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Urantia Book Oncewords
Numbers in second column refer to page numbers in
the original 1955 edition of The Urantia Book
NABAL 1072: daughter, then the widow of Nabal the rich Edomite, and then theNABODAD 1043: Melchizedek teaching was highly gratifying until Nabodad, the leader of the school atNABU 1042: deities down to sevenNAMBIA 396: of Gabriel, the Father Melchizedek, and Nambia, the original and first born LifeNAMESAKE 1879: Simon about Joshua of old, whose namesake he was, and recited how JoshuaNAPS 1971: had been refreshed by their short naps, and besides, they were stimulated andNARCOTIZED 2007: But when Jesus tasted this narcotized wine, as thirsty as he was,NARROWED 1726: s service. They have become so narrowed by tradition that they are blindedNARROWER 879: of the peninsula was formerly somewhat narrower than now, much of the deltasNARROWEST 823: twenty seven miles wide at the narrowest point. The great river that wateredNARROW-HEADED 895: neighboring isles. This group were the narrow-headed, smaller-statured Andites who hadNARROWING 1301: Therefore is there increased safety in narrowing the limits of personality choice throughoutNARROWLY 733: potential in a single 734 frog, narrowly escaped extinction on a certain occasion.NARROW-MINDEDNESS 1102: peoples. He was free from all narrow-mindedness. His sympathetic heart embraced all mankind,NASANTA 1679: Master's brother in the flesh; Nasanta, the daughter of Elman, the SyrianNASCENT 136: being. All phases of primordial force, nascent spirit, and other nonpersonal ultimates appearNASTY 795: "wife was made to drink the nasty potion. If she was guilty, ""the"NATAL 190: will forever bear this badge of natal identification. 191 The Seven Master SpiritsNATIONALISMS 2082: divergent and rivalrous interests, races, and nationalisms. This secularistic human society,NATIONALIZED 1057: a new nation, and he wisely nationalized his religious teachings, telling his followersNATION-STATES 1490: unjustly held by a group of nation-states. England, Scotland, and Wales were alwaysNATION-WIDE 818: executive every six years is by nation-wide ballot, and no citizen castsNATURELIKE 1840: when it is most simple and naturelike. How unfortunate that little children shouldNATURE-LOVING 1378: dying animals were more than this nature-loving lad could stand. The terrible sightNATURE-SPIRIT 954: concept tended long to perpetuate the nature-spirit beliefs; the Eskimos still conceive thatNAUTILUS 676: have survived as the modern pearly nautilus, octopus, cuttlefish, and squid. There wereNAVELS 987: autohypnosis by prolonged staring at their navels. While many resorted to these tricksNAVIGATE 691: attempt to produce animals that could navigate the atmosphere failed, as did theNAVIGATED 873: groups. But of the Andites who navigated the Pacific of long ago noneNAVIGATION 1466: there, because of faulty charts of navigation, the good ship ran aground. ThereNAVIGATOR 118: Urantia. If you were an intelligent navigator, equipped with ship, maps, andNAVY 1073: cities. Solomon created a vast Hebrew navy, operated by Syrian sailors and tradingNAY 1630: neighbor, do you know the Lord? Nay! For they shall all know meNAZARETH-MOUNT 1741: left Jotapata, going north on the Nazareth-Mount Lebanon trail to the villageNEAR-ABSOLUTE 88: which unites them in bonds of near-absolute spiritual association. This intersonship circuit isNEAR-ANIMAL 495: worlds you were evolving from a near-animal to a morontia creature; you wereNEARBY 1368: father on pleasure or business to nearby Cana, Endor, and Nain. Even asNEAR-COORDINATE 510: a vast concourse of co-ordinate and near-co-ordinate beings. The seven satellites of thisNEAR-DIVINE 250: this amazing phenomenon; it is a near-divine experience. When the Father and theNEAR-DOUBTING 1520: the human element of questioning and near-doubting, for Jesus was man as wellNEAR-EQUALITY 160: the experience of love satiety on near-equality levels. The perfect Creator is divinelyNEAR-EQUIVALATE 205: SevenfoldNEAR-FAMOUS 1528: wedding. Everybody wanted to greet this near-famous Galilean, and he was most cordialNEAR-HUMAN 572: entails the increased liability that these near-human personalities may be led astray byNEAR-INSTANTANEOUS 2023: the dignified and reverent disposal of near-instantaneous dissolution, it was assigned theNEAR-ORIENTAL 1352: worshiped the newborn babe. Oriental and near-Oriental minds delight in fairy stories, andNEAR-PARADISIACAL 217: viewpoint and the divine attitude on near-paradisiacal levels of spiritual meanings andNEAR-PERFECT 155: of government among such perfect and near-perfect intelligences. They stand in no needNEAR-SHORE 672: continental shelves, and the numerous shallow near-shore basins are covered with prolificNEARSIGHTED 1999: of the machinations of his socially nearsighted and spiritually blinded fellow mortals. AlthoughNEARSIGHTEDNESS 1224: far seeing Monitor counteracted by the nearsightedness of a creature of time; theNEAR-SUPREMACY 324: situation the centers and controllers exert near-supremacy, but they are always conscious ofNEAR-TRANSCENDENT 258: beings with the spirits of such near-transcendent personalities.NEAR-TROPIC 583: a secluded section and in a near-tropic zone. They are wonderful creations onNEAR-ULTIMATE 1167: absolute, though it may well be near-ultimate, and we deem it impossible toNEATNESS 750: the residential buildings were models of neatness and cleanliness, everything was very simpleNECESSARIES 1814: except the right to buy the necessaries of life. When, therefore, Josiah'sNECESSITATING 990: would be laid to witchcraft, thus necessitating the execution of the witch responsibleNECROMANCERS 987: called sorcerers, magicians, wizards, witches, enchanters, necromancers, conjurers, andNECROMANCY 970: The object of magic, sorcery, and necromancy was twofoldNEEDLESSLY 1934: you to take heed lest you needlessly expose yourselves to peril when theyNEGOTIABLE 782: income capital. Finally land became truly negotiable, with sales, transfers, mortgages, andNEGRO 905: the type best illustrated by the Negro, and it will be found throughNEIGHBORLINESS 1853: love of the Father and the neighborliness of man.NEIGHBORLY 1133: to him, those who treat him neighborly; as religious civilization advances, one'sNEPAL 1035: in the north Indian province of Nepal. His followers later made it appearNEPHILIM 856: "Dalamatia was going to pieces. ""The Nephilim (Nodites) were on earth in those"NEPTUNE 1432: of Alexander, the palace, temple of Neptune, theater, and gymnasium Gonod addressed himselfNEREIDS 1054: subordinate gods as spirits, demons, fates, Nereids, fairies, brownies, dwarfs, banshees, and theNERITES 877: the Atlantic to the Pacific. The Nerites constituted the final eruption of theNERVED 1872: was the resurrection of Lazarus that nerved the apostles to enter Jerusalem, itNERVE-ENERGY 1193: which reaches the mind over the nerve-energy mechanism of the material body.NERVOUSLY 1379: strange and determined attitude. Mary became nervously agitated during the fore part ofNERVOUSNESS 1743: Mary, and noting the tension and nervousness of the entire family, they concludedNESTLE 1358: very comfortable crib in which to nestle while the family admired her. AndNESTLED 1745: a region of wondrous beauty. It nestled in a charming valley between scenicNEUTRALITY 978: the sacrifice was that of a neutrality assessment levied by ancestral spirits; onlyNEUTRALS 774: special privileges. They were regarded as neutrals during war, and this extra leisureNEVER-BEFORE-HEARD-OF 1310: recorded this extraordinary and never-before-heard-of transactionNEVER-CHANGING 469: eternitywise from the never-beginning, never-ending, never-moving, never-changing Isle ofNEVER-CONQUERED 1448: We praise the name of the never-conquered Conqueror. We worship him because heNEVER-MOVING 469: emanated eternitywise from the never-beginning, never-ending, never-moving, never-changing Isle ofNEWFOUNDLAND 670: and Minnesota. Other ridges run from Newfoundland to Alabama and from Alaska toNEW-MADE 1005: customs. And immediately all of the new-made Christians went over to this newNEW-NAME 2062: of the Father, Sons, and Spirits — the new-name spirit of the ascending mortals ofNEWS-GATHERING 201: The reflectivity organization is also the news-gathering and the decree-disseminating mechanismNEW-STYLE 1420: had more work, turning out these new-style boats, than his small establishment couldNEXT-ENCOMPASSING 1302: results of premature escape from the next-encompassing barriers to human action. For whenNICAEA 2070: who so bravely stood up at Nicaea and so fearlessly challenged this assemblyNICHES 1695: of the rock. Many of these niches were ancient sepulchres. About halfway upNICKNAMED 1552: "apostle sons of Zebedee, whom Jesus nicknamed ""sons of thunder,"" was thirty years"NICKNAMES 1563: strong points nor weak points. The nicknames given them by the disciples wereNIGGARDLY 1556: anything in Jesus which was small, niggardly, or stingy, and he worshiped thisNIMRAH 1817: Hatita, Gadda, Philadelphia, Jogbehah, Gilead, Beth Nimrah, Tyrus, Elealah, Livias, Heshbon,NINETY-EIGHT 561: cent are mid-breathers, altogether accounting for ninety-eight and one-half per cent of theNINETY-NINE 1556: "John,"" at Ephesus, when he was ninety-nine years old. Of all the twelve"NINETY-ONE 561: five per cent superbreathers, and over ninety-one per cent are mid-breathers, altogether accountingNINETY-SIX 723: "Great Spirit."" Onamonalonton lived to be ninety-six years of age and maintained his"NINEVEH 1767: narrative, the love of God for Nineveh and the so called heathen, beNINE-YEAR-OLD 1367: was superb. It seemed to this nine-year-old lad that he had really gazedNITROGEN 659: there is little or no free nitrogen or free oxygen. The atmosphere ofNOBLER 1335: present in the hearts of the nobler gentiles abundant soil of natural goodnessNOBODY 1804: day?' And the men answered, 'Because nobody has hired us.' Then said theNOCTURNAL 954: other animal to prowl about on nocturnal depredations. Primitive men thought thatNODITE-ANDONITE 889: especially into northern Africa. The broad-headed Nodite-Andonite Syrians very early introducedNOG 759: temple into a shrine dedicated to Nog, the false god of light andNOISES 1378: of sheep and the babble of noises which betrayed the presence of theNOISIEST 1886: going to happen. He was the noisiest man in the whole multitude. ByNOMADISM 769: accompanied by less and less of nomadism; more and more man began toNOMENCLATURE 1040: with the sentimental retention of olden nomenclature, is often provocative of the failureNOMINATES 487: one thousand representative mortals. Each system nominates ten members to sit in thisNOMINATING 1344: on Urantia and received the report nominating three prospective unions as being, inNOMINATIONS 1539: to the Master and presented their nominations for the six new apostles. Jesus,NOMINATORS 1542: in the hands of their respective nominators for a thoroughgoing review of allNOMINEE 1542: Philip now presented Thomas as his nominee for apostleship and Nathaniel presented JudasNONABSOLUTENESS 1266: of existence and incompleteness of nature, nonabsoluteness of being. All this must beNONACCIDENTAL 560: understandable (predictable), but it is strictly nonaccidental. The biologic unit of materialNONACTIVE 454: creatures sixth stage spirits and hence nonactive in the evolutionary domains of prelightNONADDABLE 1226: add them together, for they are nonaddable they are associable but nontotalable.NONAGRICULTURAL 769: consequently increased urbanization and multiplication of nonagricultural groups of citizenshipNONASCENDER 1284: person; the unique personality of a nonascender returns to the Supreme as aNONBREATHER 563: are so very few of the nonbreather type of inhabited worlds in SataniaNONCHALANTLY 947: of his magic formulas, while he nonchalantly forgets a score of negative results,NON-CHRISTIAN 2085: "divided against itself cannot stand."" The non-Christian world will hardly capitulate to a"NONCOMMISSIONED 420: Seraphim spend their first millennium as noncommissioned observers on Salvington and itsNONCOMPUTABLE 133: such enormous measurements. Personality Gravity is noncomputable. We recognize the circuit, butNONCONFORMIST 1373: notwithstanding all their trouble with Jesus' nonconformist tendencies, were very proud of theNONCONFORMISTS 906: heavy penalties on all dissenters and nonconformists, while it confers few personal licensesNON-CREATOR 480: reassociated in the living systems of non-Creator minds on various levels, certain ofNONCREATORS 332: infinity nor absoluteness. These uncreated noncreators are ever loyal to the ParadiseNONCRYSTALLIZED 668: continents continue to float upon this noncrystallized cushiony sea of molten basalt. WereNONDEIFIED 1156: of the I AM; totality of nondeified reality and finality of all nonpersonalNONDEVELOPMENTAL 1159: which is transcendental is not necessarily nondevelopmental, but it is superevolutional inNONECONOMIC 817: group, and these guilds, like the noneconomic associations, are regulated much as isNONENSERAPHIMED 260: The limit of velocity for most nonenseraphimed beings is 186,280 miles ofNONENTITY 1299: philosophic terms is the equivalent of nonentity and implies that nothing is thusNON-EUROPEAN 1011: become so thoroughly Occidentalized that many non-European peoples very naturally look uponNONEXISTENCE 615: evil (sin) is the equivalent of nonexistence (annihilation), there must always intervene betweenNONEXISTENTIAL 1185: for the fact of experience on nonexistential levels. The infinite God is, asNONFACTUAL 192: differentiation of the factual and the nonfactual, reflective conclusions based on cosmic response.NONFLESH-EATING 593: of the marks 594 of the nonflesh-eating ancestry, others exhibiting more of theNONFUSED 252: Trinity does, however, compensate for the nonfused status of the Trinitized Sons ofNONFUSIBLE 447: in the fact that they are nonfusible with Thought Adjusters. As to justNONFUSION 446: Seraphic co-operation with Adjusters on the nonfusion planets is just as fully providedNONGROWTH 1160: sense of being a universe of nongrowth. It is inhabited by creatures (HavonaNONINFRINGEMENT 432: consistent with the fixed policy of noninfringement of the moral free will ofNONINITIATES 791: children, to be considered effeminate. Besides, noninitiates were not allowed to marry. PrimitiveNONINTELLIGENT 825: life on Urantia. This form of nonintelligent life is native to the constellationNON-JEWISH 1344: the Hebrews, albeit he carried many non-Jewish racial strains which had been addedNONMARINE 673: considerable progress in adaptation to a nonmarine habitat. Suddenly and without gradation ancestryNONMIRACULOUS 1818: point attained under this second or nonmiraculous phase of the progress of theNONNATIONAL 1337: of Christianity. 2. The mysteries were nonnational and interracial. They were personal andNONNATIVE 522: as followsNONPERFECT 517: divine ideal of self government among nonperfect beings. Every one hundred years ofNONPERVADABLE 123: changes are wrought making pervadable space nonpervadable and vice versa in the contractionNONPHYSICAL 1591: physical sickness. 2. Troubled minds those nonphysical afflictions which were subsequently lookedNONPRODUCERS 988: population belongs to this class of nonproducers. The shamans dressed well andNONPRODUCTIVE 959: year were literally wasted in this nonproductive and useless mourning. The fact thatNONPROFIT 805: possessed themselves of superior types of nonprofit motives for economic striving and socialNONPROGRESSION 2095: revelation. But such attitudes of spiritual nonprogression cannot long persist because of theNONREACTIVE 153: reflect nor absorb light; they are nonreactive to physical energy light, and theyNONREALITY 1285: God, the more nearly he approaches nonreality cessation of existence. When man consecratesNONREALIZABLE 1169: unqualified eternity and is, therefore, practically nonrealizable at any conceivable futureNONREFLECTIVE 200: personal capacity with relation to other (nonreflective) orders of universe personalities. TheNONRESISTERS 1607: men into enfeebled specimens of passive nonresisters who would soon perish from theNONRITUALISTIC 1028: gods, but the Salem doctrine was nonritualistic and hence ran directly counter toNONSACRED 1727: of sacredness to become attached to nonsacred things, common ideas, or everyday events.NONSALVABLE 569: calls. But with regard to the nonsalvable personalities of a realm, no immortalNONSCIENTIFIC 991: day successors who engage in the nonscientific treatment of disease. The more primitiveNONSECRET 791: marriage early came into existence. Presently nonsecret clubs made their appearance when groupsNONSELF 1132: a judgment right, for all such nonself desires do actually have their originNONSELFISH 998: for enhanced self control. While the nonselfish type of prayer is strengthening andNONSENSUOUS 419: they share all of man's nonsensuous emotions and sentiments. They appreciate andNONSERAPHIC 347: just ten of these nonmortal and nonseraphic personalities. We of Uversa do notNONSEX 862: a combined technique of sex and nonsex liaison. And such a phenomenon wasNONSOCIAL 764: races. These miserable remnants of the nonsocial peoples of ancient times bear eloquentNONSOLID 460: forms of matter explain how even nonsolid suns can attain a density equalNONSPEAKING 492: character and affectionate nature of these nonspeaking creatures. There are thousands uponNONSPECTACULAR 674: these times were all gradual and nonspectacular, being accompanied by little 675 orNONSTOP 590: two average sized men for a nonstop flight of over five hundred miles.NONSURVIVORS 1247: nonsurviving personalities. The Adjusters of such nonsurvivors do not return, and when theNONTHEOLOGIC 1070: Jews failed to evolve an adequate nontheologic philosophy of life. They struggled withNONTOTALABLE 1226: are nonaddable they are associable but nontotalable. 11. Personality responds directly to otherNONTRINITIZED 146: open to all of their kind. Nontrinitized beings do not fully understand theNON-TRINITY 112: and Spirit can collaborate in a non-Trinity manner, but not as three Deities.NONUNDERSTANDABLE 1331: only progressive factor in such a nonunderstandable relationship was the progressive selfNONUTOPIAN 838: or superman which accounted for the nonutopian condition of society. These outlooks onNOONDAY 1656: your darkness shall be as the noonday. Then shall the Lord guide youNORDAN 1016: universe, while to his brilliant disciple Nordan the Kenite and his band ofNORDIC-DANISH 897: blended with the blue man. The Nordic-Danish and the Danubian-Andonite cultures met andNORM 851: albeit longevity gravitated toward the human norm with each succeeding generation. Adam andNORTH-AND-SOUTH 663: land mass began as the great north-and-south cracking, which later admitted the oceanNORTHEASTERLY 1350: base of the hill in a northeasterly direction to a point where itNORTHERNERS 897: contact with the Danubians led these northerners into mother worship, and for severalNORTHLANDS 869: regions. These aborigines still held the northlands of the Eurasian continent, together withNORWEGIAN 700: into the Pacific, and thundering down Norwegian fiords into the North Sea.NOSE 983: of the idea of human sacrifice. Nose and lip piercing is still practicedNOSED 721: land bridge, straight tusked elephants, broad nosed rhinoceroses, hyenas, and African lions, andNOSTALGIA 428: comparison with the human emotion of nostalgia. Behind lie the realms of achievement,NOSTRILS 977: as a sweet savor in the nostrils of 978 deity. This brought incenseNOTCHED 676: exist today; they even had hinged, notched, and other sorts of protective arrangementsNOT-DISTANT 130: of your present instruments. In the not-distant future, new telescopes will reveal toNOT-FULLY-REVEALED 56:1 1 These Absolutes must be the not-fully-revealed presences abroad in the universeNOT-FULLY-UNDERSTOOD 267: intelligent will. These directors, by a not-fully-understood technique, are madeNOTICEABLY 1904: before him, and as he paused noticeably, this now mighty spirit of theNOTICES 2005: the two thieves the centurion had notices which gave their names, underneath whichNOTIFIED 661: planet, and the Life Carriers were notified that they would be granted permissionNOTORIETY 1634: raising publicity and afforded much unsought notoriety.NOT-PRESENT 1296:1 1 of its true relationship to the not-present — the past-future. The timeNOURISHING 1452: Supreme creates all things, in nature nourishing them and in spirit perfecting them.NOVA 464: occasioned the collapse of the giant nova of the Andromeda nebula about fiftyNOVEL 911: unconditionally embraced just because it is novel and new. Man should be unafraidNOVELTY 1004: In the course of evolutionary religion, novelty has always been regarded as sacrilege.NOVICE 987: tricksters. As the profession developed, a novice was required to serve an apprenticeshipNOW-APPEARING 470: secondary associates. b. Gravity energy. The now-appearing gravity-responding energy carries theNOWISE 1711: "who comes to me shall in nowise be cast out. ""And now let"NOW-ORGANIZING 345: their future destination must be the now-organizing universes of outer space. At leastNUCLEAR-MASS 655: of Andronover began. The maximum of nuclear-mass temperature had been attained; the criticalNUCLEAR-REACTION 464: energy is liberated by various complex nuclear-reaction chains, the most common of whichNUCLEI 464: temperature the hydrogen penetrates the carbon nuclei. Since the carbon cannot hold moreNULLIFY 1929: of secular government and does not nullify the right of social groups ofNUMERAL 968: the number thirteen as an evil numeral. The lucky numbers three and sevenNUMERALS 864: primary order are generally known by numerals; they are often given names suchNUMERATOR 976: of always attempting to increase the numerator of selfish gratification. These olden ideasNURSES 1576: in danger of condemnation. He who nurses hatred in his heart and plansNURTURING 836: as being merely a provision for nurturing the unborn and nursing the newborn.