The  Origin of Urantia — 57


1. How have many Christians lived with both the Genesis story of creation and the scientific view?


2. How will scientists react to the information that personalities were involved in the materialization of space creations rather than impersonal physical laws?


3. Why do you think the revelators went into some detail in explaining the origin of our world?


4. What can we learn from the immense amount of time it takes for the origin of suns and planets?


5. What is the value of this scientific description of the origin of our world?


6. How closely is this description in harmony with present day science?


7. Would separating the papers dealing with the physical sciences from the typically religious  papers be helpful for certain types of education?


Life Establishment on Urantia — 58


1. With all of the irregularities of our world, are we fortunate or unfortunate to be a life-modification planet?


2. Why is the knowledge of the scientific properties of matter important in understanding mental and spiritual values?

3. Should our scientists be compiling as list of facts that strongly suggest that intelligent purpose is behind planetary phenomena?


4. How might the discovery of the powerful short space-energy change the way we live?


5. Why aren’t Life Carriers allowed to help the evolutionary process?


6. Do you think the celestial creator of the evolutionary process designed such things as genetic mutations or is this just an inherent aspect of biological development?


7. Will the eventual widespread knowledge of the Urantia Papers inspire geologists to more completely read the “stone book” of the world?


The Marine-life Era on Urantia — 59


1. How does history help us evaluate destiny?


2. Why is it important that plant life established the base for animal life?


3. Why do you think life first developed in a marine environment?


4. What evidence do we have that sandstone was changed to quartz and limestone changed to marble?


5. Is there evidence that Greenland was once a tropical paradise?


6. What is the scientific significance of the repeated rise and fall of continental land masses?


7. How do you think the Life Carriers keep such detailed records of geologic and other changes  of planets?


Urantia During the Early Land-Life Era — 60


1. Was there a purpose for the dinosaur age or was it simply random life development?


2. What might be the reason that some animals regressed, some were stationary, and others progressed in evolutionary development?


3. If we were thoroughly familiar with the scientific knowledge of our early land-life era, do you think we would have more positive insights related to the Life Carrier descriptions or more disagreements?


4. What might have been the cause of the failure of the flying dinosaurs and the sudden appearance of true birds?


5. How will the knowledge of the continual rhythmical crustal movements of the earth help future generations make adjustments?


6. Will this description of the early land-life era result in a more in-depth study of geology in the future?


7. How will knowledge of the early geological and biological development of our world help our spiritual development?


The Mammalian Era on Urantia — 61


1. What might be the cause of sudden mutations in the evolutionary process?


2. Why did the placental mutation occur in the carnivorous, springing tyupe of dinosaur?


3. How could there be egg-laying types of mammals—do eggs have placental qualities?


4. Why did many mammals proliferate and then become extinct?


5. Why might the animal who could live on land or in the water and who was highly intelligent become extinct?


6. Is there evidence that the elephant is superior in intelligence and adaption to to all other animals except man?


7. How does the scientific picture of the origin of man compare with the description in the Urantia Papers?


The Dawn Races of Early Man — 62


1. Why have some scientists in recent times suggested that man evolved from the simian tribes?


2. To what extent are the fear tendencies of the dawn mammals helping or hindering human beings today?


3. Do you think the twins founding the mid-mammals and the primates were random natural occurrences or directed by some form of intelligence?


4. Is it likely that some of the early ancestors of human beings discovered by scientists were actually primates?


5. Why do you think all of the immediate ancestors of human beings became extinct while the simian tribes survived?


6. Why would the recognition of human intelligence on a life-experiment planet be different than on a normal planet?7.


7. Why do you think the Life Carriers are permitted to manipulate the environment and shield the life plasm of prehuman development?


The First Human Family — 63


1. Why do you think Andon and Fonta were superior to many of their descendants?


2. How do you imagine Andon and Fonta found food and got animal skins to keep warm?


3. Do you think fighting is a necessary quality in the origin and development of mankind?


4. How far have human beings advanced beyond food and security in their priorities?


5. Why do cultures decline spiritually over long periods of time?


6. How does one explain or understand he arrival of great leaders like Onagar?


7. Why were Andon and Fonta denied the opportunity to send greetings in the Urantia Papers?

The Evolutionary Races of Color — 64


1. How can we improve the quality of the human race today using our current ethical standards?


2. To what extent is fear still handicapping humankind?


3. Why have most people historically engaged in human sacrifice?


4. How does one understand the appearance of the colored races who were unusually intelligent in one family?


5. How does one understand the appearance of outstanding leaders among the various races?


6. Will the description of the black race in the Urantia Papers cause more racial problems?


7. What do you think of the reasons given for the advantages of having different races?


The Overcontrol of Evolution – 65


1. Why do you think evolution was used as the method of creating human beings?


2. What types of control might Life Carriers use in manipulating living units and maneuvering evolving organisms?


3. How might it be possible to achieve “vastly higher levels of human development?”


4. Do you think the return of the children of Adam and Eve will be used to upstep human beings?


5. If evolution is still in progress, what changes do you think might take place in human nature?


6. What mind conditions might cause sudden spiritual transformations?


7. How do you think scientific intelligence might be used to improve the human race?


• What does the fact that our wound healing capabilities are the result of more than a half million experiments suggest about our supermortal help?


• Do you think the early appearance of human will was a help or hindrance in our development?


• Do you think the fact that no species now exists between the frog and the Eskimo is the result of natural or supernatural events?


• Why do you think will develops later on normal planets?




The Planetary Prince of Urantia – 66


1. What significance does Caligastia’s excellent preparation and high prospects have for his failure as a Planetary Prince?


2. How and by whom was the city of Dalamatia built?


3. What are the implications of the fact that the primary midwayers were discovered “accidentally” and “supposedly nonsexual and nonmaterial” activities?


4. How does one explain that apparently the one hundred Andonites were originally unaware of their contributed germ plasm and infusion of the complement of the system circuits?


5. Do you think tradition and fashion are too dominant in our world?


6. Is the Fifth Epochal Revelation a threat of overenlightenment in our society?


7. How does one prevent pride and individualism which help people to be creative from becoming an evil, undermining tendency?


• How do you suppose the ten groups of the corporeal staff learned all of the techniques they taught the early Urantia people?


The Planetary Rebellion – 67


1. How does sin distort personality?


2. How is coercion in education and legal rules related to our free will?


3. Why do you think so many of the corporeal staff, seraphim, and primary midwayers joined the rebellion?


4. What do you think will happen to the sixty staff rebels?


5. What might have been  the “doctrines of liberty”  that were taught to the Urantia peoples?


6. Why do you think the thirty-nine loyal corporeal staff were translated back to Jerusem?


7. Which of the resources of Van do you think was most important in his defense of universe loyalty?


• Why is Amadon regarded as more heroic than the action of Van?


• In what way has the action of Van and Amadon and their followers done more good in the universe than the evil of the Lucifer rebellion?


• How much do Christians know about the Lucifer rebellion?


• Why are there such long periods of adjustment in the history of our planet?


The Dawn of Civilization – 68


1. How will the improvement in world transportation and communication effect world civilization?


2. How important is organization in religion?


3. Is our society top-heavy with human needs?


4. What are the basic antagonisms between men and women?


5. What is ghost fear?


6. What are the basic customs or folkways of contemporary society?


7. How do you think our world will solve the problem of population control?



Primitive Human Institutions – 69


1. How do we control religious institutions?


2. Is woman’s work today characterized by routine and drudgery?


3. Is trade still the major means of international relationships?


4. How are capital and power related to values today?


5. How do we prevent the improvident from living off of social welfare?


6. Is modern communism an example of evolutionary regression?


7. Is indebtedness a subtle form of slavery?


The Evolution of Human Government — 70



1. What do you think of Andon’s way of having his children settle disputes?


2. How do contemporary people exercise their bellicose nature?


3. What are the advantages and liabilities of recent wars?


4. What are the civilized substitutes for war?


5. Why do we still keep the Old Testament as a sacred writing when it contains many immoral practices?


6. What are the different classes of society today?


7. Why is the divine and ideal form of government not given by revelation?


Development of the State — 71


1. Are we engaged in too rapid changes in our society today?


2. Are we suffering from the weakness of democracy, such as the glorification of mediocrity and the slavery of public opinion?


3. Does our democracy have representatives who are “technically trained, intellectually competent, socially loyal, and morally fit?”


4. Is our society using leisure time productively and wisely?


5. How will our society be able to eliminate defective and degenerate stocks?


6. To what extent is the service motive replacing the profit motive in our society?


7. How can we improve the value-wisdom aspect of education? 


• How are we engaging in the education of public opinion?


• What forms of intolerance do we have in our society?


• What is the meaning of the statement, “religious leaders, being ambassadors of a spiritual kingdom, receive their rewards in another world?”


• Do we have adequate protection against those who take unfair and unholy advantage of good people in society?


• How can we plan for an advisory world court?


Government On A Neighboring Planet — 72


1. Besides having similar backgrounds, why are we told of this nation’s government?


2. Would it be wise to limit the size of our cities?


3. Would a house of elder statesmen serving in an advisory capacity be helpful in our nation?


4. Would a program of periodic instruction on civic responsibilities along with graduation ceremonies be helpful for your youth?


5. Should we require the bride and groom to take a parental instruction class before marriage?


6. Should income from natural resources be used for social purposes?


7. Should we strive to adopt a weighted vote privilege in our society?