Discussion Questions
for a study of
The Urantia Book
by Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger
Paper 125:
Jesus at Jerusalem
1. Is there a better argument against the wrath
of God than Jesus gave his father? Are Christians today still motivated by
fear of an "angry God?"
2. When we are troubled and disturbed by the
activities of our religion, is it likely that our indwelling Spirit is preparing
us to attempt to change these activities?
3. Is it strange that Jesus was not concerned
about the whereabouts of his parents?
4. What practices in the Christian Church may
be an affront to the nature of God?
5. How is our education today missing opportunities
for spiritual stimulation and growth?
6. Did Jesus "deliver (his) people from their
bondage" of tradition?
7. What effect did Mary's patriotic and nationalistic
goals have on Jesus?
8. Was the sagacity of Jesus' questions more
the result of his human mind or his divine nature?
9. Was Mary justified in rebuking
10. What attitudes of traditional
religion discourage spiritual growth?
A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship