Discussion Questions
for a study of
The Urantia Book
by Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger
Paper 159:
The Decapolis Tour
1. How does God seek to recover lost sinners?
2. What is the meaning of the statement, "Where
two or three believers are gathered together, there am I in the midst of them?"
3. Should we accept anyone teaching in Jesus'
name? When should we object to teachings we believe to be wrong?
4. If overpowering argument, shrewd eloquence,
or mental superiority should not be used to bring people into the kingdom,
what kind of appeal should we use in preaching and teaching?
5. How do we bolster self-respect?
6. Are people today ready to hear the truth regarding
the Scriptures?
7. How common is using a positive response to
the evil or injustice we experience?
8. What spiritual insight is helpful in forgiving
other people?
9. How do we distinguish between showing mercy
and recognizing crime that should be punished?
10. Does our legal practice of "Judicial summary
judgment" violate the principle of group (jury) decision?
11. How does one overcome the conflict of our
material drives and urges with the life directed by the Spirit?
12. Why are people who yearn for the inner peace
of spiritual growth unable to find it?
13. How do we determine how to avoid false sympathy
and apply tough love?
14. Will David Zebedee become one of the heroes
of the Fifth Epochal Revelation?
A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship