Discussion Questions
for a study of
The Urantia Book
by Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger
Paper 81: Development
of Modern Civilization
1. Is our modern use of leisure contributing
to creativity?
2. How can our world solve the problem of overpopulation?
3. How can the Internet help us establish a universal
4. How can we improve our educational system?
5. How can our ethical standards catch up with
our scientific development?
6. How can the values and goals of Christianity
and Islam be brought into more harmonious relationships?
7. Will the teachings of the Urantia
Papers establish a new and higher level of spirituality on our world?
8. How is trade shaping our world today?
9. Do we still suffer from superstition?
10. Is modern society undergoing social and economic
change too rapidly?
11. What is the cause of the increasing violence
in society?
12. How do we find the 1% of people who have
wise leadership ability?
A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship