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Discussion Questions
for a study of
The Urantia Book

by Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger

Paper 60: Urantia During the Early Land-Life Era

1. Was there a purpose for the dinosaur age or was it simply random life development?

2. What might be the reason that some animals regressed, some were stationary, and others progressed in evolutionary development?

3. If we were thoroughly familiar with the scientific knowledge of our early land-life era, do you think we would have more positive insights related to the Life Carrier descriptions or more disagreements?

4. What might have been the cause of the failure of the flying dinosaurs and the sudden appearance of true birds?

5. How will the knowledge of the continual rhythmical crustal movements of the earth help future generations make adjustments?

6. Will this description of the early land-life era result in a more in-depth study of geology in the future?

7. How will knowledge of the early geological and biological development of our world help our spiritual development?


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The Urantia Book Fellowship