Evolution of Local Universes – 32


1. How does the description of the creation of the local universe differ from the traditional views of creation?


2. How does one understand how the Creator Son and the Universe Mother Spirit cooperate in the creation of Gabriel?


3. How will people who have had a rather simple idea  of heaven react to the complex organization of the local universe?


4. Will the picture of millions of inhabited planets spread over thousands of light years change the view of our importance in the universe?


5. What are the limitations of the traditional view of fiat creation compared with the potentials of evolutionary creation?


6. Why do many people believe that God is responsible for almost everything that happens in their lives?


7. How can a vision of the eternal purposes of eternity help us live creatively in the present?


Administration of the Local Universe – 33


1. Will Christ Michael’s designation as the “only begotten Son” help Christians adjust to the new spiritual cosmology?


2. Is Christ Michael’s spiritual power and influence greater than the Christian concept of Christ, the second person of the Trinity?


3. What does Christ Michael’s relationship to the Universe Mother Spirit imply about dominance in human marriage?


4. Why do you think Trinity Ambassadors are present in the local universe only as advisors when asked?


5. Why do you suppose Trinity Ambassadors are not sent to the System headquarters?


6. What would it be like to have universe broadcasts on our world?


7. Why are there many court cases in the local universe as the result of supermortal disagreements?


Personalities of the Local Universe — 37


1. Why do you think we are given information about the vast number of beings serving in our local universe?


2. What might be the use of the Brilliant Evening Stars’ use of a spirit force independent of their personal presence?


3. What is the significance of having a divisional headquarters of archangel activities on Urantia?


4. What do you think is the purpose of keeping records of each person from birth to leaving Salvington?


5. In terms of personal satisfaction, how would you compare spirit-fused and Adjuster-fused mortals?


6. Is the intensive and extensive education of the universe threatening or comforting?


7. What do you think will happen to the permanent citizens of the local universe when the universe is settled in light and life?


Ministering Spirits of the Local Universe — 38


1. What might constitute the extensive training of the seraphic angels?


2. What do you think is the nature of the positive and negative aspects of angel make up?


3. What might the seraphic angels be doing to stimulate our spiritual growth?


4. How does the knowledge of the existence of Midwayers, Cherubim, and Sanobim help human beings live progressively?


5. Does it appear that the lower order of universe beings have more opportunities for advancement than the higher spiritual personalities?


6. Why do Midwayers always appear on decimal planets?


7. How might the career of Midwayers differ from that of mortals in their ascension to Paradise?



The Seraphic Hosts — 39


1. Since seraphic angels seek the lowest level of service, what does that suggest about us lowly mortals?


2. On the Mansion Worlds and beyond, are our differences of opinion encouraged or discouraged by the adjudication process?


3. What effect with the knowledge of the complex organization and differential capacities of service in the local universe have on Urantia planning and activities?


4. How might the seraphic Social Architects be bringing people together on our world?


5. Is there evidence of the one thousand seraphic Administrative Assistants and the “marvelous corps” of Assistant Teachers serving on our world?


6 What is the best way to balance the desire for growth and achievement and evolutionary patience in our lives?


7. How can uncertainty be the secret of contented continuity in life?


The Ascending Sons of God — 40


1. Why would seraphic angel attainment of finaliter status far transcend the difficulties of mortal achievement of finaliter status?


2. How do we explain the justification of lesser ascension potentials of primitive mortals?


3. Are members of non-Christian religions or no religious affiliation handicapped in making survival decisions?


4. How do you think son-fused mortals adjust to their Adjuster-fusion failure?


5. What do you think about the way Spirit-fused mortals regain the memory of their life on earth?


6. Why are the permanent citizens of the local and superuniverse provided by Spirit and Son fused mortals instead of by direct creation?


7. Will the Urantia Papers set the stage for all people on our world to be regarded as “faith sons and daughters?”


Physical aspects of he Local Universe —41


1. What are the implications of the fact that the physical space of our local universe is determined by the space presence of our universe Mother Spirit?


2. Is there evidence that the source of our planet energy is a Power Center directed by Master Physical Controllers?


3. Does our weather suggest that physical controllers “are in complete and perfect control of a majority of the basic energies of space?”


4. Why do you think we were given all of this factual-scientific information about the physical aspects of our universe?


5. How does this astronomical information agree with our present scientific knowledge?


6. Do you think the adventures of the calcium atom is by intelligent design or random material reactions?


7. Do you think the future development of science will continue to revolutionize the way we live on our world?


Energy—Mind and Matter — 42


1. How does one explain that the ultimatons of time-space have Paradise as their nucleus?


2. What might lead to the discovery of the forms of energy not known to our scientists?


3. Why were we given this paper describing the complex nature of energy when the supermortal revelators do not fully understand it?


4. Does the transmutational potentials of energy and the reliability of the laws of nature suggest that they were created by intelligence?

5. What does it mean that our minds lose the response to gravity in proportion to spirit identification?


6. What does it mean that personality is the pattern aspect of a living being?


7. What are the implications of the statement: “The spirit is the architect, the mind is the builder, the body is the material building?”


The Constellations — 43


1. What is most appealing about the physical-morontial description of Edentia?


2. How much do you suppose the laws of different constellations differ?


3. What could we learn from the stratified legislation of Edentia with its final combined council in shaping laws?


4. How important is the cosmology of the universe to our spiritual development?


5. Why do you think the Faithful of Days on Edentia never give advice unless it is asked for?


6. Do you think that the Urantia Papers are a part of the elaborate changes initiated in our system and constellation as a result of the Lucifer rebellion?


7. How can we promote socialization among different races, cultures, and religions on our world?


The Celestial Artisans — 44


1. Why were the original Celestial Artrisans recruited from Havona rather than created in our local universe?


2. Why do we usually regard art and music as secondary educational subjects?


3. Why are mortals eventually given the opportunity to perceive a wider range of reality than high spirit beings?


4. Is artistic and musical talent primarily an acquirement of heredity or education?


5. What is the purpose of these revelations of unspeakable grandeur and efficiency of life beyond our material existence?


6. Who are some of the gifted individuals who may have been helped by the Celestial Artisans?


7. How should we prepare for the opportunity to satisfy “every intellectual, artistic, and social longing or true ambition” in our future existence?


The Local System Administration — 45


1. Why do you think the seven Mansion Worlds are satellites of the Finaliter World?


2. What might one observe on the prison worlds of our system?


3. Why would the interned beings of the Lucifer rebellion still refuse to repent?


4. What is the advantage of allowing the System Sovereigns in our universe unusual personal prerogatives?


5. What are the advantages of living in a system and on a planet that has experienced rebellion?


6. What do you think of the members of the Urantia Advisory Council and who might future members be?


7. What constitutes experiential deprivations which must be made up by living with the Material Sons and Daughters


The Local System Headquarters — 46


1. What is the most unusual physical characteristic of Jerusem?


2. Why type of physical mechanism for travel might be used on Jerusem and how might transport birds be used?


3. Why do you think broadcasts are viewed at the broadcast-receiving station rather than at individual receivers?


4. Why do you think we were given such a detailed description of Jerusem?


5. Why do you think morals are not allowed in the temple of power of the Master Physical Controllers and the dematerialization sector of the Material Sons?


6. What type of work might we be doing on Jerusem.


7. How will be know when Satania is restored to the Norlatiadek constellation and what will it be like to have Urantia restored to the Satania circuits?


The Seven Mansion Worlds — 47


1. Why are the infant-receiving schools of Satania located on the Finaliter World?


2. Is it surprising that children who have not acquired individual status on the evolutionary worlds become the permanent citizens of Paradise rather than joining the Corps of the Finality?


3. After awakening on the Mansion Worlds, do you think we will remember the description of the Mansion Worlds given us in the Urantia Papers?


4. Where do you think we will meet most  of our relatives and friends who have preceded us to the Mansion Worlds?


5. Since we are living in the postbestowal Son age, do you think many from Urantia will be advanced to the third Mansion World?


6. How do you think Christ Michael’s bestowal on Urantia and the exceptional nature of the Urantia Papers will help Urantia mortals in advancing on the Mansion Worlds?


7. How do you think the celestial beings responsible for our resurrection determine the nature and appearance of our new morontia bodies?


The Morontia Life — 48


1. What is the advantage of the slow growth process of evolution?


2. How has the knowledge of the morontia life found expression in present-day religions?


3. Why do you think our sense of humor is better than our music or art?


4. How do we prepare for the immensity of our future education?


5. How do we guard against holding “fossilized truth?”


6. How do we face disappointment creatively?


7. How do we avoid impatience in our lives and not become stagnant in our growth?


• Why will those who have a background in science have an easier transition to the understanding of morontia energy transformations?


• Do you think our present creative motivation will largely determine the choices in our local universe career?


• How close did David come in the 23rd Psalm to the original version?


The Inhabited Worlds k— 49


1. Why do you think we have not guarded superior strains of protoplasm as well as other planets?


2. How do you imagine complex civilizations of air or water types of mortals would develop?


3. Do you think we will recognize the type of world mortals came from when we meet on the Mansion Worlds?


4. How will the complexity and great differences of life on evolutionary planets effect our Mansion World relationships and  adjustments?


5. How do you think coming from an experimental planet will effect our Mansion World career?


6. Do you think we will receive a magisterial mission as our next supermortal ministry?


7. Why do you think our universe has more adjuster-fusion types of mortals than a near-by universe?


The Planetary Princes — 50


1. How did we know about our Planetary Prince before the coming of the Urantia Papers?


2. Why would mortal ascenders wish to accompany a Planetary Prince to a new world?


3. How do you think Caligastia perverted the teachings in headquarter schools?


4. What would it be like to have the Planetary Headquarters active on our world now?


5. What stage of planetary development is dominant on our world?


6. How will the Urantia Papers effect our planetary growth and how can we facilitate the spread of their teachings?


7. How do you think the functional grouping of agondonters will effect our Paradise ascent experience?


The Planetary Adams — 51


1. What might 100,000 planetary helper angels who accompanied Adam and Eve do on our world?


2. What might the secondary midwayers now be doing on our world?


3. How will the unusual nature of the Urantia Papers compensate for the Lucifer rebellion and the failure of Adam and Eve?


4. Will the description of superior and inferior races add to the racial problems on our world?


5. How do you think we will be able to improve our racial quality?


6. Will we eventually establish a world center of culture and education?


7. How might a Magisterial Son change our planetary life?


Planetary Mortal Epochs — 52


1. Why do you think the large passenger birds became extinct on our world?


2. What might determine whether men or women are dominant on a primitive planet?


3. Are we moving toward a world wide educational system and a common language?

4. Why do you think we have been given a revelation of the universe of universes when normal worlds are given revelation gradually?


5. Why was our world given a bestowal Son before being prepared like other worlds?


6. How do we apply “spiritual pressure from above?”


7. What is the next major step in Urantia’s non-typical development?


The Lucifer Rebellion — 53


1. How do you think brilliance was related to Lucifer’s error and sin?


2. What do you think was the reason so many supermortals followed Lucifer when they had access to the advice of the Most Highs, Gabriel, and Michael?


3. Why didn’t all supermortals recognize that Lucifer had lost contact with reality?


4. Why do you think that Michael and the Ancients of Days did nothing to stop Lucifer’s rebel activities?


5. Why did ascending mortals withstand the sophistries of rebellion better than the lower spirits?


6. While it should be obvious to the rebels that their cause is doomed, why have they refused Michael’s offer of mercy?


7. How do you think we will be informed of the execution of the Satania rebels?



Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion — 54


1. Should we allow more time for evil to work its own destruction?


2. Why would more damage be done if the rebellion were not given time for full expression?


3. Why is the human concept to time an inadequate measure of divine mercy and justice?


4. Why is the good resulting from the Lucifer rebellion much greater than its evil?


5. How can the philosophy of this Mighty Messenger be applied to our treatment of criminals?


6. Are the reasons given for the wisdom of delay in adjudicating the Lucifer rebellion satisfying?


7. Why was Lucifer’s action an attempt to take away the privilege of participating in our own destiny?


The Spheres of Light and Life — 55


1. Why does the evolutionary process create a perfection different than those created perfect?


2. How can material beings use a morontia temple?


3. Why do midway creatures sense adjuster-fusion in individuals before destiny guardians are aware of this state?


4. When will funerals become times of joyful graduation?


5. Would it be good to have a planetary goal to some day have our natural resources as community property?


6. How can we more effectively solve the problems of disease, degeneracy, war, multicolored races, and multilingualism?


7. How will the knowledge of the advanced stages of light and life effect our world?


Universal Unity — 56


1. What complexities in human experience help us understand the underlying unity of all things?


2. What concepts help us intuit Paradise before the advent of space and time?


3. What does it mean that pure energy and pure spirit are preresponsive to gravity?


4. What are the philosophic parallels between the Unqualified Absolute, the Deity Absolute, and the Universal Absolute and the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit?


5. How does the unifying capacity of personality transcend the mystery that lies beyond our understanding?


6. How will being a part of the evolving Supreme Being help us understand God the Supreme in future ages?


7. How do we verify that our perception of truth, beauty, and goodness are harmonious with spiritual reality?