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Urantia Book


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Discussion Questions
for a study of
The Urantia Book

by Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger

Paper 57: The  Origin of Urantia

1. How have many Christians lived with both the Genesis story of creation and the scientific view?

2. How will scientists react to the information that personalities were involved in the materialization of space creations rather than impersonal physical laws?

3. Why do you think the revelators went into some detail in explaining the origin of our world?

4. What can we learn from the immense amount of time it takes for the origin of suns and planets?

5. What is the value of this scientific description of the origin of our world?

6. How closely is this description in harmony with present day science?

7. Would separating the papers dealing with the physical sciences from the typically religious  papers be helpful for certain types of education?

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The Urantia Book Fellowship