Discussion Questions
for a study of
The Urantia Book
by Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger
Paper 128:
Jesus' Early Manhood
1. How will the Jesus Seminar theologians who
attempt to understand Jesus from a purely human point of view react to the
Life and Teachings of Jesus presented by the Midwayer Commission?
2. How should young people be trained to assume
responsibility for their lives?
3. Mary's preconceived ideas about Jesus' life
mission prevented her from understanding Jesus; how can we guard against being
misled by preconceived ideas?
4. Why was Jesus tempted to become the head of
a School of Philosophy in Damascus? Why wasn't this the Father's will?
5. Even though Jesus attempted to disguise his
spectacular life and warned the apostles against emphasizing his life rather
than his teachings, Christianity became a religion about him. Will the Fifth
Epochal Revelation change this?
6. Why is the mastery of our minds so important?
7. How was Jesus able to detach the various episodes
of his life so that he was not recognized later?
8. What type of responsibilities should children
be given in contemporary homes?
9. How does one explain the remarkable influence
of Jesus' conversation with Stephen?
10. Why would the message Jesus brought to our
world not fit into his career as a religious teacher in Alexandria?
A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship