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Urantia Book Oncewords
Numbers in second column refer to page numbers in
the original 1955 edition of The Urantia Book

MACAD                                          1817:       some fifty additional villages
MACEDONIAN                             2071:       small city states, but when the Macedonian king dared to expand Greece into
MACHAERIAN                             1508:       made a great feast in the Machaerian palace for his chief officers and
MACHINE-MAN                           2078:       machine, and likewise would such a machine-man be wholly unconscious of the fact
MACROCOSMOS                         482:         short range cohesive force of the macrocosmos somewhat as the forces of intra
MADDENED                                  1927:       by in silent amazement while these maddened and blinded rulers lead the teachers
MADE-TO-ORDER                       541:         elements of the evolved planets. Such made-to-order worlds not only abound in the
MADMAN                                     1436:       away from the assault of the madman. While the frightened child clung to
MAGDALA-MOUNT                   1728:       the point of junction with the Magdala Mount Lebanon trail road, thence to
MAGDALA-SIDON                      1741:       over to the junction with the Magdala-Sidon road near Gischala, and thence they
MAGELLANIC                               170:         masses of blazing suns, like the Magellanic Cloud. The globular type of star
MAGI                                               1352:       star of Bethlehem and the adoring Magi led thereby to the manger, where
MAGISTRACY                              372:         of adjudication there presides a dual magistracy consisting of one judge of perfection
MAGNANIMITY                           364:         of both the magnitude and the magnanimity of the Father's divine nature.
MAGNANIMOUS                         1554:       You would hardly suspect such a magnanimous personality as Jesus to be guilty
MAGNETISM                                472:         Light, heat, electricity, magnetism, chemism, energy, and matter are in
MAGNETS                                      666:         solar storm centers function as enormous magnets. Such magnetic fields are able to
MAGNIFICENCE                           118:         beauty of Paradise consists in the magnificence of its physical perfection; the grandeur
MAHAYANISTS                           1038:       "Hinayana, or ""Lesser Road."" And these Mahayanists cast loose from the social limitations"
MAIDENHOOD                             891:         of the mixed Adamites. They respected maidenhood, only practicing polygamy when war produced
MAID-IN-WAITING                     1989:       Jesus through the word of her maid-in-waiting, who was a Phoenician believer in
MAINLANDS                                896:         in the tribes of the adjacent mainlands.
MAINSPRING                                2007:       affectionate devotion had not been the mainspring of all his life of unselfish
MAINSTAY                                   1838:       sustained courage, Thomas was always the mainstay of the twelve apostles.
MAKESHIFT                                  1491:       power, or any other type of makeshift juggling with the sovereignties of nationalism.
MAKESHIFTS                               1494:       all the Lucifer suggested compromises and makeshifts, to all such specious proposals about
MALACH                                       1737:       he visited with a Syrian named Malach, who was a believer, and who
MALADJUSTED                           1461:       that and more. And when these maladjusted human beings had told Jesus about
MALADJUSTMENTS                  1108:       social antagonisms, industrial greeds, and political maladjustments.
MALARIAL                                   1631:       mother in law, was suffering from malarial fever. She was not miraculously healed
MALAVATIA                                496:         meanings and spiritual values. [Sponsored by Malavatia Melchizedek.
MALAY                                          837:         are descended from the hyena, a Malay tribe from the lemur,
MALAYAN                                    905:         still more by Andite infusion The Malayan and other Indonesian peoples are included
MALCONTENTS                           1072:       army was a polyglot assortment of malcontents, being for the most part made
MALEFACTOR                             2009:       him and smiled approvingly. When the malefactor saw the face of Jesus turned
MALE-FEMALE                            932:         survival were greatly improved by these male-female partnerships. A man and a woman,
MALENESS                                    864:         are differentiated along the lines of maleness and femaleness, often being spoken of
MALEVOLENCE                            1216:       did they so cravenly fear the malevolence of the evil eye. They have
MALTESE                                       124:         total space would slightly resemble a maltese cross, with the horizontal arms representing
MALTREATMENT                       1108:       of personality in the face of maltreatment and the rankest injustice.ABOUT-TO-BE-KNOWN 1109
MAMMARY                                  694:         from one to eleven pairs of mammary glands, and all were covered with
MAMMOTHS                                699:         America was overrun with mastodons, woolly mammoths, horses, camels, deer, musk oxen, bison,
MAMRE                                          1021:       to him on the plains of Mamre. This was an appearance of fact,
MANAGERIAL                              1589:       and Judas developed into a general managerial committee of three, although each of
MANAGES                                     2080:       God who made it and unceasingly manages it. Mechanists humanists tend to drift
MANASSEH                                  1074:       the rule of a boy king, Manasseh. The changing economy favored the return
MAN-DOMINATED                     2083:       a revealed religion becomes man-made and man-dominated. Modern men and women of intelligence
MANDRAKES                               1681:       in spells, ordeals, bewitching, cursing, signs, mandrakes, knotted cords, and all other forms
MAN-EATERS                               979:         eating human flesh. Certain groups of man-eaters would consume only members of their
MAN-FEARING                             1996:       such questions when asked by a man-fearing, weak, and vacillating judge who was
MANFUL                                        984:         The confession of sin is a manful repudiation of disloyalty, but it in
MANGERS                                      1351:       the front of the stalls and mangers. Tent curtains had been hung, and
MAN-GOD                                      1078:       they imposed upon these peoples their man-god, Dyaus-Zeus, who had already become, like
MANIPULATABLE                      266:         material circuits that are controllable and manipulatable by creatures. The circuit supervisors
MANIPULATED                           733:         the consent of their superiors, so manipulated the environment as further to circumscribe
MANITOU                                      994:         of the African Pygmies, and the manitou superstitions of the North American Indians.
MAN-LAND                                   908:         beyond the optimum of the normal man-land ratio means either a lowering of
MANLINESS                                  1446:       hold upon true righteousness and genuine manliness. Let us learn to meditate on
MAN-MANAGED                         2002:       time was a purely natural and man-managed affair. It was man and not
MAN-MIND                                   711:         planetary recognition, closed with these words
MAN-NATURE                             1288:       of the co-ordination of the ascendant man-nature with the divine Adjuster-nature within the
MANOVANDET                            612:         "of sin is death."" [Presented by Manovandet Melchizedek, onetime attached to the receivership"
MAN-SAVING                               2084:       a striking and appealing picture of man saving and God revealing that the
MAN-SERVING                             1114:       supreme values; it is God-knowing and man-serving. Beliefs may become group possessions, but
MANTLED                                     674:         of Greenland, making that now ice mantled continent a veritable tropic Paradise. The
MANY-EXPERIENCED                436:         recess periods, with these much-traveled and many-experienced seraphim of the waiting reserve
MANY-TUNNELED                      705:         of both treetop homes and their many-tunneled subterranean retreats; they were the first
MAP                                                521:         observatory and view the immense relief map of the entire headquarters planet.
MAPLE                                            691:         beech, birch, oak, walnut, sycamore, maple, and modern palms. Fruits, grasses, and
MARCHERS                                   1977:       that he dropped back behind the marchers, coming up to the palace of
MARCUS                                        1461:       "slavery of ignorance."" This was the Marcus who heard Peter preach in Rome"
MARGINAL                                   667:         energy actions also occur in the marginal gases of the great binary stars
MARINE-ANIMAL                       670:         more primitive forms of the early marine-animal organisms. In many places these oldest
MARINERS                                    895:         years before the descendants of these mariners spread to the neighboring isles. This
MARION                                         1666:       own. On this same day, Beth Marion, a Phoenician woman, became so fanatical
MARKERS                                      781:         "his neighbor's landmark."" These stone markers bore the priest's initials. Even"
MARKETS                                      775:         neutral spot. Women held the first markets; they were the earliest traders, and
MARL                                              689:         The deposits of chalk and greensand marl give name to this period. The
MARRYING                                    1072:       build himself up politically by first marrying Saul's daughter, then the widow
MARSH                                           1728:       Phoenician coast. They passed around the marsh country, by way of Luz, to
MARSHAL                                     1522:       unfurl the banner of sovereignty, to marshal his wonder working battalions in militant
MARTENS                                      697:         numbers all over the world. Weasels, martens, otters, and raccoons thrived and developed
MARTYRED                                   1908:       you built a monument to the martyred prophets of old, while you plot
MARTYRS                                      1909:       up their lives as the first martyrs of the gospel of the heavenly
MARVELING                                  1479:       Jesus answering them, and the father marveling at the whole performance. The last
MARVELS                                      1509:       even greater miracles of power and marvels of racial triumph. The rabbis had
MASK                                             1632:       "the shadow of fear; revenge the mask of cowardice."" Neither could his hearers"
MASK                                             1641:       never forget that intolerance is the mask covering up the entertainment of secret
MASKS                                           791:         members of these societies first wore masks to frighten the curious away from
MASONS                                        1344:       immediate ancestors were mechanics builders, carpenters, masons, and smiths. Joseph himself was a
MASSACRED                                800:         of captives they either adopted or massacred them. 8. Decisive conquests. The red
MASSAGE                                      991:         and other real medicines were introduced. Massage was developed in connection with incantation,
MASSING                                       695:         and Australia. In spite of the massing of land in high latitudes, the
MASSIVENESS                              732:         species. But though long departed the massiveness of the passing Reptilia found echo
MASS-MOVEMENTED               470:         This is the powerful-directional, mass-movemented, mighty-tensioned, and forcible-reacting
MASTER-FEAR                             1013:       experienced great difficulty in transferring their master-fear into concepts of God-love.
MASTERPIECES                           498:         of Salvington and behold the inspiring masterpieces of the supernal artists of the
MATCH                                          1047:       he manifested a political genius to match his surprising religious leadership, then would
MATCHED                                     724:         many ways both groups were evenly matched in this struggle since each carried
MATCHMAKER                           923:         by the marriage broker or professional matchmaker. These matchmakers were at first the
MATEDNESS                                586:         his or her children in single matedness. The children of each of these
MATERIAL-CIRCUIT                  424:         with the physical controllers and the material-circuit manipulators. But since each order of
MATERIAL-COMFORT              577:         which always follows self-maintenance. 3. The material-comfort era. After food problems have
MATERIAL-INTELLECT             1233:       seat of identity from the passing material-intellect system to the higher morontia-soul
MATERIALISTIC-SECULAR      2076:       of the human race. When the materialistic-secular panic is over, the religion
MATERIALISTS                           1954:       satisfactions of this material world. Unbelieving materialists and fatalists can hope to enjoy
MATERIAL-LINKED                    26:           mind is joined to matter. Such material- linked minds cannot survive mortal death. The
MATERIAL-MIND                       1236:       the Adjuster when deprived of the material-mind mechanism. This evolving soul does, however,
MATERIAL-VALUE                     1012:       equal. Primitive religion was largely a material-value consciousness, but civilization elevates
MATHEMATICALLY                  184:         Infinite Spirit exhausted the associative possibilities mathematically inherent in the factual
MATHEMATICIAN                     2077:       universe of mathematics without a Master Mathematician? Science may expatiate on the
MATS                                              1350:       a lampstand, several small stools, and mats for sleeping on the stone floor.
MATTER-PERMEATION            461:         fact, the chief element of the matter-permeation of space throughout Orvonton. Our whole
MATTER-POWER                        128:         whole vast aggregation of force-energy and matter-power functions ultimately as a space unit,
MATURING                                   1264:       Personalities of time. The act of maturing the qualified possibilities of the three
MAUSOLEUM                               1432:       attractions university (museum), library, the royal mausoleum of Alexander, the palace, temple of
MAXIMATED                               1183:       every sense the equivalent of will, maximated decision. Why then, if Thought Adjusters
MAY-POLE                                     946:         of the ancient tree cults. The May-pole, the Christmas tree,
MAZA                                             1794:       marched down below Jerusalem to near Maza to cut the willow branches for
MEALTIME                                    751:         week, using it for salutations and mealtime thanksgiving. The time measurement of these
MEANING-DISCOVERING          1200:       the survival or nonsurvival of the meaning-discovering or evaluating personality. And so
MEANINGFULNESS                     1092:       Life must continue to grow in meaningfulness; man must go on with his
MEANING-LEVELS                       13:           power mobilization, on their respective universe meaning-levels, of the divine reality values of
MEANING-OF-THE-WHOLE      182:         are here being interassociated into a meaning-of-the-whole; and it is for this reason
MEANING-VALUES                     1167:       the full revelation 1168 of absolute meaning-values within the scope of a subabsolute
MEASURABLY                             1467:       wants to do and be, becomes measurably creative in accordance with the degree
MEASURELESS                             1169:       being limitless, timeless, spaceless, boundless, and measureless truly infinite. The improbability
MEASURELESSLY                        1169:       some inconceivable cosmos infinite may be measurelessly remote in the futurity of endless
MEAT-EATING                             744:         of origin in the once exclusively meat-eating evolutionary races.
MECCA                                           1051:       fetish in a certain temple at Mecca. This point of common contact and
MECHANIC                                    1421:       opinions. David respected him as a mechanic but took little stock in his
MECHANISTICALLY                   2079:       appear to be materially conditioned and mechanistically controlled. The partially evolved
MECHANIZE                                 53:           not so stupid as completely to mechanize the idea of the First Great
MECHANIZED                              1217:       extremes of cosmic intellectuality the wholly mechanized and the entirely spiritualized. Between
MECHANIZER                               14:           Absolute appears to be the all-efficient mechanizer of the supremely unified and ultimately
MEDDLED                                      1821:       not have interfered, for he never meddled with the temporal affairs of even
MEDDLER                                      1790:       others said he was a mischievous meddler, that he was leading the people
MEDEBA                                        1817:       Heshbon, Callirrhoe, Beth Peor, Shittim, Sibmah, Medeba, Beth Meon, Areopolis, and Aroer. Throughout
MEDIATED                                    1181:       there are no divergencies to be mediated. Since Adjusters can plan, work, and
MEDIATING                                  1181:       spirit differentiation there could be no mediating function of mind, for there are
MEDICAL                                       992:         Greeks and the Egyptians received their medical knowledge from the Euphrates valley. Oil
MEDICINAL                                   945:         because of their real or fancied medicinal powers. The savage believed that all
MEDIEVAL                                     2081:       of modern secularism was the totalitarian medieval Christian church. Secularism had its inception
MEDITATES                                  1093:       selfishness of personal interests unless he meditates in the presence of the sovereignty
MEDITATING                                1381:       the time alone in the garden meditating. Early next day Jesus was up
MEDIUMS                                      987:         such women became prophets and spirit mediums. Their cataleptic trances usually involved alleged
MEDIUMSHIP                               865:         "with the phenomena of so called ""mediumship""; and they do not, ordinarily, permit"
MEDLEY                                         56:           a variegated and apparently hopelessly confused medley of physical, mental, moral, and spiritual
MEEK-MANNERED                     1994:       could know, the intimation that this meek-mannered teacher of strange doctrines, now under
MEGANTA                                     1787:       his philosophy in the school of Meganta. He became a mighty man in
MELANCHOLIC                            1561:       the next. He was inclined toward melancholic brooding when he joined the apostles,
MELANCHOLY                             1664:       for his friends. Zophar reiterated his melancholy advice. Job by this time had
MELANESIANS                            994:         of the mana practices of the Melanesians, the oudah beliefs of the African
MELANIN                                       713:         a cross between yellow and red. Melanin is a coloring substance which is
MELCHIZEDEK-SOVEREIGN     632:         on Urantia in association with the Melchizedek-Sovereign since they were deprived of
MELKARTH                                   1737:       this occasion, the doors of the Melkarth temple were opened to him, and
MELODIOUS                                  500:         music of the seven levels of melodious association, is the one universal code
MEMORANDA                             1343:       the superplanetary sources of information. The memoranda which I have collected, and from
MEMORIALISTS                          859:         remnants of the nationalistic or racial memorialists journeyed northward, uniting with the
MEMORIZED                                 1389:       would invariably fall back upon their memorized prayer forms. It was in this
MENAGERIE                                  824:         additional defense against hostile attacks. This menagerie was organized in twelve grand divisions,
MENDICANTS                              1811:       at his usual place. Although these mendicants did not solicit or receive alms
MENSTRUAL                                936:         observed at the time of a menstrual period. To be thus detected was
MENSTRUATING                         936:         upon. Even the Greeks held the menstruating woman as one of the three
MENTIONS                                    960:         "the name or day one never mentions."" The ancients were so anxious to"
MENTORS                                      516:         Jerusem are the immediate sponsors and mentors of the mortal survivors from the
MEON                                              1817:       Beth Peor, Shittim, Sibmah, Medeba, Beth Meon, Areopolis, and Aroer. Throughout this tour
MERCENARY                                1077:       spread in Europe by the Jewish mercenary soldiers who fought in so many
MERCIFULNESS                           1378:       the love of God and the mercifulness of the Father in heaven.
MERCY-JUSTICE                          278:         he assumes a new role of mercy-justice interpreter, at the same time — being
MERCY-PROFFERING                  1910:       not have heard the first and mercy-proffering half of this farewell address. He
MERCY-TOLERANCE                  37:           the universe only because of transient mercy-tolerance pending the action of the
MERGE                                            974:         avoidance, exorcism, coercion, and propitiation all merge into one another.
MERGING                                       1030:       One. In the doctrine of the merging of the self soul with the
MERIDIAN                                     439:         are received at noon at the meridian of the designated spiritual headquarters, the
MERIT                                             1811:       "the passers by, ""O tenderhearted, gain merit by assisting the blind."" Jesus entered"
MERITORIOUS                              1811:       the Jews held that it was meritorious in a high degree to give
MERMAIDS                                   946:         half animal, such as centaurs and mermaids. The Hebrews worshiped serpents down to
MESHES                                          1475:       way; you became entangled in the meshes of crime. From talking to you,
MESOTRONIC                               479:         thereby becomes a mere electron. The mesotronic disintegration is also accompanied by the
MESOTRONS                                479:         as yet undiscovered on Urantia. These mesotrons are found abundantly in the space
MESSENGER-EXPLORERS          259:         adapted to life experiments. 260 These messenger-explorers of undirected assignment patrol
MESSENGER-RECORDERS         347:         time and space. Similar types of messenger-recorders attached to other finaliter corps are
METABOLISM                              563:         the heat regulating mechanism, and the metabolism of these specialized peoples are radically
METER                                            364:         space to the music of the meter of the infinite thought and the
METROPOLITAN                         809:         There are five different types of metropolitan government, depending on the size of
MICAIAH                                       1064:       invaluable assistance of the little known Micaiah, kept the light of truth alive
MICHAEL-BESTOWAL               227:         "manner of such visitations,"" for a Michael-bestowal world becomes the individual and personal"
MICHAEL-DERIVED                    236:         in every form and phase of Michael-derived living existence which may be
MICHAEL-MORTAL-BESTOWAL           230:         of Truth for service on the Michael-mortal-bestowal planet. Thereafter, each world
MICHAL                                         785:         David should pay for his daughter Michal. Early wars were fought between tribes
MICHIGAN                                     670:         ancient Adirondack Mountains on west through Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Other ridges run
MICROCOSMOS                           482:         the short range forces of the microcosmos. Physical materialized energy, organized as so
MICROSCOPE                                2095:       cannot put spiritual joy under a microscope; you cannot weigh love in a
MID-CHAMBER                            487:         recruited at the present time. The mid-chamber of legislators is composed of the
MID-REGION                                 487:         occupies an enormous area in the mid-region of the thirty-fourth triangle immediately adjoining
MIDSEASON                                 828:         848 years ago. It was in midseason when the Garden was in the
MIDSONITER                                401:         they seem to be mortal; no midsoniter has experienced death. All midsoniters ever
MID-SPIRIT                                    387:         spirit life. 5. The world of mid-spirit life. 6. The sphere of
MIDSUMMER                               1357:       baby's early activities. It was midsummer of this same year that Joseph
MID-TEMPERATURE                  562:         with Urantians, who function in the mid-temperature group. 5. The electric types.
MID-TYPE                                      745:         of 50,000 primary midwayers. These mid-type creatures were of great service
MID-WEEK                                    1542:       this time that Jesus established the mid-week holiday for rest and recreation.
MIDWESTERN                              686:         the old sea basin of the midwestern region. 140,000,000 years ago,
MIGHTIER                                      1444:       who rules his own spirit is mightier than he who takes a city.
MIGHTIEST                                    1880:       that he chose to perform the mightiest work of his earth bestowal, the
MIGHTY-TENSIONED                 470:         This is the powerful-directional, mass-movemented, mighty-tensioned, and forcible-reacting
MIGRATORY                                873:         the mainland of the Americas. The migratory conquests of the Andites continued on
MILCHA                                         1679:       daughter of Elman, the Syrian physician; Milcha, a cousin of the Apostle Thomas;
MILERS                                           2084:       there are so few genuine second milers so few professed followers of Jesus
MILESTONES                                435:         larger sense such goals are simply milestones on the long ascending path to
MILITATE                                      840:         ever to do anything which would militate against Adam's plans or jeopardize
MILLER                                           1474:       the instruction received from Jesus. The miller he taught about grinding up the
MILLIONTH                                   462:         that orbit for about one one millionth of a second; but before the
MIMIC                                             923:         type of wedding ceremony was the mimic flight, a sort of elopement rehearsal
MIMICRY                                       972:         the more holy and magical, and mimicry was believed to have strong magical
MIND-ADJUSTER                        1210:       represents the highest possible realization of mind-Adjuster relationship in the human
MIND-ADJUTANT                       1186:       is automatically indicated in the seventh mind-adjutant and registers instantly, by way of
MIND-ADJUTANT-ACTIVATED             946:         techniques of worship, but the earliest mind-adjutant-activated types of worship were
MINDAL-ENERGY                        334:         creatures are what might be termed mindal- and physical-energy personalities. This type
MIND-BODY                                  1235:       upon and in the awaiting morontia mind-body form while committing this evolutionary child
MIND-CAPACITY                        730:         evolution
MIND-CREATED                          1260:       thought within the frame of these mind-created  postulates. And while such universe frames
MIND-DOMINATED                    334:         associates are fairly good illustrations of mind-dominated beings, but there are better
MIND-ENDOWED                        195:         gift of personality upon such a mind-endowed mortal mechanism confers the dignity of
MIND-ENDOWING                       1148:       first triunity are personality-bequeathing, spirit-bestowing, and mind-endowing Gods. This is
MIND-ENDOWMENT                  1425:       material mind of man and the mind-endowment of the spirit — the phenomenon of the
MINDFULNESS                             1036:       views, aspirations, speech, conduct, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and contemplation. It was
MIND-MATERIAL                       104:         Father's circuit may embrace a mind-material being who is unresponsive to spirit
MIND-MATRIX                            533:         part of such Adjusters. The creature mind-matrix and the passive potentials of identity
MIND-PERCEIVED                        135:         different levels of time cognizance
MIND-REASON                             192:         the mathematical logic of the senses; mind-reason intuitively knows its moral duty; spirit-faith (
MIND-SOUL                                   1209:       the evolving consciousness of this God-seeking mind-soul. Every decision you make either
MIND-SPIRIT-PERSONAL          7:             freewill act which forever separated the mind-spirit-personal meanings and values of
MIND-UNDERSTANDING          1493:       task of achieving the circles of mind-understanding and personality-control. Throughout
MINER                                             1643:       never shared the life of the miner, he spent most of his time,
MINERALS                                     681:         heavily charged with lime and other minerals as greatly to interfere with the
MINERS                                          1644:       mines, continuing to instruct the believing miners further regarding the gospel of the
MINERVA                                       1455:       temple dedicated to Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva. He also spent much time on
MING                                               1488:       East since the establishment of the Ming and the 1489 Mogul dynasties. In
MINISTRATIVE                            1195:       endow this Mystery Monitor with experienced ministrative ability. Experience is inseparable from
MINISTRATORS                           295:         as the highest type of loving ministrators to the children of time and
MINISTRY-REVELATION           1112:       service-discovery of spiritual reality and the ministry-revelation of the goodness of
MINNESOTA                                670:         on west through Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Other ridges run from Newfoundland to
MINORS                                          1889:       by all except women, slaves, and minors, was one half shekel, a coin
MINT                                               1908:       who make sure that they tithe mint, anise, and cumin and at the
MIOCENE                                       698:         the horse is known as the Miocene.
MIRACULIZED                             1037:       doctrine of Gautama; it was the miraculized gospel which made him a god.
MIRY                                               1068:       civil rulers cast him into the miry pit of a dismal dungeon.
MISAPPLIED                                1348:       throughout the Hebrew scriptures were subsequently misapplied to the life mission of Jesus.
MISBEHAVING                             618:         the extension of mercy to this misbehaving child will work a temporary hardship
MISCHANCES                               1830:       accidents of nature, one of the mischances of men, knowing full well that
MISCHIEF-MAKER                      1992:       throughout all Judea. He is a mischief-maker and an evildoer. You will long
MISCHIEVOUSLY                         1980:       "she went over to him and mischievously said, ""Are you not also one"
MISCHOOSING                             1429:       intelligent creature wills their existence by mischoosing the way of life. And then
MISCONSTRUCTION                  1915:       gospel record ever suffered such confusing misconstruction as this evening's teaching. But
MISERABLY                                  2076:       patches of good which show up miserably against a black background of evil.
MISFITS                                          1072:       most part made up of social misfits and fugitives from justice. Saul's
MISINTERPRET                            1037:       wide open for his successors to misinterpret his teaching and to proclaim that
MISJUDGE                                      1650:       that many such men might thus misjudge your admonition, and I hoped you
MISJUDGED                                   1613:       senses. She saw that she had misjudged the Master's kindness; she perceived
MISLOCATION                             1298:       man are due to man's mislocation of Deity personality and consequent assignment
MISMANAGEMENT                    830:         story, this long recital of the mismanagement of world affairs. They learned all
MISNAMED                                   615:         beings in the enjoyment of this misnamed personal liberty. Although conscious and wholehearted
MISPEH                                           1817:       Macad, Arbela, Ramath, Edrei, Bosora, Caspin, Mispeh, Gerasa, Ragaba, Succoth, Amathus, Adam, Penuel,
MISREPRESENTED                      1582:       have been grossly perverted and much misrepresented all down through the centuries of
MISRULED                                     607:         "and forward looking intelligences of the misruled and maladministered worlds of Satania.""' This"
MISSHAPEN                                  1098:       of cave dwelling times a short, misshapen, filthy, snarling hulk of a man
MISSOURI                                      701:         the central coming down into Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois; the eastern sheet advancing
MISSPENT                                      1667:       brought upon him by his own misspent life, Jesus, seeing his faith, said
MISSTEPS                                      846:         it is not surprising that these missteps occur in the affairs of the
MIST                                                823:         "network of artificial irrigation channels, a ""mist would go up"" to refresh the"
MISTAKENLY                               1653:       recklessness. He cautioned his hearers not mistakenly to apply his illustrations of father
MISTHINKING                              57:           by the rebellion, the misconduct, the misthinking of the myriads of creatures who
MISTRUST                                     935:         with a strange mixture of ignorant mistrust and fearful fascination, if not with
MISTY                                             1079:       of God resolved itself into a misty vapor of pantheistic speculation not at
MISUSES                                        777:         not in justification of the many misuses of capital by thoughtless and selfish
MITES                                             1883:       they observed as she cast two mites (small coppers) into the trumpet. And
MITHRA                                         1050:       they resurrected the ancient worship of Mithra. And Mithraism spread throughout the Levant
MITIGATES                                   984:         disloyalty, but it in no wise mitigates the time space consequences of such
MIXER                                             1559:       good business man, a good social mixer, and was gifted with the ability
MOAB                                             1363:       beyond lay the rocky hills of Moab. Also to the south and the
MOABITES                                    1073:       on the neighboring tribes the Edomites, Moabites, Ammonites, and Syrians. David's corrupt
MOANED                                       1696:       fled to the tombs, where he moaned, cried out aloud, and so conducted
MOBILITY                                      892:         Andites the hitherto nonexistent advantage of mobility, enabling the last groups of Andite
MOBILIZATIONS                         351:         our physicists have detected definite energy mobilizations.
MOBILIZES                                    634:         and life. The Associate Inspector now mobilizes all Assigned Sentinels to constitute the
MOBS                                              792:         These orders awed and controlled the mobs; they also acted as vigilance societies,
MOCKINGLY                                1983:       Jesus' face, and many of them mockingly slapped him with the palms of
MODELED                                      1367:       so Jesus no more drew or modeled the likeness of anything from that
MODERATE-SIZED                      210:         The Perfections of Days have a moderate-sized corps of Divine Counselors, Perfectors of
MODERNIZED                               910:         by some technique of intelligent co-operation. Modernized co-ordination and fraternal regulation
MODIFIABLE                                469:         Father, notwithstanding that it is seemingly modifiable by the presence of the Primary
MODIFIERS                                    1146:       for the operation of differentials, variables, modifiers, attenuators, qualifiers, or diminishers.
MODULATED                               1961:       even a good thought must be modulated in accordance with the intellectual status
MOGUL                                           1488:       of the Ming and the 1489 Mogul dynasties. In the West it obtained
MOISTEN                                       2008:       to Jesus so that he could moisten his parched lips. Jesus had purposed
MOLDS                                           669:         organisms. Even today the transition slime molds persist, and they can hardly be
MOLESTATION                            1606:       in this private manner without further molestation. And thus affairs moved along quietly
MOLESTED                                    1742:       indicating that Jesus would not be molested if he remained outside of Galilee;
MOLTEN-SPLIT                            466:         small, by water and air. The molten-split and collisional worlds are sometimes without
MONARCHY                                  809:         of liberty. The subsequent transition from monarchy to a representative form of government
MONASTERY                                1342:       in the burning of a Syrian monastery in A.D. 416. Isador escaped
MONASTICIZED                          2074:       time, religion became more and more monasticized, asceticized, and legalized. In a spiritual
MONETARY                                  796:         a long time before actual fines, monetary compensation, were assessed as punishment for
MONEY-GETTER                          1559:       "commonly referred to him as the ""money-getter."" Levi's strong point was his"
MONEYLENDERS                         776:         rate of these ancient times. The moneylenders made themselves kings by creating a
MONEY-POWER                           1464:       be so selfish as to employ money-power to gain unfair advantage over your
MONGOLIAN                                879:         the blond Andite and the brunet Mongolian types in the Tarim basin of
MONGOLS                                      879:         in A.D. 1200, when the Mongols under Genghis Khan began the conquest
MONGRELS                                    920:         "prejudice against ""half castes,"" ""hybrids,"" and ""mongrels"" arises because modern racial crossbreeding"
MONIES                                          1712:       the children subsequently use all such monies for their own comfort. Why is
MONITOR-INDWELT                  1195:       Personalized Adjusters that every time a Monitor-indwelt mortal fails of survival, when the
MONK                                             1041:       rekindled in the hearts of the monk priests of the brotherhood, and the
MONKS                                           1038:       and special fasts. Their hierarchy embraces monks, nuns, abbots, and the Grand Lama.
MONOGAMIC                               927:         real pair marriage. While pursuing the monogamic goal of the ideal pair marriage,
MONOLITHIC                                526:         diameter. The Galantia headquarters is a monolithic cast crystal, wholly transparent. These
MONOLOGUES                             994:         At first, these luck petitions were monologues just a kind of thinking out
MONOLOGUOUS                          995:         and ethical mores. Prayer is only monologuous in the most primitive type of
MONOPOLISTIC                           927:         is, after all, something of a monopolistic sex association, society must not overlook
MONOPOLIZE                               2065:       No longer can man presume to monopolize the ministry of religious service. The
MONOPOLIZED                            1363:       snowy peak in majestic splendor and monopolized the skyline, almost 3,000 feet
MONOTHEISMS                           1051:       the fact that the great Levantine monotheisms failed to take root in Arabia,
MONOXIDE                                   659:         now containing some water vapor, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen chloride, but
MONSTERS                                    1031:       heroes, demons, ghosts, evil spirits, sprites, monsters, goblins, and saints of the later
MONSTROUS                                687:         originated in western North America. These monstrous reptiles are buried throughout the Rocky
MONTANA                                    687:         so called Morrison beds of Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming. The thickness of these
MONTREAL                                   680:         680 Lawrence region. Mount Royal, at Montreal, is the eroded neck of one
MOODY                                          1552:       Though James was in no sense moody, he could be quiet and taciturn
MOQUI                                            968:         to the snake dance of the Moqui tribe of red men the serpent
MORALIST                                    2080:       worth while unless it includes the moralist. No recognition of philosophy is edifying
MORALISTS                                  1582:       the Hebrew prophets or the Greek moralists. The Master recognized the many good
MORALIZER                                  917:         the stabilizer of marriage; religion, the moralizer. Primitive marriage was an investment, an
MORALIZING                                997:         Father, prayer is always a socializing, moralizing, and spiritualizing practice. The simple prayer
MORASS                                        2083:       pagan swamp and many a barbarian morass; many olden cultural watersheds drain into
MORE-THAN-FINITE                  242:         by the appearance of capacity for more-than-finite service. For in this connection we
MORNINGS                                    533:         your first witnessing of these resurrection mornings. From the resurrection halls you proceed
MORONTIA-FORM                      543:         the system co-ordinators.  These early morontia-form changes require about seven days of
MORONTIAIZE                             1210:       is attained, the Adjuster endeavors to morontiaize the mind of man during the
MORONTIALLY                            1229:       he has been pronounced spiritually insolvent, morontially bankrupt, in the conjoint opinion of
MORONTIA-SPIRITUAL            456:         are basic to all physical-material and morontia-spiritual phenomena. Ten Supreme Power
MORONTIA-TRANSITION        2040:       As participants in the Master's morontia-transition experience, there had come to Urantia
MOROSE                                         1455:       and Jesus appeared before him. The morose emperor was unusually cheerful on this
MORRISON                                    687:         water fossils of the so called Morrison beds of Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming.
MORTAL-FINALITER                 249:         essay to trinitize a creature being. Mortal-finaliter companies, when stationed on Paradise,
MORTAL-INTELLECT                 648:         absolute Deities. Truth meanings are the mortal-intellect repercussions of the eternal word of
MORTAL-MIND                           533:         the resurrection of the dead. The mortal-mind transcripts and the active creature-memory patterns
MORTAL-SURVIVAL                  558:         every step of the ascent. The mortal-survival plan has a practical and serviceable
MORTAL-TRAINING                   530:         by one cease to serve as mortal-training stations, they are taken over by
MORTAL-WISE                            411:         various universe assemblies, and these same mortal-wise commissioners are always attached to the
MORTGAGES                                782:         became truly negotiable, with sales, transfers, mortgages, and foreclosures. Private ownership
MOSS                                              713:         before the twins learned that dry moss and other materials would kindle fire
MOTH                                             1823:       thief can despoil, and where no moth can destroy. And as I told
MOTHERED                                   684:         the higher land animals, the sea mothered and nurtured the early life of
MOTHER-IN-LAW                       1631:       throughout the city. Amatha, Peter's mother-in-law, was suffering from malarial fever. She
MOTHER-MAKERS                     205:         The Reflective Spirits, collectively, are the mother-makers of a marvelous order of the
MOTHER-MARY                          1400:       to his anxious and grieving mother
MOTHERS-TO-BE                         1346:       Gabriel had informed each of these mothers-to-be of his appearance to the other.
MOTHER-SUN                               654:         in the regions near the central mother-sun wheel. The outer regions were becoming
MOTIONLESSNESS                      125:         surrounded on all sides by relative motionlessness.
MOTLEY                                         1633:       descended into the midst of this motley throng of afflicted mortals, and in
MOTTOES                                      1527:       of the Ten Commandments and other mottoes and sayings. But this proceeding, together
MOUNTAIN-BUILDING              689:         This period thus becomes the modern mountain-building stage of geologic history. Prior to
MOUNTAIN-FORMING              682:         Alaska and California and in the mountain-forming regions of Europe and Asia. Eastern
MOUNTAINTOP                           1778:       man's higher nature On every mountaintop of intellectual thought are to be
MOURNER                                     1575:       been afraid to mourn. Moses, the mourner, was a greater man than either
MOUTHPIECE                               968:         Jews, considered it to be the mouthpiece of evil spirits. Even many moderns
MOVEMENTED                             470:         This is the powerful directional, mass movemented, mighty tensioned, and forcible reacting energy
MUCH-CHERISHED                     1839:       either their written laws or their much-cherished divorce privileges. It was very difficult
MUCH-DISCUSSED                      842:         there consented to embark upon the much-discussed enterprise, to add her own little
MUCH-DREADED                        1374:       way of the Jordan valley. The much-dreaded Archelaus had been deposed, and they
MUCH-EDITED                             1342:       Luke also had a mutilated and much-edited copy of some notes purported to
MUCH-SOUGHT                           1359:       family made Joseph's home a much-sought place and enabled Jesus, as he
MUCH-TALKED-OF                     1881:       visitors flocked forth to greet this much-talked-of prophet and wonder-worker, whom some
MUCK                                             1737:       "are grounded in the slime and muck of the darkened soil beneath. ""Likewise,"""
MUDDLE                                        1136:       material world. Revelation authoritatively clarifies the muddle of reason developed metaphysics on an
MULATTO                                     920:         their immediate results, neither are such mulatto offspring so objectionable as social and
MULTICELLED                              674:         on inorganic matter being the last multicelled animal that could explains their great
MULTICELLULAR                        673:         and without gradation ancestry the first multicellular animals make their appearance. The
MULTICIRCUITED                       431:         of a high order, being so multicircuited that 144,000 messages can simultaneously
MULTICOLORED                          626:         the problems of disease, degeneracy, war, multicolored races, and multilingualism. No evolutionary
MULTILINGUALISM                   626:         disease, degeneracy, war, multicolored races, and multilingualism. No evolutionary world can
MULTILINGUISTS                        597:         common language and the multiplication of multilinguists. The racial and national interchange of
MULTIPLE-RING                           170:         as a spiral, undergoes condensation by multiple-ring formation. For long periods such a
MULTIPLIES                                  1089:       religion, but such a handicap enormously multiplies the difficulties of this intimate human
MULTISOCIALIZATION            494:         climax all of these procedures of multisocialization with the concurrent enhancement of
MUNICIPALLY                              815:         seventy five years. There are no municipally appointed peace officers; the police forces
MUNIFICENT                                1675:       responsive recognition and appreciation of such munificent beneficence. The goodness of God leads
MURDERING                                1909:       themselves in persecuting, harassing, and even murdering the later day descendants of Peter,
MURDEROUSLY                           1843:       by some of these unbelieving and murderously intentioned Jews. Jesus indignantly resented the
MURDERS                                      795:         was not altogether unlike present day murders under the pretense of the unwritten
MURMUR                                       1879:       To you who murmur and say that this ointment should
MURMURS                                    1453:       has its recompense. The superior man murmurs not against Heaven nor holds a
MUSEUMS                                     860:         on the dusty shelves of many museums. The Sumerians well knew of the
MUSICALLY                                  500:         on Urantia, you have not progressed musically nearly so far as many of
MUSICIAN                                     500:         not discouraged; some day a real musician may appear on Urantia, and
MUSIC-LOVING                            500:         rhythm stimulate the reaction of the music-loving sense without entailing the exertion of
MUSTER                                         1608:       that you and your coworkers can muster. Many of you will be put
MUSTERING                                  353:         of the Ultimate Trinity engaged in mustering the forces of the finite and
MUSTERS                                       348:         existence upon taking the oath that musters them forever into the eternity assignment
MUSTY                                           1383:       bondage to law, ritual, ceremonial, and musty tradition. But the clear light did
MUTANTS                                     735:         later simultaneous appearance of the Sangik mutants in a single family.
MUTTON                                        1498:       lad lived very simply, subsisting on mutton, goat's milk, wild honey, and
MYRRH                                           2013:       brought with them large quantities of myrrh and aloes, and they now wrapped
MYRTLE                                         1794:       the right hand a sheaf of myrtle, willow, and palm branches, while in
MYSTERY-CULT                           1455:       the Cynics, and sixteen of the mystery-cult leaders and spent much of
MYSTIFIED                                    1810:       meeting broke up, all went away mystified by the Master's personality, charmed
MYTHMAKER                              60:           fact that primitive man was a mythmaker. One of the greatest sources of
MYTHOLOGIC                               1140:       spiritual content of religion. Notwithstanding the mythologic vagaries and the psychologic