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Urantia Book Oncewords
Numbers in second column refer to page numbers in
the original 1955 edition of The Urantia Book
GAD 1409: of the reputed tribes of Ruben, Gad, and Gilead that traditionally had dweltGADDA 1817: Amathus, Adam, Penuel, Capitolias, Dion, Hatita, Gadda, Philadelphia, Jogbehah, Gilead, Beth Nimrah,GAILY 1794: temple courts. The entire city was gaily decorated except the Roman castle ofGAINSAY 1465: truly your own. No man can gainsay your right to hold and useGAIUS 1473: Crispus, Jesus and Ganid met one Gaius, who subsequently became a loyal supporterGALATIA 1560: preaching and baptizing, through Syria, Cappadocia, Galatia, Bithynia, and Thrace. And it wasGALE 1694: It was just such an evening gale that caught the boat carrying JesusGALL 1845: the Jews that the drop of gall on the point of the swordGALLON 1518: "and each grape will produce a gallon of wine."" The Jews believed the"GALLONS 1530: filled with water, holding about twenty gallons apiece. This water was intended forGAMBLER 773: primitive man was a natural born gambler; he always wanted to get somethingGANGSTER-NOBILITY 1074: time there ruled in Samaria a gangster-nobility whose depredations rivaled those ofGAPS 1110: which will fill in vital missing gaps in otherwise earned knowledge.GARBED 2007: had been removed, he was thus garbed before he was put upon theGARLIC 936: the other two being pork and garlic. However foolish these olden notions were,GARNER 1503: will gather the wheat into his garner, but the chaff will he burnGARNERED 1302: of the racial heritage of painfully garnered experiential wisdom in other words, forGARNISH 1908: him of whom they spoke. You garnish the tombs of the righteous andGARRISON 1420: strong Roman military post, and the garrison's commanding officer was a gentileGASEOUS-SOLID 460: sun. The weight of this hot-cold gaseous-solid is about one ton per cubicGATEWAYS 878: lesser extent, Tibet were the ancient gateways through which these peoples of MesopotamiaGATH 1072: up the coast to Esdraelon. At Gath the Philistines ordered David off theGATHERER 1958: can do for a hated tax gatherer who dared to follow the SonGAUGE 935: marriage itself is a reasonably accurate gauge registering the advances of human civilization.GAUGES 328: and automatic presence, pressure, and velocity gauges. These living barometers are solely concernedGEBA 1492: Bethany), Beeroth, Lebonah, Sychar, Shechem, Samaria, Geba, En Gannim, Endor, Madon; passing throughGEESE 978: 380 jars of wine, 680,714 geese, 6,744,428 loaves of bread,GEM 825: arrival, the place was already a gem of botanic beauty; and during theGENEALOGY 857: also be observed in the Biblical genealogy of Abraham and in the earlyGENERALIZATIONS 47: it is almost impossible to formulate generalizations of law adequately expressive of theGENERATING 1488: sovereign nations cannot rub elbows without generating conflicts and eventuating wars. TheGENERATIVE 787: of the candidate rested upon the generative organ of the tribal native. TheGENERATORS 543: associates. These beings are morontia power generators as well as circuit regulators. MuchGENES 920: of the role of the dominant genes. Racial intermixture increases the likelihood ofGEOLOGICALLY 692: preceding inundations. Biologically as well as geologically this was an eventful and activeGEOLOGY 1123: human existence. Revelation unifies history, co-ordinates geology, astronomy, physics, chemistry,GEOMETRICAL 1133: our ideals tend to grow by geometrical progression, while our ability to liveGERMAN 893: races, the forefathers of the Scandinavian, German, and Anglo Saxon peoples. It wasGERMINATES 1131: which the seed of revealed religion germinates is the moral nature that soGERMS 1105: intellectual reason and philosophic logic. The germs of true religion originate in theGESHUR 1072: daughter of Talmai, the king of Geshur. He took six wives from theGESTURED 1101: the one who said, as he gestured toward the Master standing before hisGESTURES 908: word exchange. Language grew up through gestures, signs, cries, imitative sounds, intonation, andGETS 967: is sick, something happens, and he gets well. The same thing is trueGETTER 1559: "referred to him as the ""money getter."" Levi's strong point was his"GHOST-IMPREGNATED 970: pouch containing a reputable assortment of ghost-impregnated articles, and the medicine manGHOST-SOUL 953: evolution of the soul. 5. THE GHOST — SOUL CONCEPT The nonmaterial part of manGIANTISM 584: although on Urantia unexpected strains of giantism appeared among the green and orangeGIBBON 708: they lost their mother in a gibbon raid. While she did not possessGIBEON 1073: Saul had attacked a Canaanite city, Gibeon, whose people had a peace treatyGIBEONITES 1073: Saul's descendants over to the Gibeonites to be hanged. After the defeatGIDEON 1374: valley, they recounted the days of Gideon, when the Midianites poured into thisGIFT-BEARING 1084: witnessed by only a handful of gift-bearing shepherds who had been informed ofGILEADITES 1072: Ammonites upon their fellow tribesmen the Gileadites east of the Jordan. With anGIRAFFE 698: horses on the grazing plains. The giraffe appeared in Africa, having just asGIRAFFELIKE 698: modern types were arriving; llamas and giraffelike camels mingled with the horses onGIST 912: and certain survival. This is the gist of the long, long struggle ofGLANCED 831: animals shown him. The instant he glanced at an animal, he would indicateGLANCES 1701: "no food."" Philip and Andrew exchanged glances, and then Philip answered"GLANCING 1834: his fellow guests and then, after glancing significantly at the man with dropsy,GLANTONIA 457: Sandmatia, Assuntia, Porogia, Sortoria, Rantulia, and Glantonia. The Norlatiadek systems differ inGLARE 1794: women as well as by the glare of scores of torches standing aboutGLASSES 173: as many suns as there are glasses of water in the oceans ofGLEAN 888: However wise it may be to glean wisdom from the past, it isGLEANING 768: as it passed over the land gleaning food. This was the primitive nomadicGLEEFUL 1887: to him in a spirit of gleeful ridicule and, slapping him on theGLEEFULNESS 1882: branches, shouting hosannas, and otherwise expressing gleefulness and good fellowship. The MasterGLIMMERING 458: are. Some of the reddish, faintly glimmering stars have acquired a density atGLOOMY 1448: God is the illuminator of the gloomy and the power of those whoGLOWERING 1382: the lad's implied criticisms and, glowering down upon him, asked how oldGLUTTONOUS 1627: these same people sayGNASHING 1757: attack and fell in their midst, gnashing his teeth and foaming at theGNAT 1908: "dumb teachers; you strain out the gnat and swallow the camel. ""Woe upon"GNATS 1736: also lack consistency; they strain at gnats and swallow camels.GNAWING 695: dogs. About the same time the gnawing rodents, including beavers, squirrels, gophers, mice,GOAL-MEANINGS 494: ability to grasp the eternal goal-meanings concealed within these seemingly insignificant timeGOBI 878: was plentiful. To the east the Gobi was an open grassland where theGOBLINS 1031: demons, ghosts, evil spirits, sprites, monsters, goblins, and saints of the later dayGOD-ASCENSION 1126: devoid of survival values, God-knowingness and God-ascension. In such a mortal experience onlyGOD-AS-LOVE 1154: The Universal Father is God-as-love; the Universal Controller is God-as-pattern. ThisGOD-AS-PATTERN 1154: is God-as-love; the Universal Controller is God-as-pattern. This relationship establishes theGOD-CHOOSING 1221: made, sooner or later will the God-choosing son find inner union (fusion) withGOD-DISCERNING 195: reality responses of cosmic recognition. The God-discerning mortal is able to sense theGOD-FEAR 957: have ever since labored to transmute God-fear into God-love. Evolution may be slow,GOD-FEARING 1333: "fringe of gentile believers, ""devout"" or ""God-fearing"" men, and it was among this"GOD-FORSAKING 1428: to darkness and death unless such God-forsaking Jonahs shall turn their hearts, evenGOD-GIVEN 1519: sin of prostituting divine talents and God-given abilities for personal aggrandizement or forGOD-HUNGER 1211: the human and material leverage of God-hunger. Such a wise co-ordination of materialGOD-HUNGRY 1105: the God-revealing Thought Adjuster in the God-hungry mortal mind. Faith unites moral insightGOD-IDENTIFIED 1301: selfhood. Only as a creature becomes God-identified, does he become truly real inGOD-IN-TIME 1280: OF EVOLUTIONARY GROWTH The Supreme is God-in-time; his is the secret of creatureGOD-JUDGMENT 2094: 2. Social-judgment — ethical choice. 3. God-judgment — religious choice. Thus it appears thatGOD-LIKENESS 1229: not yet attained the divine levels of God-likeness. Descending personalities attain analogousGOD-PRESENCE 24: of the human mind and the God-presence of the Thought Adjuster that indwellsGOD-RECOGNITION 1113: eternal life of unending progression in God-recognition and God-service.GOD-RECOGNIZING 1452: "journey."" 9. CONFUCIANISM Even the least God-recognizing of the world's great religions"GOD-SERVICE 1113: of unending progression in God-recognition and God-service.GOD-SERVING 1474: spirit will lead all truth-loving and God-serving mortals out of this life andGODSPEED 1587: "to come over to bid us Godspeed."" At this time Ruth was on"GOD-UNIDENTIFIED 1301: reveals the transient reality of all God-unidentified selfhood. Only as a creature becomesGOLD-BEARING 689: Sierras were beginning to form, their gold-bearing quartz strata being the product ofGOODNESS-EXPERIENCE 1458: perfect accordance with your capacity for goodness-experience and truth-discernment.GOOD-SIZED 2047: "the fish."" John Mark brought seven good-sized fish, which the Master put on"GOPHERS 695: the gnawing rodents, including beavers, squirrels, gophers, mice, and rabbits, appeared and soonGOPHNA 1607: to the people who came from Gophna and Ephraim. A group of citizensGORGEOUSLY 1627: As a rule they who are gorgeously appareled and who live delicately areGORGING 1702: this hungry, undernourished multitude had finished gorging itself with the wonder food, thereGORY 1378: bronze fountain. The bloodstained pavement, the gory hands of the priests, and theGOSPEL-BELIEVING 1916: kingdom? You who are God-knowing and gospel-believing have already received the assurancesGOTTEN 1465: haste to restore all these ill gotten gains to the rightful owners. MakeGOVERNMENT-INSURANCE 814: self-respect-destroying type of charity by dignified government-insurance guarantees ofGRACEFULNESS 1874: of his mouth. You can cultivate gracefulness, but graciousness is the aroma ofGRACE-MINISTRY 999: without symbolism must not deny the grace-ministry of the symbol to those whoGRADANT 519: "Urantia miles. The standard weight, the ""gradant,"" is built up through the decimal"GRADED 396: are self governing. Life Carriers are graded into three grand divisionsGRADES 835: also as teachers in the lower grades. The entire purpose of the westernGRAECO-ROMAN 887: hundred years following the disruption of Graeco-Roman civilization. The belief in, and worshipGRANDCHILD 750: but civilized man loves also his grandchild. The Prince's staff lived togetherGRANDDAUGHTER 1555: was cared for by a loving granddaughter. John was in prison several timesGRANDFATHER 1023: to the memory of his great grandfather Abraham. Joseph was offered military commandGRANDLY 1581: or economic disputes. He would remain grandly aloof while teaching you how toGRANDMOTHER 960: child died, the mother, aunt, or grandmother was often strangled in order thatGRANDPARENTS 953: The custom of naming children after grandparents and other ancestors was due toGRANDSONS 111: creator, through the Creator Sons, his grandsons.GRAPPLED 1337: 2. Christianity presented a religion which grappled with final solutions of the humanGRASS-EATING 691: land plants. One of these new grass-eating dinosaurs was a true quadruped havingGRATIFICATIONS 943: institution of self maintenance; and self gratifications have indeed cost a fatal priceGRAVEL 681: animals and plants, along with much gravel and basin sediments. Little workable coalGRAVITATES 1099: passive intellect. 1100 All of this gravitates consciousness toward the subconscious rather thanGRAVITATING 737: Now the human species is slowly gravitating toward twenty eight. The process ofGRAVITY-BALANCING 154: regard these alternate processions of stupendous gravity-balancing bodies as unique in theGRAVITY-DEFICIENCY 171: to encircle the parent sun. 5. Gravity-deficiency Spheres. There is a critical limitGRAVITY-ELECTRIC then a sudden collapse occurs. The gravity-electric changes give origin to vast quantitiesGRAVITY-EMBRACED 91: the Eternal Son. Thus the twofold gravity-embraced universe is touched with the energyGRAVITY-ENERGY 329: the primary through the secondary or gravity-energy stage. Upon the completion of theGRAVITY-EXPLOSION 170: of origin in other-than-spiral nebulae. 3. Gravity-explosion Planets. When a sun is bornGRAVITY-MEASUREMENT 136: predictable only in the quantitative or gravity-measurement sense; even the primal physicalGRAVITY-RECLAMATION 171: which may be projected beyond the gravity-reclamation zone of the erupting sun, thusGRAVITY-RESISTANT 101: not the action of mind. The gravity-resistant phenomenon of a gyroscope is aGRAVITY-RESPONSIVE 404: energies that have already fulfilled all gravity-responsive obligations. Life, as such,GRAVITY-ROBBERY 464: energy islands of space or through gravity-robbery of near-by smaller suns or systems.GRAZERS 695: from the clawed flesh eaters. These grazers sprang from an undifferentiated ancestor havingGREAT-GRANDCHILDREN 713: hundred grandchildren and half a dozen great-grandchildren. The family was domiciled inGREAT-GRANDFATHER 1023: due to the memory of his great-grandfather Abraham. Joseph was offered military commandGREAT-GREAT-GRANDSON 720: among the tribes of Badonan, a great-great-grandson of Andon. These people were theGRECIAN 1332: political and social systems. 2. The Grecian language and culture and philosophy toGREEDS 1108: of human selfishness, social antagonisms, industrial greeds, and political maladjustments.GREEDY 1889: national feasts. At one time the greedy priests went so far as toGREEK-CULTURAL 2073: appeal to them. A succession of Greek-cultural and Roman-political victories had consolidatedGREENSAND 689: uniform. The deposits of chalk and greensand marl give name to this period.GREETS 270: of Havona worlds. The guide who greets you upon your arrival on theGREGARIOUSNESS 1090: adjustment. The fact of man's gregariousness perforce determines that religious groups willGRIEFS 2056: his persistent isolation of personality, his griefs multiplied, his sorrows increased, his anxietiesGRIEVES 1786: time so merciful and considerate. He grieves over the spiritual obstinacy of theGRIEVING 1400: only say to his anxious and grieving motherGRINDER 1350: mill while his mother turned the grinder In later years, as the familyGRIZZLED 1063: "God?"" As the years passed, the grizzled old leader progressed in the understanding"GROAN 1732: have not ceased to toil, sweat, groan, travail, and endure the sufferings andGROANED 1844: emotions may possibly explain why he groaned as they came near the tomb.GROANS 765: Occidental civilization of the twentieth century groans wearily under the tremendous overload ofGROOMS 918: women who were found by the grooms' mothers not to be virgins.GROOVE 2023: millstone, and it moved in a groove chiseled out of the rock, soGROPINGS 1007: Deities. Evolutionary religion pictures the circuitous gropings of humanity in quest of truth;GROSSER 667: opposite direction from that of the grosser matter behavior, even in the sameGROTTOS 1695: and confined in one of the grottos. Long since he had broken hisGROUNDING 1466: good Buddha met the misfortune of grounding just outside the harbor. And theGROUNDLESS 1681: dreams is largely a superstitious and groundless system of ignorant and fantastic speculation.GROUP-CONSCIOUS 203: but we suspect that such a group-conscious entity becomes space cognizant and beginsGROUP-INTEREST 1132: difference between the self-interest and the group-interest, a primitive distinction betweenGROUP-PLAY 494: to this latter attainment through their group-play activities. 6. Adjust all of theseGROVEL 1656: his head like a bulrush, to grovel in sackcloth and ashes? Will youGROVES 946: venerate their various deities in the groves. Except in China, there once existedGROWERS 875: of the rivers. The peaceful grain growers of the Euphrates and Tigris valleysGROWN-UP 1597: But when these same children become grown-up men and women, would it notGROWTHS 492: material and morontia varieties. The material growths have a characteristic green coloration, butGRUESOME 1337: secret rites and rituals were sometimes gruesome and revolting. 4. But no matterGRUMBLINGS 1546: the test. With all of their grumblings, doubts, and transient dissatisfactions they remainedGUARANTEED 923: thought that abiding unions must be guaranteed by some tangible security, property. ForGUARDIAN-COMPANION 262: deity mind) is always assigned as guardian-companion to such a creature-trinitized son.GUARDIAN-COMPANIONS 262: Solitary Messengers has been absorbed as guardian-companions of these sons of destiny? AreGUIDEPOSTS 318: error detectors, faithful teachers, and everlasting guideposts living signs of divine surety inGUILE 1558: "signified honesty, sincerity. He was ""without guile."" And this was his great virtue;"GUINEA 837: tribe from the lemur, a New Guinea group from the parrot. The Babylonians,GUITES 876: hands of the northern Suites and Guites. Lagash, the Sumerian capital built onGULLS 696: of modern birds were existent, including gulls, herons, flamingoes, buzzards, falcons, eagles, owls,GURU 1009: history of Urantia from Onagar to Guru Nanak. During this time there haveGUSH 1082: valiant exploits, and causing water to gush forth from a rock struck withGUSHING 947: spirits dwelt in the bubbling springs, gushing fountains, flowing rivers, and raging torrents.GYMNASIUM 1432: palace, temple of Neptune, theater, and gymnasium Gonod addressed himself to business whileGYPSUM 685: mostly conglomerates, shale, and sandstone. The gypsum and red layers throughout these sedimentationsGYPSY 1074: landlord Jehu joined forces with the gypsy chieftain Jehonadab to destroy the prophets