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Discussion Questions
for a study of
The Urantia Book

by Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger

Paper 163: Ordination of the Seventy at Magadan

1. What are the practical applications of the instruction to be as "wise as serpents while you are also as harmless as doves?"

2. How do we increase the number of people carrying the good news of the kingdom to the world?

3. If Jesus had explained to Matadormus  why he was asked to dispose of his wealth, do you think the young man might have done so?

4. How do we distinguish between a "pet evil"  we need to get rid of and a special talent that we can use in serving others?

5. What are the ways in which the strong, able, and  more intelligent people exploit their less able and intelligent fellows?

6. What is the spiritual meaning of the parable of the vineyard workers?

7. How do we recognize spiritual pride?

8. How does the resistance to the Fifth Epochal Revelation compare with the antagonism to the gospel in Jesus' day?

9. If we wish to be ordained people, should we take Jesus' statement "let others bury the dead" literally?

10. How can we be free from the unhealthy love for oneself and yet have a superb self-respect?

11. Is wealth or pride the more serious obstacle to spiritual dedication?

12. Is the person who leaves everything for the sake of the kingdom likely to "receive manyfold more in this world?"

13. Which of the seven points of instruction to the 70 are applicable today?

14. What were the factors which produced a solid corps of evangelists that would carry on after Jesus left them?

15. Centuries from now, will people think that those who experienced the early years of the Fifth Epochal Revelation were especially privileged?

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship