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Urantia Book


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Discussion Questions
for a study of
The Urantia Book

by Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger

Paper 50: The Planetary Princes

1. How did we know about our Planetary Prince before the coming of the Urantia Papers?

2. Why would mortal ascenders wish to accompany a Planetary Prince to a new world?

3. How do you think Caligastia perverted the teachings in headquarter schools?

4. What would it be like to have the Planetary Headquarters active on our world now?

5. What stage of planetary development is dominant on our world?

6. How will the Urantia Papers effect our planetary growth and how can we facilitate the spread of their teachings?

7. How do you think the functional grouping of agondonters will effect our Paradise ascent experience?

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship