually no knowledge of their nature?


· If only one percent of all planetary capacity in Havona is currently utilized, are we near the beginning of universe history?


· Since mind phenomena and personality volition are not predictable, how do we plan for the unpredictable future?


· How will knowledge of the importance of creative imagination and the “university of surprises”  on Havona effect religion on our world?




The Seven Superuniverses - 15


1. What insights might the elaborate organization of the universe have on our lives and spiritual growth?


2. Why did Christ Michael in the Fifth Epochal Revelation give us a universe picture much larger than that received by most planets at our stage of evolution?


3. Are there benefits in living in a universe not yet having physical stability, just beginning its development toward light and life?


4. To what extent is love and mercy, the characteristics  of Orvonton, demonstrated on our world?


 5. Is Ezekiel’s universe vision of “wheels within wheels” suggestive of the cosmology we find in The Urantia Book ? How did ancient people achieve views which tend to parallel discovered fact and truth?


6. What considerations might the Ancient of Days explore when deciding on the eternal life or death of an individual?


7. What are the potential advantages of never losing our capacity to appreciate and enjoy lower levels of existence as we advance in the universe?


· How compatible is our scientific cosmology with The Urantia Book cosmology?


· Will knowledge of our universe and superuniverse government effect our government forms and practices in the future?


· Does the tendency to replace names with numbers in complex societies have a de-humanizing effect?


· How will the geographic location of our world in the universe condition our spiritual view of human destiny?


· From our scientific knowledge, what planets, besides Urantia, might be suited to harbor life?


· Since the executive branch and the legislative council of the superuniverse are always in agreement, what is the purpose of the legislative council?


· Does the standard Orvonton year (8+ yrs.) have any significance for our world?


· Why do the local System headquarters not have Trinity representatives?


· When Paul speaks of the third heaven (II Cor. 12:2) was he referring to the Mansion worlds?


· Since astronomers are usually unable to detect non-luminous  planets, is it likely that we will discover other inhabited planets?



The Seven Master Spirits - 16


1. How can we promote and cultivate more courageous and independent thinking?


2. What disciplines cultivate the unity of things, meanings, and values (the empirical, the rational, and the spiritual)?


3. Even though we can discern the quality of actions before experience, why is experience so important?


4. If morality cannot be established by law, what value are laws in establishing conduct in society?


5. Do we intuit something unique about personality that we can recognize regardless of changes in physical form, mind, and spirit?


6. Because of our good fortune to originate and experience the influence of the Seventh Master Spirit, what advantages of reality comprehension and Supreme recognition may this give us?


7. In what aspects of life should we attempt to organize kindred minds to promote projects, and where should we strive to avoid assembling kindred minds to prevent one-sided development or influence?


· How independent are the reality functions of the cosmic mind (causation, duty, & worship) from the influence of formal education?


· When the Father, the Son, and the Spirit act through Master Spirit Number Seven, how does this differ from Trinity action?


· What can we learn from the persons of the Trinity in their delegation of power and responsibility?


· How do we discern between kindred minds and kindred spirits?


· How does the “reality response”  of personality contribute to human creativity?


· Where do we most need to improve our focus on the means and the ends of human behavior?


· How do we lessen the influence of immaturity and delusion in our decision making?



The Seven Supreme Spirit Groups - 17


1. Does the description of the Supreme Spirit Groups suggest that communication is an important part of wise administration? Where do we need better communication in religious activities?


2. The creation of Majeston by the Supreme Being was associated with stupendous, unexpected universe reactions. Are the unusual creative geniuses which occasionally appear from common parents a parallel type of phenomena?


3. Do you think one of the factors in the timing of the Fifth Epochal Revelation was our invention of radio and television that helps us conceptualize the universe reflective service?


4. Why do you suppose the Universe Mother Spirits undergo a gestation-development period before being made co-sovereign and equal to the Creator Son? Do we have any human parallels?


5. Since our Thought Adjusters have access to the reflectivity broadcasts, do you think this might be one of the ways in which our planetary attitudes and activities are coordinated with universe conditions and policies?


6. The eternal union between the Creator Son and the Creative Spirit in a sense parallels the temporary union between husband and wife. Does this suggest ways in which marital relationships might be improved?


7. The personalities and agencies of the Infinite Spirit minister to us in so many different ways; why have we been largely unaware of their activity in our lives?



· The ministry of the personalities of the Infinite Spirit unifies physical, mindal, and spiritual aspects of reality. What insights do these activities contribute to the ministry we are called to give to our fellow human beings?


· Is the traditional negative connotations of recording angels changed by  The Urantia Book description of the type of records kept by the Seconaphim angels?


· We see as great deal of delegation in universe functions; what can we learn from these activities?


· Why do you suppose there are both formal universe records and duplicate live records kept by secoraphic personalities?



The Supreme Trinity Personalities - 18


1. Human beings often have negative attitudes toward secrecy and mystery; how do we develop a positive attitude toward these universe realities?


2. Why do you think the worlds of Havona have only one Eternal of Days while the superuniverses have three Ancients of Days?


3. Why do you suppose that we are educated in all ten of the major divisions of our superuniverse but only in one of the divisions of the minor sector?


4. Human beings have a tendency to link symbols and reality. How can we guard against the dangers of distorting reality when given somewhat arbitrary symbols in the Urantia Papers that are beyond our experiential comprehension?


5. Why are there no Supreme Trinity advisors stationed on the System headquarters? Where could we organize a better advisory system in our contemporary society?


6. The Recents of Days are seldom together on the capitol sphere of the minor sector. Does this suggest there are numerous physical problems in the superuniverse?


7. Why do you think the Faithfuls of Days are self-limited in communication to the local universe?


· How can the Ancients of Days be “basically identical” and yet “in personality diverse?”


· Do you suppose that the Faithful of Days on our Constellation is more involved with Urantia because of the Lucifer-Caligastia rebellion?




The Co-ordinate Trinity-Origin Beings - 19


1. What circumscribed views of reality and divinity will the Urantia Papers help to change on our world?


2. Why does going from the simple and finite to the complex and infinite not lead to spiritual wisdom?


3. Usually our society regards a knowledge of history as the best way to anticipate the future; why is this historical approach inadequate?


4. What is the best way to present the deductive approach of the Urantia Papers to the average    person of our world?


5. Why do you suppose there may be “a vast body of essential spiritual knowledge” which cannot be consciously received? How should we regard the unconscious aspects of our lives?


6. How does one integrate the divine insight of revelation with the wisdom of human experience?


7. What is the significance of the Divine Counselor’s prediction that we may become “the most effective universe administrators  to be known in all creation?”


· Why do you think the Universal Censor disclosures are sometimes different that the Creator attitude and creature experience would predict?


· What might be the difference between the created perfection of the Havona Natives and the evolutionary perfection of mortals?


The Paradise Sons of God - 20


1. What kind of new dispensation will the Fifth Epochal Revelation initiate on our world?


2. What do you think are the planetary conditions necessary before we would receive a magisterial mission?


3. If an Avonal Son was incarnated on a first magisterial mission on our world, would we recognize him as a supermortal  person?


4. At what stage in our planetary development do you think Christ Michael will return to our world?


5. How do the Brilliant Evening Stars contact mortals for the Trinity Teacher Sons?


6. Why are the Trinity Teacher Sons more like the Infinite Spirit in the local universes?


7. What positive factors may result from our world being known as “the world of the cross?”


· Is there social and historical evidence of the operation of spiritual gravity?


· How will our planet become “more advanced in intelligence?”


· How do we interpret Jesus’ statement, “Whosoever has seen the Son has seen the Father?”






The Paradise Creator Sons - 21


1. Contrast the concept of creation in Christianity with that of the Creator Son.


2. Will the term Christ Michael and his description as the “only begotten Son” help Christians take a positive attitude toward the Urantia Papers?


3. How is Christ Michael more like the Eternal Son than the Universal Father?


4. How is the extensive training and bestowal requirements of Creator Sons likely to effect our attitude toward the long career to Paradise?


5. Why has Christ Michael given us a more complete vision of universe reality in the Urantia Papers than that given most planets at our stage of evolution?


6. Now that we are at the beginning of “settled administration” in our universe, what might we expect in the future of our world?


7. What are some of the activities on our planet that will be disorganized or destroyed?


· What are the advantages of our “lowly origin and enforced evolutionary career” in the universe?


The Trinitized Sons of God - 22


1. Do you think that like-spirited persons who have worked together in their mortal lives will be re-associated in work on the Mansion Worlds?


2. What type of experience on our world might qualify people to become Mighty Messengers?


3. What kind of experience on our world might qualify people to become Those High in Authority?


4. What criteria points to a superior spiritual mind and the ability to worship more effectively than most people?


5. Do you think creature trinitization is more analogous to human marital relationships, companion relationships, or research relationships?


6. What is it about evolutionary experience that makes mortals is some ways superior to twice-trinitized beings like Celestial Guardians and High Son Assistants?


7. Why are new concepts associated with trinitization?


· Why so you suppose the Trinitized Sons of Perfection have sometimes erred in judgment?


The Solitary Messengers - 23


1. What might be the spiritual or practical reason that Solitary Messengers must work alone?


2. Is human problem solving and suffering made more understandable and bearable knowing this human condition is part of a larger plan of God?


3. What revelatory descriptive information in the Urantia Papers seems to cause the revelators to inject gems of encouragement to us mortals?


4. What Deity functions are enhanced by the relative isolation of each superuniverse?


5. Why is our superuniverse, Orvonton, in greater need of service than other superuniverses?


6. If the Paradise Deities know about the undiscovered energy systems of outer space, why do they not report this information instead of having exploring Solitary Messengers make these discoveries?


7. How can we conceptualize personality without form?


· What effect does knowing the local universe ambassadors traveling at 558, 840 miles per second will take hundreds of years to arrive at their destination have on our concept of the universe?


· Why do you suppose creature-trinitized sons are assigned a Solitary Messenger?


· In a future age if the Grand Universe is administered by Trinity-origin and trinitized beings and the single and dual-origin beings serve on outer space worlds, what responsibilities and services might we be called upon to undertake?


Higher Personalities  of the Infinite Spirit – 24


1. Is it surprising that spirit energy has circuits and Circuit Supervisors very similar to the circuits of physical energy?


2. Why do the Supreme Executives have a direct and centralized information service in the Associate Inspectors and Assigned Sentinels independent of the administration of the Ancient of Days?


3. What effect do you think the extensive information about the personalities and order of the universe given us in the Urantia Papers will have on our ascension career? How much will we remember when we arrive on the Mansion Worlds?


4. What might be the personal benefit of the age-long companionship with a Graduate Guide on the billion worlds of Havona?


5. How should we face mysteries like that associated with the Havona Servitals and the Graduate Guides?


6. To what extent do you think that our isolation from the spirit circuits of the universe will result in our needing longer training on the Mansion Worlds? Will the Urantia Papers compensate for this deficiency?


7. To what degree do human beings have freedom of will independent of physiological drives and psychological conditioning?


· Might there be a difference between the number of thinking human beings and the number of human beings who have free-will capacity?


· Why do you suppose the Infinite Spirit has both Solitary Messengers and Personal Aids to explore the Master Universe?


The Messenger Hosts of Space – 25


1.What type of education gives one respect for the knowledge, experience, and opinion of others?


2. During these early years of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, how do we impart this knowledge and truth to others?


3. Since we lack the use of Technical Advisors, how do we learn the “best and right way” of doing things?


4. Since we do not have Conciliators, what techniques are available to us to deal with honest differences of opinion?


5. Should our educational system be reorganized to require students to teach pupils below them or to work for a period of time in society applying what they have learned?


6. Where could we set up committees of experienced advisors to facilitate planetary growth?


7. Since the early leaders of the Foundation and Brotherhood on the Mansion Worlds can follow the history and traditions of our world, what do you think they are saying about the current history of the Urantia movement?


· Will all the information about the “Messenger Hosts of Space”  be lost to us when we are resurrected on the Mansion Worlds?


· We are given progressively difficult tasks on the Mansion Worlds. Will assuming progressively difficult activities in this life be of help when facing the Mansion Worlds challenges?


The Ministering Spirits of the Central Universe – 26


1. How do we cultivate our growth toward perfection of purpose and learn to be disappointment proof?


2. Do we have planetary parallels to the Havona attitude towards failure—that defeat is not disgrace, only postponement?


3. The size and complexity of The Urantia Book may be beyond the comprehension level required to understand its teachings for many people of our world. How will we be able to teach these people the essence of its message?


4. Successful ascenders look back to the worlds of time and wish they could begin the adventure all over again. How might we who just starting our long educational training find ways to more fully enjoy and appreciate our present status and problems?


5. Why is the mutual understanding of ascendant mortals and Havona natives “the most intriguing of the entire Havona experience?”


6. Why do you think a deeper understanding of the Trinity is necessary for the personality recognition of the Infinite Spirit?


7. What type of service might the Corps of the Finality have on the worlds of outer space?


· What type of people are stimulated positively by uncertainty and disappointment?


· Why do the Paradise pilgrims who were created perfect apparently need to go through the billion study worlds of Havona?


· How can human beings conceptualize the time it will take to traverse the one billion worlds of Havona?


· What does “In liaison with God nothing is impossible” mean at our level of spiritual maturity?


Ministry of the Primary Supernaphim – 27


1. What is the closest analogy of “divine rest” that human beings can experience? What type of rest often leads to spiritual growth?


2. Is the experience of learning how to relate fraternally with people of other races, cultures, and religions preparation for the ethics we will learn on the ascent to Paradise?


3. Why is the long process of gaining knowledge through evolutionary experience superior for us than the instantaneous knowledge God could give us?


4. How does knowledge arrive at truth and experience achieve wisdom? Why is thinking about perplexing problems enriching and satisfying?


5. We usually think of worship as losing ourselves in the admiration and love of God; why does worship on Paradise result in “supreme pleasure” and “sublime self-expression?”


6. How do we expand the spontaneity of worship in our daily lives?


7. If our becoming finaliters signalizes the celebration of the first jubilee of eternity, do you suppose we will have the same long struggle understanding God the Ultimate that we are now experiencing in the quest of God the Supreme?


· What is the difference between ethics and folkways?


· What philosophic questions does the Fifth Epochal Revelation raise?


· Are the rules of decorum and the training in etiquette which we receive in our education preparing us for the Directors of Conduct we will meet on Paradise?


· What marks the first jubilee of “mortal agreement with the Thought Adjuster?” 


Ministering Spirits of the Superuniverses – 28


1. There appears to be intensive administrative communication in the universe. Do you think there is enough internal communication in our religious organizations?


2. Not having the use of the Union of Souls seconaphim, what substitute service can we use to lessen friction and promote teamwork in the Urantia movement?


3. What are some of the “deferred rewards inherent in unselfish service” in our society?


4, How can we promote the joy and satisfaction of service in our lives and in society?


5. How do we prevent constructive rivalry from becoming destructive?


6. Do you agree with the progression of mercy as being just, fair, patient. and kind before we can be merciful?


7. How should we treat people who are apparently sincere of purpose and honest of heart yet promote activities which we believe are detrimental to society?


· What is the most reliable method of determining the moral and spiritual character of people?


· What is the best measure of trustworthiness available to human beings?


· How do we seek to maximize goodness in our lives?

The Universe Power Directors – 29


1.   When we discover the basic forms of energy as yet unknown to our scientists, how do you think this will alter our living?


2.  Since the Supreme Power Centers are highly intelligent and have volitional capacity, why do we have so many destructive storms?


3. The Supreme Power Centers are living personalities; does this imply that the laws of astrophysics have a dynamic, non-mechanical behavior?


4. Energy in the Master Universe is controlled and directed by living beings; does this mean the universe is a living organism?


5. Why do you think the Supreme Power Directors and their associates are associated with the overcontrol of the Supreme but independent  of the superuniverse and local universe rulers?


6. Do you think planets settled in Light and Life can use Energy Transmitters to facilitate the communication of information?


7. Is the Secondary Dissociators’ ability to supply limitless amounts of energy an assurance that the second law of thermodynamics  (the progressive loss of energy) will never overtake planets?


· Why do you think we are told of the techniques of seraphic departure?


· According to the Universal Censor, our knowledge of energy is relatively limited; will this information inspire aggressive research in the field of energy?


· We have usually associated physical energy with mechanical determinism; do you suppose this is why we have not had adequate hints of the existence of the Supreme Power Directors and their associates?


The Personalities of the Grand Universe ­– 30


1.   Why doe suppose we were told of transcendental beings, since ordinarily planets are not told of them until they are settled in light and life?


2.   How do we think of God as a superperson or as a preperson?


3.   What is the purpose of mentioning absonite beings to us when such beings are impossible of human explanation?


4.   Since many of us are unable to remember all of the many beings listed in the Uversa register, what is its value in our daily lives?


5.   Should we establish the practice of requiring students to teach what they have learned to those just below them in the educational system?


6.   Contrast Christian concepts of resurrection and heaven with Urantian concepts.


7.   If our morontia bodies are different than our physical bodies, how will we recognize each other?


  What is the most significant administrative experience that is common to most people?


  How valuable is the Mormon practice of requiring young people to spend a year or two in evangelistic work?


The Corps of the Finality – 31


1.   Contrast human destiny in the Corps of the Finality with the Christian vision of heaven. How will the more complex and distant goal of the Corps of the Finality effect human motivation?


2.  What is it about the training of the glorified mortals that makes them received in equality with Havona natives, Seraphim, or Material Sons?


3.  Why is service in the Corps of Mortal Finaliters one of the supreme adventures of the Havona natives?


4.  What is the purpose of telling mortals about Transcendentalers who are superpersonalities eventuated with absonite attributes?


5.  Do you think the inability of the exalted beings of Uversa to understand the Gravity Messengers ability to transcend time and space is due to a lack of available knowledge or a planned universe mystery?


6. Why are human beings being so thoroughly trained in the techniques of universe management?


7. The entire ascendant career shows that the attainment of goals is only the beginning of larger opportunities. What larger potentials do you see confronting us as the result of receiving the larger perspectives of the Fifth Epochal Revelation?


  In what types of service might the mortal finaliters now serving on Urantia be engaged?


  What is the significance of finaliters being a self-governing body with allegiance only to the Paradise Trinity?


  Viewed in the light of eternity, is Adam and Eve’s default and Urantia’s handicaps an unfortunate happening or a blessing?


  Do you think the final members of the Corps of the Finality will be a being in the new outer space universe, a Paradise personality, or some other type of being?


  As beings who are replete in finite experience and trained in universe administration, what might be our responsibilities in the Grand Universe?