Discussion Questions
for a study of
The Urantia Book
by Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger
Paper 119: The Bestowals of Christ
1. How does the vast amount of time it took Michael
to create the universe of Nebadon and earn his sovereignty condition our appreciation
of his fatherly love?
2. Why were the early bestowals of Michael not
formally announced?
3. Why was Michael's exceptional service as a
Material Son and a morontia mortal not given to us?
4. Why was there full publicity of Michael's
seventh bestowal?
5. Why were Chaldean priests informed of the
birth of Jesus?
6. Why did Michael ask the Trinity Sons to stay
in our universe?
7. Why do you think Michael selected the specific
types of beings for his seven bestowals?
8. Why have the authors of the Bible assumed
that Immanuel was another name for Jesus?
9. In Michael's bestowals, did he know he was
the Creator Son of Nebadon?
A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship